Chernobyl nuclear plant without power l ABCNL

Chernobyl nuclear plant without power l ABCNL

Ukrainian officials say if power is not returned to the Chernobyl nuclear plant, there could eventually be a dangerous radiation leak.

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24 thoughts on “Chernobyl nuclear plant without power l ABCNL

  1. Chernobyl is the Russian word for wormwood. In the Book of Revelation wormwood is a star that fell to Earth burning like a lamp and made bitter 1/3 the Waters of the Earth.

  2. Fear mongering ABC News propaganda here! The fuel rods have been cooled since 2000, The vast majority of experts have stated that it would take quite a while for the water to evaporate and for them to be exposed. But ABC News likes to broadcast fear for their ratings.

  3. First time, due all respect Secretary Stoltenberg, specially address to Secretary Stoltenberg and especially request to him to view this comment that has some merits to read about herein! I have been posting what I thought very helpful information that you can retrieve and here is one more. First off, I very much disagree with Secretary Stoltenberg! Make NO mistakes about NATO’s involvement and I must pointed out, as ex-Ukraine President Poroshenko already pointed out in BBC interview on March 9 this year (a day ago), NATO is indeed essentially involved and might as well do some robust responses so MUCH more than providing equipment, SHOULD Offensive as well to drove out evil Army murderer’s and more, by giving Ukraine with fighter planes NOT just old Soviet jets, but Eurofighter, F-16, helicopters, and *behold (!), the NEXT stage of evil Russian army is to conduct false flag operation is to accuse Ukreain Army is using, DeJa’Vu Syrian conflict all over again as human history shall always repeat itself (!)}, chemical weapon and Russia is JUST defending itself! Accordingly, the barbaric savage Russian Army will very highly likely use chemical, biological or even tactical nuclear weapon, because you already give green light to evil Army to bomb schools, churches, hospitals, kindergarten, and NOW *maternity hospital and you are trying to contain escalation is, UK and US included, speaks volume about so call *NATO’s resolve! This barbaric acts even thus far, so much more, so far exceeding atrocities, Serbia then NATO, why not Ukraine, whether Russia is nuke power or not, {*I shall like to point out thousands time that Russians want to live as much as we are, because they are still human, and NATO is too much worrying about this nukes conflict which Ruskies keep bluffing *to keep us at bay and WHY can we see that rudimentary street gangster’s tactic that is easily verified by any well intellectually cultivated PhD Sociologists and Psychologist! Yet, we are keep talking about *downright shameful *restraints AND constraints? * Oh, my my my, and my!!!! In short, I *very much regret to convey my disappointment at your *chicken the little like response in my humble view {we agree to disagree!!}. In my humble view, your response should have been declared something like as such, “*After witnessing this total barbaric attack, I hereby remind Russian Military that that is only so much NATO can stand idle by while ruthless Russians military keep on and keep on and keep on committing these kinds of war crimes against *humanity!” NATO has said, *any nation or two or more can act their *decision to *declarer *SAFE CORRIDOR NO FLY ZONE, requested by Ukraine Government. As I have repeated over, any member NATO nation can supply fighter aircrafts *one-way-to-JUST LIKE any weapons we have been providing! We want to strongly stress very important point that NATO has *NEVER said No FLY zone or being 100-percent *spectator and LIKE anything and everting, there is red line that I would like to convey to Russian Leadership ONCE again! out of question! Please read comment posted before this one that has *viable, partial, solutions THAT IS not, repeat, involve Russian territory, **people in Pentagon and NATO that self-defense fire back against S-400 stationed in Ukraine territory Crimea, {hello anyone confused?} and Belarus that is *aiding and abetting war crimes does not deserve to receive *immunity from *self-defense strike from US {F22-F-35!!} or NATO fighter jets THAT NOT even Russia or Russian military can refute that we are striking Russia! This is*valid legal argument that Russia has NO *justifiable answer and threatening useless answer will be dismissed, definitely should by US, UK, and NATO indeed! Problem is NATO is keep giving green lights to do whatever savage and barbarian like Russian Military saying, NATO is going to be *strictly **spectator!* Speechless and for the LAST time, Secretary NATO might not familiar or forgotten about international legal obligation that UK and US has, never mind about rest of NATO MEMBERS that at Hungry Budapest Security Guarantee was led by US and UK granting *Ukraine’s Security for giving up her, Ukraine, nuclear weapon? Hello UK and US and are your Secretary of NATO Stoltenberg aware this *sacred *international legal obligations* by, particular to US and UK? *In closing, I have reiterated my previously posted, just before this one, we have the Best *Infantry soldiers in the World in Ukraine, which is primarily Ukraine Army, due to super motivated to defend beloved homeland and its people, no more to say about…Therefore, we MUST *eliminate evil Army here and now so that it will not be reborn for the next century with NATO *just bombing involvement JUST LIKE Serbia, *SHOULD never, ever, and NEVER admitted to EU or NATO, {fact: Even Serbia’s flag is the same as Russia, except one logo in the middle, wonder why Ukraine allow them to march in 30 yrs. anniversary of Ukraine Independent Day of Military march!}. Respectfully yours from the USA

  4. JUST what hell is takes to US and UK, TWO deciding major signatory to give Ukraine fighter jets, helicopters, and US Army and US Marine's medium altitude SAM? I am at lost by Pentagon intended despicable, deeply shameful as (blackhole-deep-length in terms of moral standpoint!) shallow chicken the little cowardice decision NOT give Mig plane, one way to Ukraine, for Pete's sake! US in particular, US the major (!*) Budapest signatory, US alone exerted deeply pressured Ukraine to give up nuclear weapons and NOW they, Ukraine, got this, Apocalypse level attacks against Ukraine! General McMaster was right JUST 1 or 2 days ago, Putin has intended to murder up to shell shocking one-million Ukraine people and create 10-million refugees. I have been said long before this war started characterized Putin as *human faced evil monster and his evil Army must be obliterated *here and *now, because we have *the BEST infantry in the Ukraine equal = Ukraine *supermotivated people defend dear beloved homeland and *never, ever, not even over their dead bodies to give up EU and NATO!! *ONCE again, there MUST be red-line-whether or not NATO will be step in JUST in Ukraine sky, and if S-400 missiles is fired from either *occupied Ukraine Crimea, do not worry to knock out S-400 in Crimea, because it is NOT in Russian territory, and *SO with S-400 in Belarus!! These two places should be knock out if missile against our NATO aircraft, because that is NOT In Russian territory {it will take quite a bit long to arrive inside Ukraine, from inside Russian territory!}. *& URGENT caution 2-underpinning points MUST BE taken dead* seriously NOW as of March 10- two thousand two and that FIRST*, if and when Putin Russia uses chemical or biological weapon or *tactical nuclear weapons against **non-nuclear state, BIG *yes, we *must bomb the ENTIRE Russian Military assets in *Belarus, {war crime accomplice}, because it was *attacked, and Crimea, because it is *Ukraine territory! **TWO* &*& get ready to implement NO Flay zone even if supposedly going a war with Putin Russia! NO chicken the little, or cry wolf coward behaviors!! *Putin is inviting to go ww-3, and so **be ready and **get ready for WW-3, might as well, and comforting thought is we have, ONCE AGAIN, the *BEST Infantry Soldiers in Ukraine who are Ukraine, aside from foreign volunteers, including 3,000 and counting! *FOR the last time, mark my word with accentuating emphasis and with distinct possibility savage barbarian’s ruthless human faced *evil **monsters Russian Military will *use, one) or two)), chemical, three: 3))) tactical nuclear weapons!!! *YES, Russian barbarians with all deadly weapons have indeed crossed *Rubicon River and MUST responds with NATO military in kind! *Bomb to destroy all S-400 in Crimea that is Ukraine occupied territory, NOT Russia, and S-400 in Belarus that is aiding war criminal activities therefore, *FULLY deserved to get bombed but first target is S-400 in Belarus must be taken out! * ONCE again, UK and USA *must announce UK and USA's **legal comments to defend Ukraine so far failed, NEVER mind about NATO, but with UK and US deliver *crushing bombs to taken out S-400 in occupied Ukraine territory, and Belarus has been used to attack Ukraine thus *fair game to take out S-400 and Iskandar missiles batteries!! * Military wise, urging we MUST be ready for *eventuality… thus, bring 1-full US Marine Division we mean business from *DOING *practically NOTHING {*half of 50,000 should be forward to S Korea, because Marines will be inland of China will notice!}, but sitting around where there is NO threats from China, most of all, Japan can defend herself from any Chinese attack, except Nuclear but Japan and S Korea under US Nuclear umbrella, like Article 5 in different way. I have supreme confidence China will NOT attack Japan, because China know Japan self-defense capabilities! THEREE is zero reasons for China to attack Japan! Inclosing, dispatch JUST 5-Marine Regiments (10k) to each of areas: Poland, Estonia, Latavia, Lithuania Romania, Bulgaria, *and finally *ONE Army Division, including *10th Mountain Division!! After that we should be able to *withstand any and all Russian Infantry assault, *way overrated! Just knock out tanks, fighter jets, S-400, Iskandar Missiles battery, outdated war ships, we will have won majority of battle, because Russian soldiers are NOT motivated to fight and the rest!!!! *IF I WERE IN BIDEN’S team this *proactive movements I will recommend to Pres. Biden, even though I am not pretending to be some kind of *clairvoyant!” USA

  5. Russia just basically said it will use chemical weapons, when will the red line be crossed. Radiation leaks or chemical warfare, when will nato join and kick these motherfers ass back to Moscow. Putins a baby killer, I hate that man. This is so bad for the west so bad, it’s like a fictional book coming true. We are so done, so done in the west

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