Chris Christie shares actions needed to restore American life

Chris Christie shares actions needed to restore American life

The former New Jersey governor and ABC News contributor discusses his Washington Post op-ed highlighting five key actions needed to reopen the country.

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40 thoughts on “Chris Christie shares actions needed to restore American life

  1. You are the worst Governor NJ ever had, oh wait there’s Murphy. Regardless the Republicans need your input like they need Hilary on staff. You are completely useless shut up

  2. This man said on television people have to accept more death. Like are you serious 🤦🏾‍♂️

  3. I don't want to disrespect anyone in the general public, but we shouldn't elect overweight people into government. People who are fat generally have unresolved emotional issues, which I personally as a formerly obese person think disqualifies a person to work as a government leader. If you have no idea how to address your own health and well-being or safety, how should you be entrusted with that of the public?

  4. Chris Christie – surely you can understand that this is our Hurricane Sandy. You’re backing Trump up with his petty partisanship and he will give you nothing in return

  5. he could stand to go without food for a bit and allow the essential workers to stay safe and alive. He can sue the bariatric surgeon for messing up his weight loss surgery

  6. Christie has been waiting for Trump to "crater" ever since his transition work got dumped because of the other genius, or two… Dumpster and the Kush. When he speaks of "testing"… he is self describing. My God Pierce Morgan may endorse him! Won't that be fine.

  7. This man sees an opening. 25th Amendment, nervous breakdown, clogged arteries..(Trump's not his own.) sudden death, or "Daddy, please stop from some Iv woman. anka, ana, hell who cares. Christie still has ambitions and a level of stable geniuosity that exceeds the Dumpster.

  8. I hate this pos fir he’s done to innocent animals but I agree what he’s saying about getting tests and testing people now!!!

  9. The U.S government and military forces have killed more people than the coronavirus alone and yet here we are still looking to the United States Empire for man made solutions for a man made problem he created and
    While there is the hope and need for quick fix artificial vaccines which are not cures that only profit the pockets of the powers that be that created them, there is still no solid solution for racism which is a virus that has no vaccine and no cure and has been around for centuries and there
    there is no solid solution for
    human sex slavery and government funded depopulation in the form of (foreign policy) and there is no solid solution for the need for greedy politicians and out dated political parties

  10. She might as well have been asking pres. Trump what should be done, no no no Gov. Phil Murphy is handling it way better than Gov. Chris Christie ever would of!

    The republican party has mentioned money so many times during this that you would think that people could be put on auction blocks and the worthless can simply be slaughtered and those worthy can be sold and brought!

  11. Remember when trump closed flights from England to the United States and Nancy pelosi called him racists and stopped him from doing it and it was proven that it saved many lives yeh dems trying to make trump look bad😂😂😂😂

  12. Of course he wants everything open..
    He misses his daily trek to the buffet, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    Here's a man who personifies the term "political hack." A George W. Bush appointment. Now he's an expert on EVERYTHING.
    I believe he was quoted once saying, "I haven't yet met a buffet I haven't liked."

  13. 3:31 This reporter asks terrible questions. 👎🏼 What we need is unity and all the media wants to do is stir up hate and division.

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