Commercial oil tankers reportedly attacked in Gulf of Oman

Commercial oil tankers reportedly attacked in Gulf of Oman

The U.S. Navy sent a guided missile destroyer to help after reports of explosions on two commercial tankers between the coasts of Iran and Oman.

#ABCNews #OilTankers #Iran #Oman


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27 thoughts on “Commercial oil tankers reportedly attacked in Gulf of Oman

  1. No more wars for Israel! Maybe we should stop dual citizenship in Congress? Just an idea, seems like our politicians might have different goals than us, and for the wrong country.

  2. your americans really think that the whole world can not count to 3.
    I defended your ass always when it had to be, but now it's over. you are just as run-down as the Russians. you are governed by warmongers.
    I hope Trump and Bolton have so big balls that they fight in Iran at the front.
    Do what you want, I only care about Germany now.

  3. Wow, what expert timing! I mean rediculous timing.

    Iran to attack a Japanese tanker when Iran Ayatollah and Japan PM Abe are talking in Japan.

    This must be the most unimaginative and childish improvement that
    Mossad and CIA have
    adopted to modernise their false flag strategy. That is laughable.
    It really makes Israel and USA (Mossad and CIA) more guilty in the Japanese oil tankers attack.

  4. Hilary’s out there sabotaging ships for the last months OR a Jihadist funding nation that openly fucking hates U.S burning the flag on the regular decided your totally fucking our economy take this seems more likely to me just saying.

  5. Is it just me or is there always war being instigated somewhere around the world by the USA whenever a pale skinned inbred republican retarded is elected as its president?

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