Its a tradition with World News Tonights David Muir and this year, the children did not hold back as they discussed the return to class and end of summer.
#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #BackToSchool
Alex "Ray, Ray" seemed really whole hearted and kind. Cool buddy to have, he's serious and loved the play dough and I love that he never had a bad day. Frances…. Kindergarten 'it was all fun.' Andrea in 6th grade with time flying.
I hated school.
In 73 till 86
Man I should quit in 82 and went to CETA, a program for kids who want to get on with it, instead parents forced me to boarding school and I learned about rich kids and drugs.. Learn a trade
Kids are germy as hell. Hope you brought your purell
0:22 Adorable, "All fun." Have you ever visited a 2nd grade class on Career Day? The look on their faces as they realize recess is over…priceless!
"Never a bad day at school" Children r so inoccent, USA Schools crazy asf a lot of shooters and shit fuck america
Kids are the Best happy School year too all the students
kids say the darndest things is so much better without Cosby.
I like turtles
casual David ! sssshhheeesus i could die happy now
Awww Alex looks like a young Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Young meat to adoctrinated in the democratic point of view 😱😱😱 schools are taken by them!!!
ehhhhhh im already in 6th..
my First day at school was terrible so terrible
School sucks bulling
Aww David… Does he have any kids?… He truly enjoys talking with school age children, this is very sweet.
Their future don't look great 10,20 yrs from now the world gonna go to hell 🤦
Why is Bruce Waynes doing interviews now? He should be looking out for Gotham city !
Such a beautiful thing 🥰
I don’t like kindergarten, I got tortured during kindergarten.
Why not interview them on the last day of their first year of school? Most children are in day care so school means nothing new to them.
Just average
This warms my heart. I love David. Love him more with kids. ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
HeyABC you should follow up with these same kids when they start High school.
Who else was waiting for the face paint kid to say "I like turtles"
Second day of school comes around the hate everything lmao
God Bless America
What the hell was up with the painted face
Terrified! I'd rather worry about a shooter, than the hateful kids, especially in middle school and high school. Enjoyed college. Always enjoyed learning, but never enjoyed my so-called "peers".
What was the point of this video?
Nice feel good piece of junk.
How about covering the survIvors of Epstein. Or the fact that pedophiles are in every community
Or. how the disabled are abused..
Something you never bother with.
Guess that study was right..
Rich folks have no empathy
The money you guys in the media have could rebuild Abaco
Stop homelessness
Fund small business with micro loans
Be useful..
Are they going to be paid for 12 years of work just to be spit on. Pay for lunch we pay for dr bills? Fuck you.