Coronavirus and kids

Coronavirus and kids

Dr. John Brownstein explains the rare inflammatory syndrome affecting kids and when we can expect vaccine approval for children.


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20 thoughts on “Coronavirus and kids

  1. CORONA=66 6 letters in CORONA. The jab= the MaRk. Count the # of a man like the Bible tells us in Revelations.
    FEAR GOD!!!!!!
    3rd strand DNA is unrecognizable to God.
    FEAR GOD!!!!!!!

  2. To understand the Truth about Vaccination Programs, Dr. Fauci & the NIH read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr. Robert B Strecker a Medical Doctor with a PhD In Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”.

  3. 2 kids at my sons school came up positive. You think that would stop the school nope they still want to continue what a joke! I'm glad my kids are still doing online schooling.

  4. She thinks it’s ok to lie it’s all they do

  5. Bull crap the news are fear mongers don’t buy it call your pediatrician ask questions they find these freaks to come on the news

  6. 🚫💉💦Fake Pandemic🍑💨😷
    Creepy 😱

  7. Covid information is too all over the place 😩 I thought kids were fine??

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