Chaos in the skies

Chaos in the skies

With hundreds of new incidents of unruly passengers, there is now a push to add those passengers to a no-fly list. But some lawmakers are speaking out against that move.


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30 thoughts on “Chaos in the skies

  1. There is no need for the public panic over the mask mandates on flights and hospitals. It is actually good to wear a mask in very close proximity environments to others because it is easier to contract illnesses. There are many other illnesses beside covid which can be contracted on planes and in hospitals. Look at the benefit and protect yourself, don't panic over a simple and easy request to follow. One's freedom is not being taken away from wearing a mask. What if a doctor chose not to wear a mask during a patients surgery because their freedom was being taken away? As a result, the patient in surgery contracts an illness due the lack of concern from the doctor. Is this a health violation? Oh, yes it is. Same concept.

  2. ………….If you're not enough mature enough to not get all pissy about wearing a piece of cloth of your nose and mouth, maybe you're not able to just sit down and be calm enough to be on a plane in the first place. All these people getting so upset about wearing a mask are like when really young kids throw a fit when you tell them that you can't go to Chuck E. Cheese's unless you put clothes on.

    That's probably not a super common thing but I had a little cousin do it in the Long, Long Ago back when we didn't need masks and has stuck on my mind ever since as a good metaphor for people being upset over something so simple that it shouldn't really be an issue to anyone over the age of 5. If you've got some medical thing, that's fine but most of the "masks = communism" or whatever-the-hell else reason not to wear a mask people don't. It's just another thing on the list of minor inconveniences people with nothing better to do than be upset over the "hot new thing to be upset about" have decided to be upset about.

  3. Wow, I can't believe there are some lawmakers who against a national no-fly list. I'm sorry, but if you assault a flight attendant, a fellow passenger, or try to open the door (cockpit or exit) mid-flight, you shouldn't be allowed to fly ever again. This goes beyond simply refusing to comply with a mask mandate, which I agree is by itself not enough to justify putting somebody on the national no-fly list. This is NOT equating unruly passengers with terrorists, because besides registering them on a national no-fly list, we throw such people in PRISON. This is a total false equivalency and appeal to emotion on the part of these Republican lawmakers, nothing more.

  4. I Believe people regardless of there circumstances, if they cause problems on an air plane they should be federally charged and put on a no fly list seriously If your so stupid as to argue over a mask mandate then you have no reason to fly. because your crazy. Your actions put other at risk of injury or worse crashing the plane all because your and idiot. Put them on a 1 year no fly list then they will learn there lesson we hope right. what do you think

  5. When will some drunks actually bring down a plane, film it and post it on twitter? Then a No Fly List will be enforced. Unfortunately many other, decent passengers will have to die.

  6. I understand but what about people that act a fool on a bus ? A train? Are they permanently banned from riding a bus or train? What if you act a fool in a grocery store ? Do you not get to go grocery shopping again? I understand that people acting a fool should come with a consequence but lifetime of no flying seems harsh.

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