Congress reacts to memos implicating Trump in federal crime

Congress reacts to memos implicating Trump in federal crime

A top House Democrat says the illegal payments made to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal during the campaign may be grounds for impeachment.


27 thoughts on “Congress reacts to memos implicating Trump in federal crime

  1. De Nile ain't just a river in Egypt. It's the state of mind of agent orange. 😐

  2. If Trump has gotten this far into his presidency with so little damage to himself and his family, I predict he'll make it through the next two years; the man is Teflonâ„¢.

  3. Truth is the best thing for us (US citizens) is that Congress cripples the president until his term expires. We start over with NEW candidates in 2020. We SURELY don’t want Pence in the Oval Office! Neither Trump nor Pence will be on the 2020 ballot. I’m pretty darn sure of that! And NO! It’s not time for Beto yet. I love him but he needs more seasoning. Maybe for VP and then move him up. I honestly don’t know WHO? Sherrod Brown? I love Elizabeth WArren But she is controversial. Any ideas folks?

  4. Trump is smart he's saying he likes what he's reading and the cleared him. He knows that's not true but he knew his base are moron, the stupidest people ever walked the face of the earth. They'll believe him over cnn or the actual evidence.

  5. Lock his punk ass up.😶😶

  6. How about Hillary Clinton and Obama sale URANIUM to RUSSIA MAKE UNSAFE FOR OUR COUNTRY??? And never I castigate ??? What justice ? Why only dig everything from President Trump?? Almost 2 years Mueller can't find any evidence??? And the person need to investigation FBI don't? And cover up for Hillary Clinton, because the team only Democrat lawyers????

  7. Dictator trumps dynasty is finally breaking and there so much to put in jail. Karma you fake as loser, still in denial u loser, 😂

  8. Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America democratically elected!!!!to go against the president is going against the people who voted for him. So it is either a democracy or it is not but I am sick of the Democrats whinging and whining they need to shut up!!!and fall in line behind the president of the United States of America President Donald Trump.

  9. Frump and his 2 ass kissers Conway & Huckabee Sanders keep lying for this moron
    Why would the AG of N.Y. want to put their reputations up in smoke for a moron they are much more smarter and follow the laws of our lands plus I believe they would not even consider bringing charges to Cohen or Pecker if they didn't have undeniable proof
    So once again frump goes on lying about the charges that there was no crime and his 2 ass kissers Conway and Sanders are the only ones speaking to the press with his message of denial
    Those 2 women will be exposed and humiliated soon when all is proven of his corruption
    Their careers will be extinct

  10. So I have scrolled thru these comments and my conclusion is there is an abundance of hypocrisy…both sides! You all seem to be willing to cast stones as you live in glass homes. Let's just agree that until YOUR house is tidy, you best not cast that stone, eh?

  11. Is it pay for sex is legal in America now since Trump got away with that?. Wake up Americans, he is stomping all over the Constitution and Congress is not doing enough to stop the damage before is to late.

  12. WE GOT HIM THIS TIME!!!!!!

    ….is what you retards have been saying for 2 years now.
    Trump isn't going anywhere except right back into the white house in 2020…..

  13. This is funny because instead of them trying to get him to self implode they should be working on a candidate and a strategy to actually win the election but their too stupid to focus on that this man thrives in adversity if they don’t know by now they are completely sleep at the wheel

  14. Where are ALL THOSE PEOPLE that were in line to work under this administration . ONLY THE BEST WILL SERVE was said repeatedly.The lines have shrunk, as the people assess whats behind those doors and, see the doors ONLY swing OUTWARDS.

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