Chris Noth dropped from CBS show after sexual assault allegation l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

The actor, 67, has been fired from “The Equalizer” and reportedly dropped from his talent agency after sexual assault allegations made by two women became public last week.

‘Sex and the City’ stars issue statement on Chris Noth allegations:

#ABCNews #ChrisNoth #TheEqualizer


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Chris Noth dropped from CBS show after sexual assault allegation l GMA”
  1. I thought you were innocent until proven guilty. The world is a mess and these ladies just crushed this man’s career and life. Looking for some money. Sick and Sad state we live in today.

  2. Luv1234

    1 second ago

    Some women like myself were raped and did not say anything because of circumstances at that time ( I was 17 and thought it was my fault that I was alone with my first boyfriend when he entered me quickly and asked me to keep quiet even as I said no and cried due to pain). I did not know we were going to have sex since I was not sexually active and it did not cross my mind. He was so quick to get on top of me and thought he deserved to enter me because I was his girlfriend. Anyhow, if my ex-boyfriend were in public right now and someone asked me about him, I would say, "well, three decades ago, he raped me." Even thought it was so long ago, it feels like yesterday.

  3. we don't need evidence.. This is America. we are proud and woke. J'accuse. that's enough. and I can stay anonymous. I can even pay someone to accuse another. I dont need evidence. its useless. Just pay the right media outlet. that's enough. . I can not wait for the communist part of America to rise and take over. you don't like it? tough, let me destroy you so you dont object. and by the way, here is an egg. go suck it.

  4. we dont need evidence.. This is America. we are proud and woke. J'accuse. that's enough. and I can stay anonymous. I can even pay someone to accuse another. I dont need evidence. its useless. Just pay the right media outlet. that's enough. . I can not wait for the communist part of America to rise and take over. you dont like it? tough, let me destroy you so you dont object. and by the way, here is an egg. go suck it.

  5. I’m starting to get concerned about people being fired before arrest or convictions! And I’m not even saying he didn’t do it

  6. Is it my imagination or Chris Noth looks sexier as he aged. Sarah Parker, Cynthia Nixon, and Kristen Davis look a lot older compare to the last movie in 2010, but I find Chris Noth more attractive now than when the series first started 20 years ago!!!!

  7. 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' means that there is no greater anger than that of a woman who has been rejected in love or who has been romantically rejected or betrayed.
    I’m just saying this could be a possibility. It certainly was the case with Beverly Johnson.

  8. Here we go Again 🙄these women coming out after years, all Bullshit on a Stick…Men need to start flipping this bullshit on women. Women talk and say stuff just like men 🙄..

  9. I am completely and totally appalled by what is happening to Chris you got two women who want to remain anonymous go and try and destroy this man's life and his career and he told everybody that the relationships were consensual. He hasn't been charged with any crime so why would CBS go and fire him based on allegations? and why would his co-workers just automatically just assumed that these women are telling the truth and there has not been any trial it's just them saying some crap do they have evidence what evidence is there? I don't believe it I don't believe that he did anything to these skanks they're just being vindictive probably because he doesn't want them…. Bring them out of hiding and show their ugly faces…

  10. I have had the honor and privilege of meeting Chris on 3 different occasions and I have seen him dining at restaurants when he lived in NYC that I have been too as well and n my NYC days. He NEVER acted inappropriately and was a kind and complete gentleman! I never saw him act inappropriately towards anyone. I used to go his bar which was a very cool 😎 bar and there was never anything out of whack there as well. This cancel culture is complete bollocks!! Why not wait until he is proved guilty like you know in a court of law instead of the court of the media!! What I wouldn’t have given for Chris to say to me that I was beautiful…. Wow! The man was so drop dead gorgeous he could have had anyone!! I would need a cigarette after just looking at him! And what kind of a wife/person is that Tara whatever her name is that won’t stand behind her man (that she desperately wanted while working at his bar and eventually snagged) when these allegations came out and she’s already hitting the door! Well don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out you trifling *****!! I don’t believe any of the allegations of people claiming something that may or may not have happened 20-30 years ago!! And for SJP, who I never liked, Chris has always stood up for and had her back when she has had troubles with her marriage and with Samantha from SATC, now she repays that kindness and support by throwing him under the bus!! Oooohhhh!! 🙀😳😡🤬

  11. You do know this is BS! I think what really needs to happen is a subpoena of these woman’s telephones & find out who in Hollywood is angry with this guy! This sh**’s got to 🛑! You wait 10,25, 30 years to come for these guys with pure accusations & you ruin their lives financially & you dusty up their overall character & you have no accountability!? You just get to accuse & this man’s life is ruined! Not fair! I think these companies, PR firms, accusers need to be held accountable! Sue them! Sue, sue, sue! Wake up women of today! If someone raped you today, report them! Stop all this unnecessary BS! Stop meeting up with guys playing coy,. You know what you are doing! You are just as bad as some of them, if not worse because they have targets on their heads & some of them aren’t too bright they don’t see your evil ass coming! And yes, that goes both ways!

  12. OMG … 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ really ?

  13. That explains why they killed him off on the show AJLT. They knew this news was about to drop. Hollywood is a bunch of crooks. There's agenda in place, and another distraction. The actresses supporting the women and not the actor. Hmmm very interesting……. Why are they only coming out now? Another publicity stunt for the show.

  14. This seems real to me. He says it didn't happen but he seems a kinda an obscure person to be targeting for false accusations not saying that super famous people can't be predators but why would anyone try to ruin this guy's career? The way he said that's a line I did not cross that's a werid statement.why not say I would never ever harm anyone in this way or something like that.

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