Concerns rising over scams promising quick results on coronavirus test

Concerns rising over scams promising quick results on coronavirus test

ABCs Pierre Thomas has more on the warnings from the FBI.

#Coronavirus #FBI #ScamCalls


17 thoughts on “Concerns rising over scams promising quick results on coronavirus test

  1. Just goes to show there’s two kinds of people in the world the good and these evil

  2. Walking Dead is coming to town.
    COVID19 made ppl panic
    Be safe. Be distance. Be quiet while you outside. Don’t talk. Used sign language.

  3. The case was taken against the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) and Clinical Pathology Laboratories, the US laboratory which was analysing the tests for Ireland's National Cervical Screening Programme. Irish president Michael D Higgins is set to intervene in the tests scandal and will meet with Emma Mhic Mhathúna, according to the Irish Examiner. A small number of the 208 have yet to be contacted.Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said that women affected will be compensated.

  4. 2020 starting off rough. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy. We'll get through this. Don't give up! ✌

  5. Damn Imps and Minions of Hod/Hell!😡 What needs to be done not only charge them send to jail! But shame them for the rest of their unnatural lives!!! MF’s!! Have their pictures plastered everywhere when they get out of jail, treat them like you treat the sex offenders when they get out of jail. Have them registered, plaster their Shame every…….. You know what?!??! 🤔 No , just do like Inglorious Bastarder’s movie did!! Carve out their sin on their forehead so the world can see n read their shame on them for the rest of their lives!!!🤨 That will teach em plus deter any dumb a$$ who would try come behind them to do the same. How dare they use this horrible time to pull such a heartless scam upon their fellow Americans!😡 Peace from the Magi Hypnotist in the East. ❤️🇲🇦🇺🇸✡️🙏🏾

  6. Absolute shame on entire western world. No respect for science , human life , human dignity , no sense of patriotism , sacrifice for greater good , community participation , no strong and intelligent leadership. People are dying like cockroaches
    Look at how beautifully my country India has locked down 1.3 billion people with just 500 odd cases and 10 fatalities. Singapore , S.Korea also have done excellent job in this. We are cooperate in lock down and never cry civil liberties..

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