Classroom hardships amid wave of anti-trans laws | ABC NEWS – Car Mod Pros Portal

A record number of anti-transgender bills have been introduced in state legislatures in 2021, according to the Human Rights Campaign.


#ABCNews #AntiTransLaws #HumanRightsCampaign


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Classroom hardships amid wave of anti-trans laws | ABC NEWS”
  1. ABC News- If you aren't going to monitor comments for topics like this you should disable them. Unfortuantely, any reporting on this topic inevitably insights the ignorance and bigotry below. Any trans kids reading- You are awesome, you are loved, and things will get better, hang in.

  2. Do you really think you can change your gender how about instead of thinking you are something you aren’t, you get a fucking job and do something that can help the world

  3. Trans rights are human rights🏳️‍⚧️

  4. These legislators are finally doing something right and it is not right for minors to be subjugated to treatment that will alter their bodies. A friend of mine from High Schools, child (f) came out as transgender at the age of 11 years old and she put her on hormone blockers to transition her to male. Her father fought in court to stop this saying the child was too young to make this decision. After 3 years of hormone blockers, she realized she was indeed female and made a mistake in her initial identiy. Now she is 16 years of age and suffering, going off blockers and trying to transition her body back to female. My HS friend regrets her initial decision and the trauma her daughter is now going through.

    Those hormones are abuse. Once a child is officially an adult, let them make that decision for themselves. Seeing the suffering my friend's child has endured first-hand, she said she felt pressured by society and the school system to identify as a boy when she wasn't sure. We need to stop exposing our kids who are susceptible to question themselves in a way that can make them suffer. Law makers stepping in is the best thing that our society can do to truly protect kids.

  5. This group of people want to turn real women's rights on their sides. Real biological women must have their safe spaces ( bathrooms) protected from CEMs(Confused Effeminate Male).

  6. Why should there be biological males or females be in spaces they shouldn't be in? So … now it's bigoted to ask a male or female to leave the bathroom when that wasn't the case AT ALL just ten years ago. This lobby is out of control. They are trying to make us question objective reality. Nope, won't work. Woman = adult human female. Man = adult human male. All these 'trans' people cannot and will never be something they weren't born as.

  7. I'll rob a straight person, I'll rob a trans person 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

  8. I am so glad that the USA, this nation, has not swayed to this BS and PROPO FUCKING GANDA, that ABC wants us to warm up to…. It wont happen…..
    it will not happen. People are entitled to their own ideas and judgments, and that is afforded by the Constitution… NO YOU SAY, I will see you in court, and the constitution will not allow such BS…

  9. @ 3:40, "trans kids are the same as other kids"??? If that is true, then keep them as assigned at birth, since they are the same as others – Those kids were made "the same" as when they were assigned at birth– So then keep it the same AND STFU AND LEAVE THE HEALTHY AND Mentally stable children to progress as they are in their lives and leave your COMMUNIST BULLSHIT AWAY FROM THEM! DO you not see the simple fact about these issues? This is propoganda, pure and simple, and you are fed and are eating it…… Wash away your incompetence and make yourselves whole with a belief in a greater power than yourselves….

  10. Thank you GOD, which so few believe in – And so many worship- BECAUSE THERE IS A FORCE GREATER THAN YOU, so leave your humankind essence upon the door of your creator, and stop with the "I am the creator of my creation" theory… I think we can all look to a force greater than ourselves, because if not, why is one smarter, why is another, faster, yet another healthier than you? I can bet you it's not because they chopped their genitalia off…..

  11. When I saw the youtube short abc made on this video I immediately thought “that’s a man” before I even heard his voice

  12. Okay,okay,okay….SO! they want us to stop expressing our feelings to the world and what we feel just because of what others think of!?Is this what they talking about!
    This is so MESSED UP!All of those people should start minding there business and stop judging us for what we feel.WHY DO PEOPLE NOT RESPECT WHAT WE LOVE TO DO.Stop saying that's wrong to do stuff we do!🏳️‍🌈

  13. Trans women shouldn't be allowed on women sports for a simple reason: They are BIOLOGICALLY stronger than women, meaning in sports like box, a single punch will probably knock her out. They should probably have their own category.

  14. in my opinion you shouldn't do a sex change when your a kid its like getting a tattoo but you can't remove it its best to wait to make sure you really want to do this so you don't regret it in the future I feel like they don't understand how perm this really is schools should be more focused of providing a education not focusing on gender issues and sexuality at the end of the day you be you just be careful of perm things

  15. A MILLION lives are negatively affected everyday by the healthcare system and money hungry insurance companies..mine included. Welcome to life! The REALITY of the situation is this…no one cares what gender you choose to identity with but why should we pay for the hormones and the operations you need to transition?
    Im in horrible pain everyday as a result of a car accident and fight to get meds and procedures done just to survive another day. Your pain is no bigger than mine nor is it more important. If you want to change for it is not a life threatening situation…no matter what you say…ITS A CHOICE!! Deal with it

  16. The school system should not focus on the gender identity or sexuality of children, it should instead focus on the treatment of students and providing proper education, what gender students identify as or what gender/s they are attracted to is their business and the school and law system shouldn’t get involved with it.

  17. Why if my daughter is playing a sport should another who isnt at birth a girl come in and perform better then her i agree they need allvthe other things given to other students but if they wana damage sports make there own sports teams

  18. this case almost happen in Romania bcz of 2 nutcases(politicians) who almost manage to include a law on trans youth on university
    (the thing they say was to BAN THE TALK ABOUT THE LGBTQ AND TRANS PERSONS) AND of course this never happened because of the fact the law was stupid and every one was not agree. with that law and ended the careers of those 2 politicians.

  19. “trans have been used as a political tool” said by a trans being used as a political tool

  20. “I just want to live without discrimination”… There are people like black people that literally got discriminated against since the day that we were born and you are acting like your life is hard because of a decision you had the free will of making. 2021 people. This is American.

  21. I knew I'd regret reading any comment section for a video like this. Most of you are hateful for no reason. I understand having opinions and disagreeing but making fun of these people or straight up saying it's fake is so ridiculous. It doesn't make you better by any means and there are SO many trans people who are middle aged or older. No one came out before due to the literal fear of it being illegal or straight up being killed or assaulted. Once you start throwing cruel remarks anything you said that I could have seen the point to will now have no point.

  22. *Boys (<18) consistently outperform adult women:*

    *”An extensive review of fitness data from over 85,000 Australian children aged 9–17 years old showed that, compared with 9-year-old females, 9-year-old males were faster over short sprints (9.8%) and 1 mile (16.6%), could jump 9.5% further from a standing start (a test of explosive power), could complete 33% more push-ups in 30 s and had 13.8% stronger grip. Male advantage of a similar magnitude was detected in a study of Greek children, where, compared with 6-year-old females, 6-year-old males completed 16.6% more shuttle runs in a given time and could jump 9.7% further from a standing position. In terms of aerobic capacity, 6- to 7-year-old males have been shown to have a higher absolute and relative (to body mass.”:*

    *Transwomen outperform in runtimes compared to women even after 2.5 years of cross-sex hormones:*

    *”Transgender women retain an advantage in upper body strength (push-ups and sit-ups) over female controls for 1 to 2 years after starting gender-affirming hormones,” Timothy Roberts, MD, MPH, in the division of adolescent medicine”:*

    *Notwithstanding, values for strength, LBM and muscle area in transwomen remain above those of cisgender women, even after 36 months of hormone therapy.:*

    *”Cross-sex hormone treatment markedly affects muscle function, size and composition in transgender individuals. Despite the robust changes in lower-limb muscle mass and strength in transmen, transwomen still had an absolute advantage at the 12-month follow-up. Our results indicate that after 12 months of hormonal therapy, a transwoman will still likely have performance benefits over a cis-woman. These findings add new knowledge that could be relevant for sport-governing bodies when evaluating the eligibility of transwomen to compete in the women’s category of athletic competition.:”*

    *”Longitudinal studies examining the effects of testosterone suppression on muscle mass and strength in transgender women consistently show very modest changes, where the loss of lean body mass, muscle area and strength typically amounts to approximately 5% after 12 months of treatment. Thus, the muscular advantage enjoyed by transgender women is only minimally reduced when testosterone is suppressed. Sports organizations should consider this evidence when reassessing current policies regarding participation of transgender women in the female category of sport.”:*

    There are many studies indicating this, do not believe the ridiculous assertion that there is no consensus or it is to be determined. Sexual dimorphism exists in every mammalian species. Men absolutely have an advantage over women in sports. The scant studies (almost exclusively qualitative) available that would be considered supportive of biological males competing against girls always come to the consensus of “we don’t know” or “to be determined” or “it’s a challenging position”. There is overwhelming evidence to indicate otherwise. Do NOT allow some evangelical blue-haired lunatic abuse you out of your knowledge and basic biological facts.

  23. I don’t care what you do after 18, but if you are a minor who’s brain isn’t developed or reach “the age of reason”, you shouldn’t be in charge of making decisions as important as this

  24. When it comes to sports a male born individual should not have an advantage over female born athletes.
    Sorry Charlie you can dress however you want and be out of the closet but you can’t run the whole house!
    Ya estuvo guey!
    Enough is enough!^

  25. People fear what they don't understand and treat it like a threat to their comfort zones.
    Bottom line. These are real people with feelings and emotions and we should treat them as such.
    Wtf are you afraid of?
    Opening your mind?
    Letting someone who's not bothering you have control over their lives?

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