Christine Blasey Ford testifies before committee, Kavanaugh defends himself

Christine Blasey Ford testifies before committee, Kavanaugh defends himself

Dr. Ford recalled the night of the alleged attack before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Kavanaugh told the committee his name has been “destroyed by vicious and false … accusations.”



31 thoughts on “Christine Blasey Ford testifies before committee, Kavanaugh defends himself

  1. The fbi didn’t investigate over 400 tips about this judge . How convenient yll

  2. She is a piece garbage just like ABC and it’s fake news

  3. Anyone else notice how much she looks like Brett Kavanaugh? I think they are the same person. 😂

  4. I can't even believe all those hateful, mean and monstruous comments. No, she cannot remember everything because people dissociate while going through a traumatic experience and no, we don't see tears and that's totally normal. She is trying to overregulate her underragulated emotions inside. She is terrified both of what is painful and emerging in her and of the situation she's in. Those shocking comments are disturbing to another level! They show nothing but profound lack of empathy and compassion, ignorence and antisocial behaviors. I really hope those who wrote these comments go through something as traumatic so they can have a realistic idea of what it really is like to experience something so deeply devastating. It makes me deeply sad, hopeless and ashamed of the human race.

  5. Why does she seem like she’s flirting? Her hair is all over her face, and her head is tilted and down, and her eyes are up.. huh?

  6. Blasey has convinced herself that it is okay to lie for the “greater good” of keeping Kavanaugh out of office.

    I’m her mind she’s still on the moral high ground

  7. I cannot believe Dr.Ford is doing this. Her boyfriend of 6 years came forward saying the following:
    •Ford committed credit card fraud TWICE, and lied about it
    •Never mentioned sexual assault in the six year relationship
    •Has ties with the FBI
    •Is a polygraph test expert
    •Did not have two front doors at their home like she claimed.
    •Was NEVER afraid of flying, as they went over international water.
    Just let that sink in. She’s a crazy pathological liar.

  8. I wonder if Christine Blasey Ford realizes how difficult the rest of her life is going to be. she obviously is a disturbed woman… reduced to childlike demeanor. I would guess she has been a lonely woman for a lot of years… one of those girls in school who wanted to be popular, but didn't quite know how to do it. I think she has felt underappreciated for a long time… not really accomplishing much in her life and seeing old age creeping up on her and needing one last chance to be important. Sad, but no sadder than many others who dreamed of being something and fell short. How long will it be before she denounces Feinstein bitterly for outing her…

  9. I hope you burn in hell ford. 😈

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