Chaplain recalls visiting Mark Gerardot after wife killed girlfriend and then herself

Chaplain recalls visiting Mark Gerardot after wife killed girlfriend and then herself

Rev. Manuel Howard said Mark Gerardot “was distressed, very emotional” at the police station, where Gerardot was being held for questioning while authorities continued their investigation.


49 thoughts on “Chaplain recalls visiting Mark Gerardot after wife killed girlfriend and then herself

  1. So much sticking up for a murderer. This must be a young crowd. The wife murdered another woman. Do you all get that. She was unstable. Everyone is going after him. He cheated it happens everyday we don’t kill people because of it. This lady was insane. This guy is no prize either but seems quite traumatized. I wouldn’t forgive her either. She gives women a bad name.

  2. He’s an ass!

  3. Okay so he was the victim 😂🤣🤣

  4. This man is the cause of the women‘ s death. Karma served him . He is a narcissist. Sick man . He thought he was the victim. He will always live with this shame for the rest of his life.

  5. I’m still trying to figure out why women kill the other woman? I’m not promoting violence but that’s your husband breaking his vows… the other person really isn’t obligated to be faithful for him. Plus, we don’t know what he told his lover.. for all we know he could of lied and Sid he was separated….he was a cheater so lying is natural for them

  6. He caused all of it.Discusting he seems to blame his wife.25 year marrage.if my hubby of years was suddenly cold and he denied an affair it makes sence that she took action by setting up recordings.the wife lost her mind and was not sane due to the excruciating pain he caused.because you are a husband stealr does not mean one should be killed but she walked onto a dark path-chose to-which ended up being her walk to death.if hubby cut out his eye so he had no temptation to cheat,his wife and what would have been boss would still be alive.he sits in interview like hey i could not stop my feelings so i was honest telling her i am in love and getting a divorce-he traded her in a before landing the job had no plans on ever leaving his wife….tis man is colddddddd and highly narcissistic.

  7. This guy is a POS!!!! His wife shouldn't kill herself but kill him instead. He acted all innocent while the two deaths could have been avoided if it wasn't him!! How can you do this to your wife of 24 years!

  8. I seriously believe there should be a legal precident set that could allow a court to charge him with some sort of involvement like an involuntarily manslaughter charge. Cheaters need to be held accountable more than just in civil court

  9. He was a cheater but she was a murderer!!!! Who’s worse? If you have say it’s his fault it’s not. She’s a killer. He’s not.

  10. Re the tired old line about how "things like this don't happen here": They happen EVERYWHERE in the US. A non-trivial percentage of them happen in places where people thought the same thing. I grew up in a repressed little Appalachian town of less than 7,000 people. Nearest town with more people than that was an hour's drive away. CW has it that it's a peaceful, sleepy, safe, friendly little town, unlike those big nasty cities we all hear about on Scary News Network.

    In 1991, we had 4 murders. The US 1991 national average rate for murders and non-negligent manslaughters was 9.8 per hundred thousand. Your 1991 odds of dying of murder or manslaughter in my little town that year were (check my math, please) about 5.83 times higher than (i.e., 583% of) the national average odds. So my tired little mountain town full of people who had never been out of the county but were constantly paranoid about the alleged terrors of city life coming to destroy their white paradise were actually living in an alarming hot spot for homicides.

  11. That's Unfair for the Chaplain to state that Mark was the catalyst for the murders occurring. As immoral as his act was, he does not instigate a women making a conscience choice to kill someone and to kill herself. That is her responsibility and her responsibility only..

  12. Left his wife of 24 years for a fling he had for a month. Yikes 😳 I love my husband but I will always love me more.

  13. I don’t feel sorry for him at all. If he was so not happy in his marriage, he would divorce his wife way before young appeared. His lies, denials and games drove his wife to the point of despair. She loved him and he loved himself and new lust..I am sorry for the life of young woman too, they both made that choice. He is just mean and your wife was no surprised with your honestly, but the fact that u admitted what she was asking about and suspect. Women have this natural knowing and yet men over and over lie, thinking we are just stupid to know. Well, here is the thing… the truth comes out. He may not killed them but morally he is responsible, big time! He was jerk to his wife, no question, arrogant a***hole. She went to councelling to safe his marriage, he did to tell her he wants out! It is really sad that she could not imagine better life without him, because it would be!

  14. Oh please, your NOT the VICTIM, 🤢🤮

  15. Wahhhhh!!?? 🤢🤮

  16. I think this man is a total dumb ass. Typical guy. Older man meets much younger woman, and is ready to throw away a 25 year marriage. Trying to recapture his youth. Nauseating story.
    I think he is guilty for causing the deaths of these 2 women, because he had no morals, or commitment to his wife. His selfishness led to this happening.
    The young woman was being a selfish ****,but this was such a tragedy. Honestly, my heart goes out to the wife. Her last months and minutes of life were a living hell.
    Mark had better get right with his Maker, if he has any sense of conscience.

  17. He fell in love with someone else. They were divorcing. She couldn’t handle it, so decided the worse outcome.

  18. He’s gross….. how is he still alive and well?

  19. Fake fake fake. He needs to do jail time. Piece of 🤬🇬🇧

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