Commencement speaker pledges to pay off students’ loans

Commencement speaker pledges to pay off students’ loans

Tech and private equity titan Robert F. Smith surprised graduates at Morehouse College in Atlanta by announcing at graduation he would pay off their student loans.


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24 thoughts on “Commencement speaker pledges to pay off students’ loans

  1. What's hard to fathom is how Smith is so authoritative, when he knows full well that he is under investigation by the FBI for tax crimes, which he would plead guilty to later in 2020. By cheating on his taxes, Smith is able to masquerade as some magnanimous saint, helping these poor students. We, the tax HONEST tax payers paid for this big give away. Robert Smith is a con artist, who dumped his African American wife of 25 years for a playmate of the year. How can we consider anyone to be a hero and role model who says "screw you" to his family to get laid with a playboy bunny?

  2. Generous but wrong approach. What message did this act send to those students who worked and made sacrifices to pay off their debt? And with young, impressionable minds, do they expect there will be that "rich uncle" to pay off any financial debt they incur? Mr. Smith was kind but he should have considered another avenue for his generosity. His gesture was very popular with this class but I suspect not so with the previous graduates. Now, did this set up a precedent with subsequent graduating classes will expect the same gesture? How popular will Mr. Smith be if he does not deliver?

  3. College is such a scam for what it costs. I hate the American education system. No one should be going so much into debt just to spend a lifetime paying it off. Greedy universities discovered they can drain you for your last cent and you'll still attend them. Especially now while everyone is online, they don't even lower their tuitions (most anyways from what I know). Absolutely ridiculous.

  4. Such a noble act from a great person. Not only the World needs more individuals like him, we also need those graduates to take this amazing opportunity and contribute towards a better existence in whatever fashion they find more suitable.

  5. Now go be great black men!! Congratulations!!! 💯💪🏿🙏🏿💜

  6. GOD'S CONTINUOUS BLESSINGS ON YOU, MR. ROBERT F. SMITH! You have forever changed the trajectory for generations of African Americans past (parents, grandparents who took out loans to help), present (the Morehouse graduates) and future (children of the graduates and EVERYONE the graduates "pay it forward" helping in the future). WOW. Now, what is Michael Jordan doing????

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