CEO of Juul apologizes to parents for teen vaping epidemic – Car Mod Pros Portal

In a new interview, the head of Juul vapor says “I’m sorry” to parents of teens who vape, saying they never intended to make the products appealing to teens.

#ABCNews #Juul #Vaping


By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “CEO of Juul apologizes to parents for teen vaping epidemic”
  1. I love how parents are taking no personal responsibility on this, they made the product it's their fault

    bitch STFU it's your fault you weren't watching your children apperenty you aren't parents

  2. If y’all haven’t figured it out yet this guy is such a fake. The ceo wants teens to get addicted to this product so they will buy it all of their life so that he can have the money from it y’all need to put this together.He never made this to help adults get off of smoking.

  3. lmao. big tobacco is losing so much money right now, and the only way to get everybody back on cigarettes is to eliminate vaping, which is what they're trying to do. Why isn't the FDA concerned about cigarettes? Do they not think its a problem with youth? Well, get ready for it to be when vapes are banned. But that is okay because big tobacco will make more money.

  4. Oh who the hell cares anymore. Let people smoke, sniff, vape, shootup do whatever. We're all dead anyway. Go nuts. Its your life and your fault if you do any of these things. I'm so tired of nanny-state behavior.

  5. There is a case of a 18 year old called ADAM who is suing JUUL for his lung disease apparently related to vaping their product, the following is a direct quote from his own mum…
    “He would wake up in the morning and would puff on that Juul and then cough,” said mum Polly.
    “He would hit it several times throughout the day. My son was going through a pod and a half every other day, or a day and a half.”

    Eventually, he went from vaping over-the-counter e-liquids to vaping THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana.

    But it was soon after that he started to feel unwell and eventually ended up in hospital.

    Adam said: “If I had known what it was doing to my body, I would have never even touched it, but I didn’t know. I wasn’t educated.”
    Even SHE HAS STATED THAT HE HAS BEEN VAPING THC! Funny enough I searched YouTube for the video of the news which I managed to find but the comments are DISABLED for it! Why? I wanted to make this point but could not! So I made it here. It's not JUUL it's the fucking little scrotums fault for vaping illegal THC products.

  6. This shit is driving me nuts! These aren’t children they are teenagers. They know right from wrong. If there going to take on the responsibility of smoking that shits on them. I mean we trust them to drive cars but yet their not capable of making good decisions ya ok. As long as planet earth is still around teenagers are gong to continue to get their hands on stuff their not supposed to use. So instead of these parents going after the companies why don’t they actually try and solve the real problem which is how their getting them in the first place. It’s ALL about a payday for these parents suing. How about the millions of people these products have helped?? Not just a couple of fuckin idiots who got ahold of a product didn’t use it properly now want to blame everyone else.

  7. Apologize!!!!! I think maybe apologized for profits 😄😄

  8. When’s big tobacco gonna apologize for all the shit they’ve done huh?

  9. I dont get it. Some want to ban e-cigs because there is not yet enough evidence to determine whether or not they are bad for you, yet we are completley certain that actual cigarettes are bad for you and we still sell those.

  10. the smokers hate vaping the non smokers hate vaping the gov. wants to call it tobacco so they can get the money , there is not a substance on this planet that has been hit this hard ever and 20 years from now it will be the same talk of it's not clear if it causes cancer , kids do and try everything from cigs. to booze and drugs but they want to put vaping on top of the hate list , and when I go to work and on my lunch break I have to go outside and breath in the harmful smoke around me because no one vapes and because of this talk they think smoking is better for you. go ahead bring up the bad about vaping every time and what is it hmmmm nicotine , fruit flavor , kids the kids the kids…… ohhhh give me a break

  11. They make it appeal to teens, they make it seem like it's safe (even though we dont even know what the effects are and theres a whole bunch of chemicals and more nicotine in them then cigarettes) make it look discreet so they get away with it, and let's be honest, would an adult old enough to do it actually choose a flavor like cotton candy, the flavors are clearly targeted towards teens and kids

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