Climate scientists sound alarm over extreme temperatures at Tokyo Olympics

Climate scientists sound alarm over extreme temperatures at Tokyo Olympics

A new study warns that athletes are being asked more often to compete in environments that are becoming too hostile for the human body.


24 thoughts on “Climate scientists sound alarm over extreme temperatures at Tokyo Olympics

  1. Japan is originally a place where those people live together.
    Dual personality, World War II atomic bomb, pretending to be a victim. There's no apology for killing thousands of Asians and the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, killing thousands of young Americans. So August 15th is not the day of defeat, it's the day of the war.Distortion of history, duality, the strong and the cruel to the weak are the characteristics of ethnicity.

  2. Just grow some 🌳 🌳. Come on….

  3. Their solutions to the high temps include moving start times from morning to the hottest time of the day. Is this the stupidest Olympics ever? Since they can't have crowds in person anyway, why not just hold the event at night when it's you know cooler? And in real time for the very lucrative western television markets.

  4. If we cared about the environment we’d stop international travel and wasteful spending on trivialities such as these.

  5. Good job Antifa 👍🏻

  6. Wait until Qatar gold cup 2022. Y’all ain’t seen hot yet.

  7. The Olympics used to be held in October — perhaps it’s time to drop the ‘summer games’ for the sake of the athletes 🙂

  8. the climate has been changing since the earth took shape. what we are doing isn't a drop in the bucket for what is happening naturally. we can't stop it, we can't slow it down, we can't change it.

  9. The FossilFuel⛽️ 🛢 donors are buying up all the Green resources to prevent establishing renewable CITIZENS PERMANENT INCOME FUND-->over $250MILLION per 🇺🇸 state for 1️⃣year- just think what that could do for YOUR state and life❓⁉️ Your country⁉️💰💰💰✅✅

  10. Moving from 11am to 3pm is still NOT OK in that heat! "Oh, instead of 98 and rising, it's just 102 and rising, they're Olympians and will be fine" BS

    Why must they insist on holding these sports at the peak heat of summer? Why are more venues not closed in with AC? Why aren't they doing more events at night? Are the mosquitoes that bad at night?

    How are soccer players gonna do it in the middle east next year for World Cup? I don't get it.

  11. This just in, it’s hot in summer time and apparently running marathons in 100 degree weather is bad and especially don’t do it during mid day says scientists

  12. 🙄high temperature 🤒 humidity

  13. Yeah it’s summer and the weather.
    Funny how the hurricane season has been quite to date and not a word of that. Yes I know it peaks in Aug-Oct.

  14. It's SUMMER! It gets HOT. Climate change is causing higher temps. Maybe we need to move the Summer Olympic games to fall when temps are more moderate but not yet cold. Winter extreme weather probably needs to be more closer with Spring weather.

  15. fucaruuuu dolphin! 😡

  16. Antarctica is melting at a pace melting cheese in your microwave 🌍🌊🔥☀️🏜️🥵

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