Chief defends officer who used stun gun on elderly woman

Chief defends officer who used stun gun on elderly woman

An officer in Georgia used stun gun on an 87-year-old woman, said to speak little English, who was cutting dandelions with a knife after they commanded her to drop it.


37 thoughts on “Chief defends officer who used stun gun on elderly woman

  1. I’d say there’s a serious problem when police need to hide behind stun guns as protection from 87 year old women with steak knives.

  2. Damn''!!!! Common F!!!!on'' Sense''' my mom's 88'' n damn!!! Bunch of dumb Asses!!! C'mon now deadly Force, even when handcuffing her they still didn't get it!!! Moron's!!! Good smart cops''' they're not in that category!!!!!

  3. Why am I Not Suprised that the police force think there was Nothing wrong with Tazing an 87 yr old woman who can’t speak American! Corruption life and Rife in the Great US of A Shame on that police force! What did the officers learn from this incident…….. 👮‍♂️ are UNTOUCHABLE and the Departments will Always back them up!

  4. Yeah? I saw that video and it made me sick. If that was “by the book” then I am definitely more suspicious of cops now.

  5. 2:00 officer did the right thing, WHAT'😡

  6. Caller tell she does not speak English! And here we got a policemen F.. hero without a brain! "Stop!" What an idiots! Sadists, killers, rapists there is a job awaits for you in Georgia Police Department everything you like to do will be legal now.

  7. I guess that's what you get for giving badges & guns to a bunch inbreeders.
    Did he say "common sense"?
    When was the last time you saw police using common sense.

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