Cocaine cowboys: Inside the US Coast Guard’s war on drugs | ABC News

Cocaine cowboys: Inside the US Coast Guard’s war on drugs | ABC News

“Nightline” embedded with the Coast Guard, which seizes three times the cocaine as all other U.S. law enforcement agencies combined, on its mission to intercept drug boats in international waters.

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39 thoughts on “Cocaine cowboys: Inside the US Coast Guard’s war on drugs | ABC News

  1. And meantime while they’re busting all the dope runners from other countries the doctors in the United States are “LEGALLY” flooding the streets with tons and tons of prescription pills!!! 🤦‍♂️

    What’s the freakin point guys….honestly?

  2. I have a leaky roof and I call a roofing company to get it fixed, the next day it's leaking again and I called the company to fix it. Two days later starts leaking one more time I called to get it to fix. All those episodes I have to pay to get it fixed. So how many times do I need to call the roofing company and pay them to figure out that something is not right, that something is wrong and not working?
    Billions a year to “fight “ the drugs with the same methods since the 70s, and still the same or worse. Why we still doing it the same way?
    I remember even a high-level position drug enforcement officer on the National Geographic show said that she can't explain why the USA agencies waste the insane amount of money for something that doesn't work.

  3. War on drugs is an abysmal failure , American's love to get high whether by legal or other means. No one wants to take accountability for their actions, the users (demand) should suffer an equal fate as the dealers (suppliers) to curtail the drug epidemic. I know it's a hard sell because drug dealers and politicians made great bed-fellows. Time to get paid.

  4. That coast guard guy says “right” a lot!

  5. Oh troubling conditions for drug smugglers? No that’s unfair, it doesn’t matter that the drugs they bring in destroy millions of lives… they should be sunk with their boat and be done with it simple as that

  6. “cycle of success” lmfaoo sure

  7. You would think if you under water you would be safe 😂😂

  8. I’d love for the journalist to capture the heroin spreading junkies and play cards with them, I’m sure he’d feel their rights are met.

  9. Fun Fact:- Did you know that if the cartels stopped overnight, were all killed or left Mexico the economy would collapse. Theres no way the Mex. Govt. would allow that. Or the U.S. Govt. Theres too much money here and its "Plato o plomo" silver or lead, meaning you either take my money or you'll take my bullets. Great choice's aye! If the coastguards started taking drugs, smoking weed & shooting heroin they'd make more of an impact on the war on drugs lol. It's a joke, the minute you catch a big Boss his replacement is all ready to go. Its business as usual.

  10. What these guys do is truly brave, dangerous and honorable. Theres no debating that. Hate to break it to you guys but the war on drugs is unwinable. Drugs are, cheaper, far more potent and are more readily available than ever before. What's the point in these ads when we all know the score? "Drugs won the war on drugs" guy from VICE. What a waste of taxpayers money. For every sub they stop (usually given by the cartel), guess how many get through?

  11. I know I'm slow. But I sense a bit of irony in this. Immigrants want to flee their country from violence, drugs & poverty (cartels being a big cause). And to come here to the U.S. where they are helping bring those drugs & gangs here to continue on. Smh

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