Concerns mount over disappearance of Chinese tennis star l GMA

Concerns mount over disappearance of Chinese tennis star l GMA

The head of the Womens Tennis Association is questioning the safety of Peng Shuai who has not been seen in weeks.

#ABCNews #PengShuai #Tennis


31 thoughts on “Concerns mount over disappearance of Chinese tennis star l GMA

  1. April 1😂🤣😂🤣 ( fool day ) earlier say that it's political rumour

  2. Over 350,000 people go missing in the US each year and the media and White House is concern with 1 Chinese woman in China, who has showed in in live video? Who is our government representing? US citizens or Chinese citizens?


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  4. This is really another cry wolf. This is another allegations being funded by Strategic Competitions Act. Sadly sport personalities is being innocently drag into this hegemonic game with China. If you guys really care surely you can call her or Call her manager or Call her coach etc. Not doing that say alot about the bad faith with bad intention. If WTA really cares I am sure they have her number or why not WTA send someone to China and end the doubt. WTA should stop playing politics to issue threats, it doesn't help at all. This childish game of blaming china will continue.

  5. When you go against the Chinese Government, you go disappearing….

  6. That is such a phony email give me a break! I’m not buying it what does her family say as if she wouldn’t be talking to them unless they are in fear of retaliation how scary this is.

  7. I'm sorry but this woman is definitely dead. This is the Chinese government we're talking about here. They make people disappear. And unfortunately, that's what happened here.

  8. Who keeps deleting my posts when I suggest the World MUST boycott the Chinese Winter Olympics until Peng Suai is found untortured (by electrotherapy) by the CCP. (bunch of immoral slime bags)….. "Now leave my posts alone…they are what they are!"

  9. The same thing can happen here as FB and other social media sites determine what is true and false and silence what they don’t want out.

    I hope she is found safe.

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