Police officials said they had no idea the deal, which included the “Empire” actor doing community service and forfeiting a $10,000 bond in exchange for no charges, was coming.
Lol i dont even care anymore. This world is fucked because of human number one sin. GREED
Just couldn't keep his dumbass mouth shut.
Jessica weak drag Queen break your neck lie lie lie lie bitch
Smollett is a fuckin bag of shit. He needs to be hit by a bus.
That's the gay 2pac !!
It looks as though the gangsters are back controlling Chicago. I bet al Capone is rolling in his grave.
Fire the corrupt prosecutor, evidently he’s a butt buddy of micheal and Barry, Fuck these people, we need to take America back from these slimy pieces of garbage
FIRE THE D.A!!!! Smolett must of given the d.a a get a blow job free card. Good for life
Smollett will soon realize that karma catches up to us all. I hope this time he really gets his ass beat.
How dare hm , check the Mayors phone see if he was sexting Jesse smollet swallow
I’m fine with it. Other people have gotten away with worse. But when it’s one of us that gets away with something it’s a problem. 🖕ðŸÂ»
While we were worried about a guy That has a show this on TV for just a little while shouldn't we be worried about the Chicken Macmillan report Mind you that you're never going to actually see It I wish they did that in the Regelo court of common pleas give all the evidence To their own case lol and let them give you what they think that you should have lol America land of the losers lol haha
Why the police just don't do What's any other job would do and walk out and protest oh yeah forgot nobody's gonna give up their power when they job is a power trip lol forget about it just like the black kid That got shot best line in Hollywood imagine If they was white I love you Matthew McConaughey
Good !
even though it was proved that he lied, you are letting him walkaway? what more proof is needed to get this pos charged?
He filed a false police report? he lied and said he was attacked by two Trump supporters? He costed the good taxpaying people Of Chicago more than $50,000
What a lucky psychopath… I hope he never works again.
Charges dropped, acting career still ruined
this fucking guy needs to be thrown in jail….. what an idiot…complete lies hopefully the F.B.I WILL SEVER JUSTICE
He really think he “the gay Tupac†now ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Smollett got the same pass the White House Occupant and white people get on a regular basis in the courts so why are they so upset!
wtf is wrong with these people
Trump and him are friends…lol lol
With the same judgement you judge with, you hypocrictes will be judged. God Bless Jessie:)
Yeah! Justice, God Is Good ALLLL The Time. LOL
Yet another example of privileged rich people buying their way out of crimes. Hopefully he never gets hired as an actor again. And everyone who sees him will know how small of a man he really is. He deserves prison but maybe lifelong shame will suffice. 🙄
Sure is tough being black ain’t it
If he was my son I'd kick his lying a$$ to the curb. Shame!
The prosecutors responsible for this are a disgrace to the justice system.
This says to other idiots it's ok to fake a crime. $10,000 is how much it costs to lie to Chicago police.
Now everything : all photos, videos, money trail, phone calls, texts, emails and evidence should come out and let us decide
I wouldn’t be my mothers son if I didn’t swallow every drop of c@#
Jussie is special….
Sooo, he is guilty, just got a slap pn the wrist
No accountability for the wealthy celebrities and their spoiled ass kids. American double standard is pathetic and unjust. Rise up and let your voices be heard. Stand up against this kind of nonsense.
Wh..? What??
You forgave other worse crimes so forgive this man already