Nightline hits one of the biggest dog grooming competitions in Las Vegas, where artists use their pooches as their canvas. They hit back at critics, insisting their work is safe and positive.
#Nightline #DogGrooming #CreativeDogGrooming #ColorDogGrooming #Pets
If the products are safe, this is just grooming with extra style. A flea bath is more dangerous.
Seeing that this is just wrong,I feel bad,but people find this entertaining which is stupid but it's TRUE they have nothing else to do in their life but this can't blame them?
2:30 – The dog is literally sitting there trembling and licking it self uncomfortably. Who are they trying to convince that dogs 'like' the results / process.
If I were a dog I'd prefer to chase a ball. Outdoors. Not stuck on some groomer's table for god knows how long.
I love it 😠ðŸÂ©
this is dumb would not do this to my baby
The dogs aren’t in any harm, if they bite or squirm, then they don’t like it.
I see nothing wrong with it I agree it's extreme but the dogs look healthy & happy & when people say how can you tell you can just by looking at them I have a certain type of breed & they need to be brushed daily & my dog enjoys it I take 4 to 5 hours grooming her my 2nd dog is a pit he wants me to groom him as well even tho there is no point but I still do cuz he loves being pampered just like my other dog. I have 2 other pets that run up to me to be groomed I feel like if you keep your pets clean they with like it & just get used to it and expect it just like they expect quality food when you try changing it for regular dog food
That’s not works of art that’s a ugly mess why are you doing that to a poor dog I mean come on
$2500? Should be $25,000 for all that work.
All the controversy around creative grooming is so sad! I think it's great! My dog has a pink tail and feet and is loving all the attention she's getting from it! It's really helping to socialize her better!
Not to mention, I've seen pictures of pitbulls with color added to their fur and they get so much more positive attention from it! You can't be afraid of a well behaved dog with rainbow paw prints all over him, regardless of the breed! We need that for those breeds!
These groomers are unbelievably talented! Keep up the great work!
I think dying their body one colour or whatever is fine(using natural and vegetable dye obviously) but like don’t use them as an object to colour on to win money and a narcissistic title of how good you are at fucking up your dog at a show.
I laugh at these comments! The dye is not hurting the dogs! And all those dogs looked pretty happy! All of you haters probably leave your dog in the back yard and think that is okay!
Sorry dog abuse
Awful! Poor dogs… they dont deserve that
"its all humane" yeah bull crap i dont think dogs want their bodies dyed just so their owners get to show them off to win a prize
Furfou in a nutshell
Honestly, I think it's ugly, but I don't see how it hurts the dog. They don't know what's going on, and they get to lie down for parts of it. Probably really enjoy being with their owners for long stretches of time
Got to hate dogs and their owners. They hate me and I hate them. I almost get bit every week. You show them a knife. They know. Where's some Chinese cooks when you need them?
The process is too long and not healthy for dogs to stand for hours on end. They get dehydrated for sure and I doubt they are given breaks to run free to roll in the grass or lay down and sleep. So for that reason alone I don't think it's a good thing. Plus if the dog messes up the design I would cear them getting disciplined for it. I don't see a person hell bent on gaining so much self gratification that if the dog destroys the design that person will react without negative emotions. Even if the dog isn't physically disciplined dogs just a verbal discipline is too much to top off their end of the deal of standing and going through the whole process of endless hours of grooming. Too much for a dog to endure just for a person's ego. The coloring doesn't really bother me because it's vegetable dye and dogs are basically color blind. The see in monochromatic shades of grays, blacks, and browns. So there is no harm in that it's just the process is too strenuous. Forcing dogs too be immovable for hours is just as damaging as running a dog too exhaustion. Too much just to get a cheaply made trophy and a measly $2500. I'd rather sit on the couch holding my big Pit's head in my lap as he snores away. Much more satisfying.
I don't understand why people haven't figured this out yet but I guess I will spell it out. Competition is different then real life everything is bigger and more extreme. If you were to watch a regular grooming competition most dogs wouldn't put up with that as well. These dogs are trained from a young age that grooming is a fun relaxing experience. These competitions are where groomers show off new techniques, styles, skills, and products. Think like a fashion show no one actually wears any of that, it shows what is possible. A very small amount of these dogs lives are spent competing, and the rest of the time they are just "normal dog" albeit with a bit more color. All products used are pet formulated and 100% safe. This type of grooming has been around since the 60's if they were looking for attention they would have it by now. So take this info into account while you try to act like a expert on something you had never heard of before today.
You guys need to shut up
This is what hell looks like
Look at this 6:26
It a DOG not art!!!
How does this dog "ask for it"? Last I checked, dogs don't talk therefore can't consent…being it's vegetable based doesn't mean there aren't any toxins.
I can't imagine all that dye is really healthy for a dog…let alone all the grooming (heat from a dryer), shampoos, etc. probably isn't best.
I’m okay with people dying their own hair but essentially spray painting their dog? I don’t know… the dog can’t say yes or no so how do you know if they’re even okay with it
I’m a dog groomer and I’m not a fan of this sort of ‘creative grooming’. Yes the dogs get ‘used’ to it in terms of the hours it takes to get them show ready, usually they are trained from puppyhood and they are used to being handled and standing still. I just don’t see the appeal. Let dogs be dogs. Look after their specific needs in terms of regular grooming and step away from the hair dye.
This reminds me of Furfrou from Pokémon X and Y
art my ass
this days anyone calls himself an artist.
where is their sistine chapel?
Die armen Hunde. Sie schämen sich auch..
These people trippin, while there are homeless animals out there who don't even have food to eat or a home to live in your worried about these super over pampered ass dogs who probably eat better than you!
How long does the poor dog have to stand there?? Cruel.
Poor dogsðŸ˜ÂÂÂ