‘Challenging times’ ahead: President Trump – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Trump opened Monday’s briefing in the Rose Garden by acknowledging “challenging times” are ahead in the next 30 days.

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By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “‘Challenging times’ ahead: President Trump”
  1. Wake up you sheeple! These are signs of the end times! Soon we will have no breath left in our bodies, let alone energy in our homes to continue listening to these demons! The U.N. has already declared global food shortages starting from today! Famine will plague nations, animals will perish, waters will flow with human blood, just like the time of Moses! Stop trusting your demonic idols who do nothing but distract you! We are at war as we type away! This virus is permanent and so is the plague of evil that has befallen all of us! People will kill people in countless numbers! Friend will be foe, they won't know where to bury us! This is the end! Wake up!

  2. I watched this man go from a man on reality television to a hero for our American Nation! Thank you Trump you are my president! I am so proud of you! God bless you and God keep you safe and strong! You made me proud to be an American. Both of my parents were born in Mexico and I am so happy they made it to America.

  3. I wish this president would just get out of the way and allow normal people who actually know what there doing and talking about plus have empathy handle this pandemic as clearly Trumps only hindering our efforts.

  4. Trump is a moron, I can just imagine his late night calls with his buddy Hannity…that must be rivetting conversation. One moron coaching another. The basic problem is trump is a moron, seems his daddy couldn't buy him a decent education or he just wasnt bright enough to take advantage of it!

  5. I pray the Lord Jesus for you America. And in the future i want to go to visit this great country. From East to West. And..i want to invite you to listen my song: FRAGILE DEA ANDREA DE VALERI On YOUTUBE a sweet song from Italy. GOD bless you american people!

  6. https://youtu.be/KwbcOsM6sdE about. Corona. anti virus. Is. Verey easy. and you have to know all the answers your big. questions. about evreything. is in historicals persian. about alines and union and science and why we are here. or where we are going and about. for anti corona virus. Use black tea. Put it in hot water wait for few mins till become coolder not cold. Like warm. that time you can drink. it was easy yes and also you can used when you drink tea just black tea not green or tasty use honey with a small piece garlic that for make better tast use with bread and butter you can drink black tea warm any time but about honey and garlic just one or to times a day i love you with best wishes be in cover of god and think about. yourself thats enough you followed. Money way here that mean this world isnot our real land. we are here for test by devil son of the bitch for short time and go back those values human to heaven must be like dog or baby. All kindness and trust to god. God bless usa and persian and world. Thanks mr president be in cover of god and holysprit and holysprit of cyrus 😘😘🙏🙏 https://youtu.be/_Jtpf8N5IDE.

  7. 1:31 in his head “don’t call it China virus, don’t call it China virus” long pause “Coronavirus”

  8. Well he is shitting his pants now because he was going to open the country back in Easter 🐣. According to a London article trumps team called a doctor 🥼 there and the doctor told him if you don’t do a semi lock down or keep your country closed you can see about a million of your citizens die from this virus 🦠 and you might have more than 5 million people infected with this virus in a month from now.

  9. I like the vigorous testing and you extending guidelines trump we need to flatten this curve and get back to work. This life is truly not meant for Americans. STAY AT HOME!

  10. 🌀🌀🌀 This man is insane! 🌀🌀🌀

  11. for any "challenging times" I'm glad we have Trump as POTUS!! 🇺🇸 Trump20

  12. Your a nut. I like you personally. Yet, your afraid of the NWO cause they have pics of you with Jeffery Ebsteins child hookers. They even videotape you drinking baby blood and eating baby sushi after your Lucifer meetings . Great human sacrifices right Donald… Now you want to sacrifice us with your fake baloney Virus that you and your criminals cook the books on … No. Keep your Vaccine of death. Your a sick man Donald, not normal. We the people who built this country will take it back peacefully. Blame God, not us….

  13. President of the United statens Donald Trump
    It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear,"…..

    He actually said that

  14. Are people really so stupid that they don't remember a few weeks ago, this was just going to disappear on its own? Good that he's with program now, but his missteps are almost as bad as China's were in screwing up the opportunity to act before it became huge by downplaying it.

  15. Nancy Pelosi has a hateful vendetta for President Trump. And she will not stop. And I feel that she is a threat to our President. Our Commander in Chief. Our Leader of this country. President Donald Trump. Nancy Pelosi needs to be removed. She needs to be put into retirement. She is constantly trying to harass, Bully and Defame the President. And she won't stop. You are the President of the United States of America. You can stop her. And when you do. I'm buying a bottle of vodka and I'm going to celebrate.

  16. Well I'm doing my part and keeping at least 6 feet between myself and others when I'm out in public. In other words, I'm carrying on with my usual routine.

  17. This is a stall why are tanks in California texas and east coast? Something else going on here. Is China taking over?

  18. I get a kick when he goes off script. The content of the speech goes from intelligent adult to childlike and then back again. 🤣

  19. I love reading all the cry baby snowflake comments ! Dems need to grow up and get over 2016 already, I mean almost 4 years of constant crying and complaining and doing nothing productive! Trump 2020!

  20. Finally he's listening to the doctors instead of his economic team – those snakes Kudrow and Mnuchin.
    I'm sorry. I shouldn't call those men snakes. Snakes are much kinder than those cockroaches.

  21. Heaven forbid Americans have to wear a FUCKIN mask as much as they spend on dental care!😄 And run that mouth!😒

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