Colleges plan for reopening campuses in the fall

Colleges plan for reopening campuses in the fall

Creighton University President Daniel Hendrickson discusses the steps the school is taking to keep students and faculty safe, including adjusting its fall semester calendar.

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32 thoughts on “Colleges plan for reopening campuses in the fall

  1. i think c19 is finally exposing what a huge fraud college is. i am not against education. i am against charging students over 100k dollars in debt, for students to do all the work. folks here is the current college model: student give me your money, professor takes money lives the good life, student studies by themselves to learn subject, then student leave college with major debt.
    ask yourself: would you walk into a starbucks, and pay someone , so you can read a book in starbucks? well that is exactly what college is.

  2. We need college open if we follow the plans we can do that, is not fare that only night clubs shopping centers and beaches are open and that school not yet. That's what's is happening here in California

  3. If some of your students get the virus and dies. You bet your ass the you're going to get sued. I hope making all this money off of bring the students back to school will be worth their lives.

  4. Test all students and teachers when coming back to school. If rate of positive under x amount stay open. Then test 25% of people every week and see trends. Let math be the determining factor

  5. I don’t understand how religious people makes sense of diseases with an all powerful God. If they say God created/allows diseases to exist for learning from suffering or mysterious reasons then why would you go against His purpose & try to cure diseases? Is the reason diseases exist really bc God is challenging us to cure them? It’s also weird they think the more people praise God the more likely He is to save someone’s life. Sounds more like a narcissistic dictator than a benevolent God. Imagine if I could cure a child’s disease but decided not to bc not enough other people in town gave me praise.

  6. Crazy how student could not get money back, schools cost 10’s of thousands of dollars… all that money goes in the pockets of higher ups at school

  7. What is wrong with you people. We cannot sit on the sidelines and wait for a vaccine. We did what was asked. We gave time to build up the facilities to treat those that get it. It is not going away even with a vaccine. Don't blame business or people for moving forward. They too have rights.

  8. Offer online classes or traditional brick and mortar schools will go out of business. Traditional colleges no longer offer a value that’s reasonable.

  9. In the face of the continuing threat from this pandemic, Republican Senators still want to be gingerly in the government’s help to the economy. By the time they are good and ready to put the money out there, it would be too late for it to do much good — even at double the amount now requested by the Democrats.

  10. Covid-19 is not active in 86° weather or higher it can be dangerous opening up in the fall by all means full precautions will be necessary

  11. Why is he referring to students as “kids”?

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