Coast Guard fans out over northern Bahamas to help the stranded

Coast Guard fans out over northern Bahamas to help the stranded

The whereabouts of hundreds of residents still remains unknown; officials said they fear the death toll from Hurricane Dorian could be staggering.



#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #HurricaneDorian


32 thoughts on “Coast Guard fans out over northern Bahamas to help the stranded

  1. Prayers for the people and the animals. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. If this same stationary Cat-5 storm had been over Haiti it probably would've probably killed millions because of population concentration and tin shacks. Cinderblock walls with rebar on Abaca were turned into rubble. The sanitary conditions afterwards would be like a plague…

  3. What follows is a brief incomplete history of televised

    Newsprint on a rolling scroll

    One male reading the news aloud

    Two males reading the news aloud

    A male and female reading the news aloud

    Two females reading the news aloud

    With the introduction of females reading the news aloud,
    she, the female, had to appear hair dyed and sexy…in which we now find her
    today…greasy lipped and all…

    For a sixty-year-old Lester Holt’s NBC documentary, Justice
    for All…Life Inside, a prison update, it was insisted that he dye his hair,
    seemingly more thoroughly then when he is just hosting NBC’s Nightly News.
    Appearance journalism has taken over, is the deciding factor how those that
    read and report the news to us on television should appear, leaving some to
    question, what is real and what is just marketing appearance hype. Cue
    seventy-three-year-old, Lou Dobbs, this time without the hair dye…so we can
    fully judge his journalism…without any faked-up appearances and influences…


  5. Hurricane Dorian reclaimed the Bahamas for the Earth 🙁 The worst part of us screwing up the climate is that the Earth is going to reclaim all of itself and it doesn't matter that we inhabit parts of it. Fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, we can only do so much when the balance is out of whack. All we can do is get the hell out of the way….which isn't how we want to live our lives (at the mercy of the weather). Need to wake up.

  6. George you suck! 🤣 Why do we have to see and hear from you after every single video y'all upload..?

  7. Very strange hurricane. The way it just sat there. And the way it turned along the U.S.' east coast. Like as though it had a mind of it's own. Or like as though someone had a remote control for it. Don't quite know how to express my concern for those effected. I just hope and pray that the world reaches out to help the beautiful Bahamas with a speedy recovery. The world is rich enough. I know the 🌎 is watching; and everybody knows. Let's show ourselves what really beautiful people we are. I just finished watching Road Warrior. And at the ending of the movie, there was a message. The message was this: "Where must we go… we who wander this wasteland in search of our better selves? THE FIRST HISTORY MAN" 🌎

  8. God is in control.👈😊

  9. This will keep on happening all over the world; we cannot rebuild the same structures! 220 mph winds hit this area. New ways need to be used for sustainable buildings. It makes me frustrated that we keep putting money into areas that are prone to harsh weather. The world governments need to think long term. Our weather is just going to get worse. ( perhaps create dome homes raised high above water surge levels) … although this surge hit 3rd floors in buildings that were still standing. Crazy!!! I wonder how long it will take before the insurance companies will no longer insure many areas.

  10. I went to the Bahamas once which was enough, because the local population had an attitude of resentment and hatred towards me because I was white, acting surly even in the hotel I stayed at. Let the african nations help them or the other black communities around south and Central America.

  11. Continue ignoring the signs of our earth's destruction, continue cutting trees or burning them,continue on mining, destroying hills and mountains, continue using plastic on unnecessary things, continue polluting the water and air, let's see how far this will take you

  12. This is too sad. So many without the means to get to safety and to find their homes destroyed. My love goes out to all in the Bahamas for you to be brave. We can't come but we have you in our hearts and minds.

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