“Nightline” follows two children who were diagnosed with the rare disease acute flaccid myelitis in 2018 and one woman who’s had it for a decade, and is helping others to overcome it.
ALSO AVAILABLE ON HULU: https://hulu.tv/2wSmSrZ
#Nightline #AFM #AcuteFlaccidMyelitis #Disease #Health #Children
I want to recommend Dr osaba on YouTube to you all who cured my 5years herpes virus within 14days
Reminds me more of Guillain-Barre than anything–possible autoimmune reaction?
What makes this different from polio? I went to school in the fifties with a kid who had had polio, and his left arm was withered, just as the limbs on some of these kids are. It's a paralysis, which is lifelong, so again, how does it differ from polio?.
Can you do an update on this story? Praying this sweet angel recovers fully.
It says this is part 1, is there actually a part 2? Don’t see it here
Stem cells early
My heart broke in half when Camden’s dad said he is the only certified care giver so if something happened it’s all on him. For a parent to have to take this burden bc having professional help is not financial attainable is just cruel and there are sooo many families who are in the same situation for many different illnesses and conditions.
My heart ðŸ’â€ÂÂÂ
m I the only one who thought AFM was a abbreviation for AF museum
So hard to watch a young child be stricken with something so scary. This made me go hug my 5 and 13 year old grandson. I just can't imagine how I'd cope with something like this. These parents are so strong. I truly hope they find a cure for AFM. Never even heard of this till now
Where do I find part 2?
With a little luck covid 19 will do away with this…
I bet Vaccines are the cause of this damn disease the first case was diagnosed in 2010 so what happened in that time? Where did this come from? God has nothing to do with it and prayer is worthless. They got to find out what changed in the DNA. DAMN VACCINES, I looked it up happens mostly 1to 8 years of age.
Doctor said the Herpes virus does not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes isn't a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body, But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells , natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break. Get natural herbs cure from dr akhigbe reach him through WhatsApp +2349046230269
AFM Created by the government and Bill Gates.
Introduced to the population via “vaccinesâ€ÂÂÂÂ. This brilliant “In Shadows†piece says it all:  https://youtu.be/j800SVeiS5I
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Its a side effect from vaccine by big pharma
I am praying ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂfor you little guy! Be strong 💪ðŸÂ¼
Why don't they link part 2?
#Trump2020 and 🇺🇸ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ..Jump on the Trump Train!! and this Country from Creepy Joe Biden
This brilliant “In Shadows†piece says it all:
So tragic to see your child in that condition.
Sending love and prayers for all of these children as well as their families. God bless you all.