Cornell University provost on campus shutdown following COVID outbreak

Cornell University provost on campus shutdown following COVID outbreak

Cornell University provost Michael Kotlikoff talks campus shutdown following COVID outbreak and gives update on how students are reacting to the alert level red.

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36 thoughts on “Cornell University provost on campus shutdown following COVID outbreak

  1. So… Let’s give them more of the same vaccine that’s been failing. The lack of critical thinking… this ISNT about health.

  2. 97% of the campus is vaccinated so why are we discussing this? Cornell is supposed to be an ivy league school so what can´t you figure out??? The vaccine does NOT work!!!!!!

  3. CNN, MSNBC, ABC NEWS and others Mob channels always hide the true information like Hurt Biden's illegal deals, Don Lemon and Chris cuomo involved in criminal cases and BLM and ANTIFA attacks against business stores and shoppings destroying and stealing and hurt people. Open your eyes Americans, your country will can became one socialist or maybe communist country!

  4. I love it when God heals me every time I get sick, just wrap myself up in a cacoon of his love and bask in his glory radiation and wella, an hour later I get up perfectly healthy.

  5. Covid deaths US 824,520 India 476,869 UK 146,937 Germany 108,154 China 4,636 Australia 2,134 New Zealand 49.

    US Fox TV and Australian Sky TV viewers know that Rupert Murdoch and Trump were both vaccinated at the start of 2021.

    I despise vaccinated people who are smug in their protection, who urge unvaccinated people to exercise their freedoms.

    It's like the guy in the street telling the guy on the ledge to jump. G.Rivera

  6. Europe admits Omicron was found IN EUROPE BEFORE AFRICA. So why was South Africa blamed for sounding the alarm?

    Europe admits Covid19 was found IN EUROPE BEFORE CHINA. So why was China blamed for sounding the alarm?

    Covid deaths = Managed pandemic China 4,636 & New Zealand 49 Mismanaged pandemic US 824,520.

    Covid originated at Fort Detrick, Maryland and Spanish flu in Haskell County, Kansas. SO WHY DID AMERICA NOT SOUND THE ALARM ?

  7. Cornell University Professor tells us how New York is the Location with the Highest Rate of Transmission… with the STRICTEST Rules/Mandates… I'm guessing they didn't work, and are going to CHANGE their Policy… WRONG!

  8. 🤦🏽‍♀️

  9. A university that’s requires vaccination has 900 positive tests? Also, as of today per the CDC under 4,800 people 29 and younger have died in the ENTIRE pandemic. Lol oh geez, tell me again why I should get vaccinated especially after having had Covid and recovered just fine?

  10. The question is how many of the students are hospitalized. Other wise get the vaccine and continue. The Governor of my state stated the vaccinated shouldn't be punished for the non vaccinated.
    The vaccine have saved millions from being hospitalized and millions from dieing.

  11. Why don’t you all just be honest and admit that no one wants to go back to class. Therefore, the fancy campuses and ridiculous tuition are no longer needed

  12. But aren’t student fully vaccinated and wearing masks? They shouldn’t have COVID. You mean the vaccine doesn’t work? Imagine that!

  13. I think the school was paid by government to spread panic that’s why they shut down all students even if they test positive they have mild symptoms as he mention no one was hospitalized not even one but yeah let’s shut down the whole school

  14. How can they tell covid from Delta, Omicron ? What i am saying is that they used Covid, Delta, Omicron. The later two caused LESS FEAR so they went back to covid ! Fkn with your minds "Einsteins"!! Don't be stupid !!!$

  15. Really shows us how “powerful” these vaccines are, doesn’t it? 🤡

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