Chadwick Boseman’s death puts colon cancer in the spotlight – Car Mod Pros Portal

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30 thoughts on “Chadwick Boseman’s death puts colon cancer in the spotlight”
  1. #Trump2020 and 🇺🇸👍👍👍 vote for Trump and save this Country from the far left..Jump on the Trump Train in #KAGA2020

  2. I know a girl from locust valley ny that had 6" of her colon removed bc of colon cancer at 22 y/o and two sisters that died at 28 and 32 from queens ny. This was in 2012.

  3. Chadwick Boseman isn't the only notable figure that died from colon cancer; others include Audrey Hepburn, and president Ronald Reagan, among others.

  4. My dad died from it in 1986. I have had a colonoscopy every 5 years for the past 12 years. Its a horrible thing to go through especially watching your father wilt down to nothing. Chadwick RIP.

  5. I wonder if he had ulceritive colitis. That dramatically increases the risk of colon cancer in younger people. If your UC started when you were a kid, you'll start having regular colonoscopies by the time you're in your early 20s.

  6. When my father died of colon cancer I did the colonoscopy and found some non dangerous lesions and a few years later a dangerous one. I never had problems doing the exam because of family history, but you can only find it through colonoscopy, and doctor say to have after your 50s, and I was 30 when I found it. If my father hadn´t died of colon cancer when he did, I would probably have died too.

  7. Dems are responsible for the birth of a 3rd party of moderated Dems as they are not in agreement with the Dems positions. After voting for Obama twice I will be voting for Trump this time. Until I see a better option, or will be moving to Republican. As an Hispanic I know and have experience first hand socio-comunist governments.
    What do you think ?

  8. Black males are recommended to get checked in their early 40’s for some reason we are high risk. I’ve had two COLONOSCOPY’s and I’m 60 now. A lot of black males have this macho thing about having someone put something up their butt. My older brother is like that, 8 years ago I told him to go get checked. He said I don’t want anyone putting their fingers in my butt. I told him that was dumb, so you rather wait until they put a knife up your ass. Six years later my mom died of colon cancer. Sometimes it does not pay to be stupid. ✌🏾

  9. All thanks to Dr. Umoru for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed since 2014 and I was taking my medications but I wasn't satisfied I needed to get Herpes out of my body system, I searched about some possible cure for Herpes. I saw a comment about Dr. Umoru of how he cured someone from herpes with his effective herbal product I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions to my problem and he sent me a medication which I took for two weeks. I took the medications as he prescribed and I was surprised after going for test my result came out negative. You can also get help on any problem you are Suffering from such as.
    HIV and AIDS
    Sickle cell
    Diabetes e.t.c
    Contact the great doctor via email {drumoru01@gmail. com} or WhatsApp/call +2348165436638

  10. R.I.P.
    If people knew the Truth About Cancer, they might not support the Cancer Lies wearing Pink. Cancer was cured in the USA as early as 1918.
    1. Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine by Daniel Haley 
    2. Cancer The Problem and The Solution, Dr. Johanna Budwig
    3. A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and The Cure of Advanced Cancer By Diet, by Dr. Max Gerson
    4. A Solution To The Cancer Problem, by Dr. Cornelius Moerman
    5. The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, Jim Marrs
    6. Racketeering in Medicine, The Suppression of Alternatives, James P. Carter, M.D., Dr.P.H.
    7. DVD, Dying To Have Known, The Evidence Behind Natural Healing, Steve Kroschel
    8. DVD, Cancer – The Forbidden Cures, by Massimo Mazzucco
    9. Dr. Rudolph Virchow, "The Cells Heal Themselves" 1855 Cellular Pathology 
    10. Search for Dr. Royal R Rife (Cured Every Know & Unknown Diseases by 1930's His Cancer Cures Silenced)
    11. Search for Harry Hoxsey ( Cured Internal & External Cancers in 1920's)
    12. Search for Dr. William F Koch (Gave Cause & Cure of cancer in 1918)
    13. A Solution To The Cancer Problem, by Dr. Cornelius Moerman
    14.The Cure for All Diseases: With Many Case Histories Dr Hulda Regehr Clark
    John Burns
    UMOJA Research, USA

  11. I too was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2016. I received my colon cancer screening reminder letter in the mail (receive notifications automatically every other year since I turned 50) advising me to pick up an FOBT (Fecal Occult Blood test) from my family doctor. After mailing in the test, I received a letter in the mail indicating that the test was positive. My family doctor received the results and initiated a colonoscopy test and I was sent the prep information and the contact information to set up an appointment. But I had no symptoms, cancer did not run in my family and the colonoscopy prep/procedure was frightening. I did not make an appointment, I felt someone had made an error. A 2nd letter was received reminding me of the FOBT results and to confirm the mistake, I did a 2nd FOBT test…the results were positive again. I then made an appointment for the colonoscopy, which discovered a "mass" in my right colon and a second sigmoid polyp. I was scheduled for bloodwork, a CT scan and referred to a colorectal surgeon. Within weeks an appointment was scheduled with the colorectal surgeon, who delivered the devastating news…the mass was malignant. The colorectal surgeon asked if I was available for surgery the following Monday, and the surgery was scheduled. A large portion of my colon was removed as well as lymph nodes. At the follow-up appointment, the cancer was diagnosed as Stage III as cancer cells had spread to several lymph nodes. 6 months of chemotherapy was recommended. After the chemotherapy was completed I was diagnosed cancer free!!! I will be followed up for 5 years, with regular colonoscopies, CT scans and blood tests, so that measures can be taken quicky, in case I relapse. So far, so good. I live in Canada and would not have survived this health ordeal without our fantastic universal health care system, preventative cancer screening and top notch medical professionals. I incurred no out of pocket medical expenses. I believe the outcome would have been much different had I not lived in Canada.

  12. Kirk OMG I had no idea that test was that much!! Sorry I thought that one would be much cheaper my colonoscopy last year I paid out-of-pocket I paid five or $600 upfront and then I got a bill a couple months later for $1000 would be better off going to ask the doctor and see if he can make a cash deal with him talk directly to the doctor !!

  13. If you ever have bloody stool, go to the doctor immediately! At age 10, i had a totalcolectomy because there were just too many polyps, in my case i had familial adenomatous polyposis . Had screenings every year after. Diagnosed with rectal cancer at 27 in 2017, still fighting

  14. Doritos, Burger King, and mountain Dew. Staples of the typical american diet. C-R cancer being 2nd place, not a huge shocker.

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  16. I wonder if he put off going to the doctor because of past history of black people being used by the medical world and/or being mistreated or neglected or even just not listened to by the medical services. I experienced this and I'm white, but blacks have been mistreated for a long long time and often have fear, suspicion, even paranoia of the medical field – brought on by what is called systemic racism…..

  17. I just lost my husband suddenly in Dec. to colon cancer. Suddenly because he was never diagnosed until it was far too late. I'm just grateful he went quick with not a lot of suffering. But I'm so angry and heartbroken over it all still. It didn't have to happen. He saw his doctor every month, told him what was going on and the doctor just ignored it all. I'm going to make sure this man never does this to another family again.

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