China reports nearly 15,000 new cases of coronavirus l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The new surge in cases of COVID-19 brought the total to more than 60,000 with the death toll at 1,369, as China started using a more accurate way to check for the virus.

15th novel coronavirus patient reported in the US:
What life is like under novel coronavirus quarantine:

#ABCNews #Coronavirus #DiamondPrincess #China #COVID19


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “China reports nearly 15,000 new cases of coronavirus l ABC News”

  2. The best thing is don’t travel to any country no trains no ship no airplanes just stay home and stay far away from people who come from another country.
    Soon the world will be full of zombies 🧟‍♂️

  3. So if its a virus originating from an animal then where are the infected animals♦
    🔴Wouldn't infected animals continue to infect humans
    🔻How is this corona virus affecting the livestock and pets?
    🔺What did they do with the dead and live animals from the street vendor markets?
    💯 Like where are all the animals and pets? I have been watching lots of the news coming from wuhan and etc . …
    ❗I DoN'T see any animals , pets or livestock or anything❗
    ❌ We need reports on these animals since they were in close contact with humans .
    ❌ Why isn't anyone commenting or asking these questions.
    â­• It is a contagious virus, it must be affecting all living things in the infected environments.

    ❓Aren't these important question❓ Like does anyone get what Im saying….or am I bugging.
    What's going on in the farming industry of wuhan?
    Like where are the animals?
    Like where is the footage ?
    Seriously FB. …
    Anyone else wondering same

  4. This is Allah revenge on china china did brutality with muslim
    Allah revenge you people of China
    This is fact u believe or not
    Please free Muslims then see Allah meracle

  5. The Diamond Princess is a British cruise ship that came from China, the Japanese people are only trying to help the sick on board the cruiser, mostly non Japanese. Yet Western news make it sound like it's an outbreak in Japan, when it's not.
    Also, not every "East Asian" looking people are sick, there are Taiwanese people who basically look Chinese but are not sick at all etc., and even most Chinese are not yet sick. Please don't be afraid, be thoughtful and try not to discriminate, good luck from Japan.

  6. America needs to start thinking about cutting ties with China after this because this isn't the first China was careless about a deadly virus like the SARS Virus in 2003.

  7. It's just like my Sunday School Teacher told me at our Sunday hotdog cook out! Hey Larry! Please keep your weeney in your own buns!

  8. It would sure be nice to get some actual numbers. All I've seen from leaked videos leads me to believe the state run media in China is downplaying this to the hilt.
    By the way, we have a few hundred in quarantine here in the US. Has anyone heard anything from them on social media?
    Why all the secrecy?

  9. It's all a global game. Citizens are the player on the field, politician's are the coaches. The Owner's control it all. They have been culling the world for Centuries. Divide & conquer is there tool. "UNITE"

  10. Bill Gates, the New Messias?! Master of NWO?! Donnator of $ 9 billions to "Inovio", a biotec company, who had been "enlighted and able" to develop a vaccine against Corona_Covid 19, within 3 hours… just a few days ago!!! After having Bill's demo version of a potential outburst of Corona, with up to 65 million deads worldwide, held in the States by the Elites last year. Lord, they are satans and devil's worshippers. Can you please send them back to hell, asap. Thank you, Jesus, so much. Amen.

  11. Bill Gates, the New Messias?! Master of NWO?! Donnator of $ 9 billions to "Inovio", a biotec company, who had been "enlighted and able" to develop a vaccine against Corona_Covid 19, within 3 hours… just a few days ago!!! After having Bill's demo version of a potential outburst of Corona, with up to 65 million deads worldwide, held in the States by the Elites last year. Lord, they are satans and devil's worshippers. Can you please send them back to hell, asap. Thank you, Jesus, so much. Amen.

  12. Bill Gates, the New Messias?! Master of NWO?! Donnator of $ 9 billions to "Inovio", a biotec company, who had been "enlighted and able" to develop a vaccine against Corona_Covid 19, within 3 hours… just a few days ago!!! After having Bill's demo version of a potential outburst of Corona, with up to 65 million deads worldwide, held in the States by the Elites last year. Lord, they are satans and devil's worshippers. Can you please send them back to hell, asap. Thank you, Jesus, so much. Amen.

  13. God I’m so annoyed by all these hate comments, do you have any idea of how many people are there in Wuhan, or the hubei province? Do you know how understaffed hospitals are when thousands of people rushed in for testing? Do you know how long it takes to confirm a case? Do you know how much time it needs just to produce those testing devices? Omg nothing is good enough. As a Chinese, I feel terrible and powerless for Wuhan people but I’m seeing that the government has pulled resources from all over the country in this overwhelming situation. I am seeing every city is sending a team of doctors over, and I AM seeing the strictest travel ban implemented for the whole country and I AM seeing thousands of builders working their asses off to expand and build new hospitals in Wuhan to take in patients. If you are sympathetic for one bit as a human, you would of done something instead of just talking conspiracy. Can people just stop passing on judgements already? ?

  14. Wuhan Bio laboratory level 4 is situated 20 miles fom the Virus Epicenter wear it all started. Total believe they loss containment in November as Lab has gone silent. It was a Brand New laboratory working on lots of Disease`s. The US told them they could lose containment as have done in the past with smaller labs. This could of been a New Weaponry Virus for a Missile delivery System what they lost control off. If is and gets worse maybe WW3 comes Early to Burn it away

  15. Corona virus is not a bio weapon ! The cause is people are unrepentant of their sin! If you would be keeping the 12 commandments and remain staying awake and on watch for the lords day , that PLEGUE of God , the sudden destruction would have not affected a true christian saint . Read, • 1st Thessalonians 5:3-6,Not a bio weapon !!! The cause is because your sins! If you would be keeping the 12 commandments and stay in on watch for the lords day , that sudden destruction would have not affected you ! It’s a blessing if you obey the commandments of God , or a curse of you disobey ! Read •Deuteronomy 11:26-28,26Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; 27A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day: 28And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.

  16. 2% died of total infected, but the kill rate is between 15% and 20%!
    Discharged 7131 = 84%
    Dead 1384 = 16%
    45,341 mild condition = 81%
    10,611 serious critical condition = 19%

  17. You liberal idiots In NYC, LA, Chicago and San Fran are so fucked. When your food is cut off the "you know who" will riot. They will literally be cooking and eating you.

    ❤We love you Corona-Chan!❤

  18. When the United States 2009 H1N1 swine flu emerged, it eventually infected 60 million and initially killed a minimum of 18,449 cases that year. But the final story of the H1N1 global pandemic was far worse than that, with close to 300,000 deaths. During 2009 H1N1 outbreak, I don't recall xenophobic anti-America attacks across the globe, do you?

    Was there a travel ban for any length of time to and from the United States?

    Did China, Germany, Japan or any other country close their border to American travellers?

    Did the world suggest we isolate from America? Close the U.S. borders!? No.

    Did Americans get xenophobically attacked and targeted by anti-American sentiments like the Chinese are experiencing now?

  19. Wuhan Pneumonia. Wuhan Coronavirus. 2019-nCoV. COVID 19. China Flu. WuFlu. Winnie the Flu

    -Shady gov and world organizations information
    -lack of information from gov
    -Lots of new research papers
    -Flood of conspiracy theories
    -Heavy censorship while not enough news coverage and inconsistent, infrequent, repetitive updates
    -lacking vids unaffiliated with state media
    -Leaked videos within China
    -Looming economic crises
    -not enough testing being done
    -no tests being done
    -tests having high chance of failure
    -aerosol transmission
    -direct and indirect contact
    -Too infectious
    -Can be without symptoms
    -Overload health systems -increasing fatality and spread
    Virus can/may? Survive on surfaces in both cold and warm climates for weeks
    -wait min/max 18 months for working vaccine

  20. Gas prices down $0.20 Nationwide average are you seeing it?

    China is using very little fuel because they're not going anywhere cruise ships are basically stuck in place there for fuel rates around the world are dropping.

    Take advantage of the low rates now before OPEC reduces the flow.

    On that note Russia is so broke they are actually considering not reducing their flow rate

  21. China created a biological weapon virus…. it's not a natural virus at all…no wonder it's difficult to stop it from spreading. China is going to pay big time!

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