Concertgoer shot by police after opening fire in San Diego

Concertgoer shot by police after opening fire in San Diego

After getting into an argument, the man pulled out a semi-automatic handgun and fired shots into a crowd outside a concert by Ice Cube at Del Mar racetrack in San Diego on Sunday.


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48 thoughts on “Concertgoer shot by police after opening fire in San Diego

  1. Typical news media, suspect “Gunned Down”. How about all the people that were protected.

  2. And it wasn’t even during the gun show that unAMERICANS are trying to get banned there at the Del Mar fairgrounds.

  3. see how ABC demoralizes LEO?…… :30 they 'gunned down' the suspect……..they could have said 'incapacitated', ' protected the public', ' secured the area' but no, they have to use inflammatory words……….sad, that's why ABC is faking it just like the other MSM…….if it don't scare, it don't air…….

  4. It’s even funnier for people who’ve been there and know that the place is full of a million cops, why do something so stupid lol

  5. In my eyes this is exactly who and why police should shoot. If ur ignorant enough to shoot ur gun in the air then u should be shot and taken care of. There's no need for these thugs in our society. Yet I'm sure the blm will cry race and cuz he was black. So sick of those fn racist blm who like to ensight riots on false crap. Maybe take ur movement to the inner city and teach these young black men to be respectful to not steal from hard working people to respect the police and not carry guns

  6. Put this shit bag away forever!!!! When people come to see a band, if this is what a band is?? Singing about “fuck the cops”, making movies “that Petray nothing but fucking violence”, what the fuck do you expect you’re going to Luer to these concerts??? Christians? As far as I’m concerned, these hard-core rappers belong in prison!!!! Countless people have been murdered, Billions and billions of dollars of property destroyed because of they’s fools words, and opinions!!!!

  7. Poor headline #ABCNews. The headline should have said, "Man with gun opens fire at concert, shot by police". Sensationalist attention grabbing nonsense like this is one reason mainstream media is loosing the trust of the people. Thank God for video to show the whole story.

  8. All those amazing California gun laws preventing all these shootings. 👍🏻

  9. He had no business carrying a gun to a concert. And he did not need to shoot the gun in the air. He should have been killed. We don’t need people like-him out and about.

  10. a week ago shots fired because some guy loses at a video game and now this SMH 🤦🏻‍♂️. This is our generation norm?

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