NBC News’ Maura Barrett speaks to contract tracers about how their job has evolved amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
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#ContactTracers #Covid #NBCNews

Contact Tracers Feel Emotional Impact As Covid Cases Spread | NBC News NOW


By carmodpros


20 thoughts on “Contact Tracers Feel Emotional Impact As Covid Cases Spread | NBC News NOW”
  1. \ BEST GLOBAL NEWS TODAY /// ISRAEL'S NEW VACCINES CURE, NOT PREVENT COVID: #1 Recovered 29 of 30 ['in'] \ #2passed Phase 3 recovery \ Global UPDATE /// 56 nations report to WHO, JHU -62% US DEATHS AS % of COVID-diagnosed: FROM OCT 22 (2.75%) TO (1.67%) on Jan 6 // attributed to Trump REGIME v. BIDEN REGIME has REVERSED that TREND by +8% up to 1.76%. "Bad" news at MX/GRM/UK/PRTG/HUNG/ "Good News" by "Abrahamic" simple diet * Deaths/1M/LAST-2-WKS: * BLG 1,822-1,894* UK 1570-1,762* ITL 1,421-1,548* US 1,439-1,517* HUNG 1,231-1,403* SP 1,280-1,386* FR 1,097-1,219* SWS 1,097-1,145* PRTG 1,043-1,477 \ % Fatalities of diagnosed* GROUP B* Feb 13*FIN 1.41**NL 1.44**U.S. 1.76**SWS 1.80**SWD 2.04**SP 2.12**FR 2.37**BRZ 2.43**CND 2.58**GRM 2.80**UK 2.90**AU 3.15**ITL 3.44**GRC 3.56**MX 8.74 /// Feb 12*GROUP A*%-FATL: SNG 0.05/ MONG O.10/BTN 0.12/FARI 0.15/QT 0.16/SVN 0.26/SBR 0.28/DBAI 0.29/MLD 0.33/BRN 0.36/TLN 0.33/MLS 0.37/SYCL 0.42/CRC 0.46/ICL 0.48 /CAYI 0.48/SRLN 0.52/KWT 0.56/CYP 0.68/SMRT 0.69/CUBA 0.69/Bora O.73/ISR 0.74/NPL 0.75/UZB 0.79/ARBA 0.92/VNZ 0.96/TWN 0.96 // We r what we eat, differ by DNA-DIET**['in'; 10M+citations to own work by Google* In comments click name above to open own library of free to all videos and books at U-Tube that can be shared, say, at 'in'.

  2. Seems like most every media outlet (fake n real) are mainly reporting about the virus, vaccines, great reset, the election, corruption, etc., and all this bad news can sure get a person down, with many more suicides, cus we've been forced into lock downs, lost millions of businesses, told not to work, homeless cus can't afford the rent/mortgage, starving, etc. for many months. And even though there are thousands of REAL doctors/scientists that have many studies of proof that this virus is like another flu, and vaccines have toxic ingredients causing millions of serious health issues/deaths around the world, here's a comforting true Bible study I listened to today, to help remind us that Almighty God is always in control, to trust in Him, and know He will take care of everything, in His perfect time. This study is when God had Moses bring the Israelites through the Red Sea, making it dry land so they could escape, while King Ramsees ll, along with his very big army of Egyptians, thought they had them cornered, til our LORD made the dry land turn back into the Red Sea, and drowned/killed the King, and his entire Egyptian army. There are hundreds more to these studies, too, to help keep our mind on our LORD, instead of this sin cursed earth, that continues to get worse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUU6PWwaG98&feature=youtu.be
    Exodus 14:13, 14, " And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. Praying for all and to God be ALL the glory! Revelation 14:7, “Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment has come.” Nahum 1:3, “The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, And will not at all acquit the wicked: The LORD hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, And the clouds are the dust of His feet.” Psalms 148:8, “Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling His word:”
    Forbidden footage of actual location of Red Sea Crossing & Mt. Sinai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y-uiccIiSY

  3. In most US states they as useful as that bloke on the factory floor that is told to sweep the floor and look busy when machine breaks down. Just give the appearance that something is being done if the big boss comes past. The big boss is the public and the elected officials are the supervisor telling the worker ( contact tracer ) to look busy so if the public looks they see some work being done. Next election no doubt they will proclaim how they did an excellent job , maintained freedoms and kept the death rate down ( even if highest in the world many Americans of both political persuasions believe Trump that all other countries on the planet are lying). Until the US citizenry comes to terms with it's great leap forward moment not much can change just more rhetoric claiming that the public don't need to do anything even coming from Biden saying just wear a mask which only slows a little not stop anything. Vaccines are your only hope it seems until a mutation occurs making it an annual thing which isn't unlikely.

  4. this is all BS – iv been working with pos+ co-workers and no one has called me or even told me that my co-workers are pos+ until thy return back to work

  5. Fantastic 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

  6. Good luck tracking is like tracking the voting records that were deleted Nov 4th….track the new Covid-2020 improved virus vaccines might be useless against!

  7. Love you 💋💋😘😘❤️💯

  8. This is all part of the trumplican poison it's taking away the truth and as a result millions of Americans are suffering as well as thousands of unnecessary deaths of American Americans thanks to Trump's misinformation campaign is brought forth by Putin's Russia

  9. I do not Consent, I do not Obey, I do not COMPLY to Volunteer for COVID- 19 Injections… https://johnnyexodices.wordpress.com/2020/12/19/i-do-not-consent-i-do-not-obey-i-do-not-comply-to-volunteer-for-covid-19-injections/ via @wordpressdotcom
    What are The {INGREDIENTS} of this Medical Procedure? IN LAW I have the LEGAL RIGHT to know in any U.N. FLAG as a U.N. Citizen. #DONTDOIT [{**}]

    What are The COVAX +=+ {INGREDIENTS} of this COIVD19 Medical Procedure? IN LAW I have the LEGAL RIGHT to know in any U.N. FLAG as a U.N. Citizen. #DONTDOIT [{**}] Johnny Exodice LIVES!!! #JINX /_

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