Coronavirus cases double in New York | WNT

Coronavirus cases double in New York | WNT

The number of cases jumps to at least 22, most likely linked to a lawyer who frequently commuted out of Grand Central Terminal, one of the busiest train stations in the country.




#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #Coronavirus


28 thoughts on “Coronavirus cases double in New York | WNT

  1. Can’t believe how bad it was back then… it’s been better since but still wary of the virus…

  2. It's the signs of the times people! Wake up!! New York is the most wicked place to live in and the wrong place to live! I feel sorry for the kids!! New York is not a good place to live or to raise a family either!- I know I used to live there! But not anymore!! And I see what has become of it since I left! It's only getting worse!! It's not getting better there! And it never will! It's too dirty! Too Nasty!! Too corrupt!! Too evil!! God will repay the wicked!! And that New York! So glad I'm not there!! And I always will be!! Now I'm doing great!! Living in a much better place!!- in the Country! And there is no virus wiping out thousands of people where I am!! And I thank God for it! New Yorkers u are all doomed!! As long as u stay there!!- peace!

  3. FAKE NEWS at it again..  All these headlines based on FAKE Data.

  4. Amazing what difference a month makes. I'm from California and I didn't expect New York to get hit so hard. The worst is coming this month but looks like things will slowly get better in May. I'm staying tuned

  5. Just so that everyone in the Bronx that sees this post will know. There were jets over 149th Street and The Hub area yesterday (March 14th) spraying some kind of chemical trails in the air over our heads. So if any random cases of this Corona Virus hits this week in the Bronx you will all know why. There should not be any chemical trails over our heads at a time like this at all! Just for your awareness. Peace (Be careful and watch for chemical trails everyone?) Peace

  6. The top offenders guilty of not covering their nose or mouth when sneezing/coughing are: 1. Chinese people 2. Spanish people 3. White people. 4. Black people. Whether on the streets, bus, & train.😷

  7. Prepare for lock down… soon we’ll be looking out the window and seeing military on main roads.

  8. করনো ভাইরাসে মানুষ আক্রান্ত হচ্ছে এর কনো প্রমান নাই তাই এই ধরনের সংবাদ প্রচার করে মানুষের মধ্যে আতংকো সৃষ্টি না করে।এই পৃথিবীর বড় চোর ও ধোকা বাজদের সংবাদ প্রচার করুন.দেখবেন করনো ভাইরাস দৌড় দিবে

  9. It too late now dumbasses. I've been saying for a month and a half. Stop people travelling from hot zones. People are stupid in the US. I'll promise you. Unless the US learns to lock down like China. It will infect millions.

  10. Not to over react???
    Have you see the coronavirus map? Japan was first and second Italy… but Japanese took seriously the matter … now italy its worse than japan… so please take seriously or pay consequences

  11. Take chelated copper
    one pill per day and this is very important

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