CDC warns Americans not to travel for Thanksgiving amid COVID surge l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

The CDC is urging Americans to celebrate Thanksgiving only with people in their own household amid a rise in coronavirus hospitalizations in all 50 states.

#ABCNews #Thanksgiving #COVID19 #Travel #CDC


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “CDC warns Americans not to travel for Thanksgiving amid COVID surge l GMA”
  1. We americans just don't listen. We seem to have a problem ( on the world stage) to listen AND follow directions. This IS A PANDEMIC. not the time to make a big deal about holidays and parties. It's reckless thinking. Stay home. Do not travel. You travel, Covid 19 goes with you and looks for other host, and they could be weaker( like an older person or sick person. Life saving info is no good , if we don't use it. Remember the warning about Mt.St. Helens yrs ago. People were told to move out of the area. Some moved , some did not. Refusing to believe the volcano would erupt. Those who did not , are still there. Dead under all that dry lava.

  2. I was concerned about Americans with this virus but after seeing everyone travelling for thanksgiving it's obvious that they just don't care about themselves it's beyond ridiculous

  3. Everybody is starting to realize that the Pandemic is a false flag operation, You guys blew it with the censorship and those Fact checkers and the constant exaggerations of the Pandemic, I bet a bioweapons attack is next to scare us into tighter restrictions, and then there was Bill Gates ! You guys have started an awakening that you can't stop, The media really thought we were that stupid. Most of us are going to have our thanksgiving with our families with out wearing masks so try and stop us because you will only accelerate the awakening.

  4. I have been in a relationship for 3 years now and we have been very happy together so we where about to get married and it was the happiest time in my life but something happen he was not happy about the marriage and it get me worry 4 weeks before our weeding I find out the he has someone ex and which he also promised marriage as well 3 days latter he came back and ask us to cancel the weeding i was not happy with him because of the change at once and make me want to kill myself, i don't eat or drink for 2 good day because i have no hope of living a friend of my came to visit me to see how we are preparing for the weeding and I told her everything that happen she told me not to worry that she has someone to fix things out for me she give me Dr Godfather contact which i immediately contacted him and he ask for my details which i did and ask me to pay some amount of money that make me think he is fake bout my friend ask me to believed and i did all that he ask a week latter he came back and beg me to forgve him and even buyte me a now car just to me me happy please if there is any one of you out there that need this type of help please contact this great Dr on his Email address or whatspp him on his number +2347062606817 this is how God use this man to restore my relationship back in just a week and 4 days
    Contact him on any kind of SPELL

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    2) Lost Love Spells
    3) Divorce Spells
    4) Marriage Spells
    5) Binding Spells
    6) Breakup Spells
    7) Banish a past Lover.
    8.) You want to be promoted in your office
    9) want to satisfy your lover
    10) Death spell
    11)Gay/Lesbian Love spell
    12)Money spell
    13) court case spell
    14)celebrity spell
    15) politics spell
    16) Exams spell
    17)Beauty spell
    18)Good-luck spell
    19) Do as i say spell.

  5. Thank to Dr Godfather for bring my lover back in just 24 hours,when my lover left me i was sad i wanted to kill my self because i love him so much i try to do what i can to get her but it did not work, I told all her friends to help me beg her that am so sorry for what i have done but she never accept my apologies, one day i was browsing on my YouTube and i saw someone testifying about this great man call Dr Godfather how he help her to bring back her boyfriend back, so i contacted Dr Godfather in just 24 hours my story change my lover that left me came back and beg after one year i was so happy that my Ex is back to me, all my appreciation goes to for bring back my lover back contact him if you are having any similar problem like this or any problem you may have Dr Godfather is the solution man his email address or Whatsapp him +2347062606817

  6. American ppl don’t give a 💩…good luck with all the curfews and warnings….

  7. ᴳᵉᵗ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉᵈ ᶠᵃᵍᵍᵒᵗ.

  8. Listen you bunch of dumb idiots WE WILL TRAVEL, WE WILL CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS, WE ARE GOING TO CELEBRATE NEW YEARS!! The American people will do so as they please and the day you puppets try to stop that is they day we rise up and take this country from you tards and run it ourselves.
    So we dare you to try because honestly we’re fed up and over it! Make that vaccine mandatory as well watch shtf real fast!

  9. Proverbs 22:3
    The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced ones keep right on going and suffer the consequences.

  10. Yeah, just try to make people do anything, and rebellion occurs, especially with wearing a mask to protect themselves and others. We live in a country where everyone thinks they should be able to do what they want even if it hurts others, so good luck with trying to change the populations.

  11. My sister is a nurse and has been dealing with this crap since March and all of you morons are making it worse because you choose to think that it is unreal. All you had to do was wear a mask and social distance but no, most of you idiots get your information from your idiotic president instead of listening to public health officials!!! So go ahead and travel because you cowards obviously have a death wish!!!

  12. Remember when Covid19 first came out, after a while it died down, so the government switched Tatics, "BACK TO RACISM". Give it a couple more weeks. Maybe they make "ZOMBIES" ACCIDENT this time at the CDC…….IN "GEORGIA". Where there Motto is, "Inscest is best, keep it in the family and I went to skool for too yeRs!

  13. "At this point we really have to be honest" ????? Lets be honest — gathering for Hollidays and dying is NOT and either/or proposition. People may get china flu and be just fine like the VAST MAJORITY of others who have had it. Many others will gather and walk away the same as they came. Fact is people die. All of us. From flu, cancer, aids, alcohol/drugs, murder, heart attacks, AND china flu, and countless other reasons. One day when death finds me I hope it will find me doing the things I always do and not living a life of fear in a world that can and will kill us all in any number of ways. Fact is about 14% test positive – 20% of them are asymptomatic, Under .5 % mortality rate — Gather and Enjoy – the odds are way in your favor.

  14. The dislikes are the donkeys that think they immune to it and don’t care about infecting others

  15. I can say I had the flu I would say when I was in my late twenties or early thirties and I've read a list of all the symptoms of covid-19 and every one of them are the exact same symptoms that come with the common flu

  16. For those of you that want to know the truth of what's really in the vaccine go to YouTube and look up truth unveiled 777 and watch the video (highly toxic ingredients) and share this video with as many people as possible please and get it out of your mind thinking this video is a hoax is not share this video and we are not born into this world just to be vaccinated for profit and like cattle when the creator made everything on this earth with it's own form of immune system and most Americans as well as people around the world never really stop to think about the sensitive topic and thought that rather vaccines are a weaker strain of the disease or not you're paying the government in the medical establishment and those that are pulling the strings you're paying them to give you a disease

  17. Dr falchi hasn't got covid-19 yet he has to take off his mask while speaking behind the podium and I bet you he removes it the minute he knows the cameras are off

  18. And I'll prove it to you that they're making this crap up one day I heard a report that the airline industry of the United States was trying to install social distancing seats on their planes first of all they are going down because of what's going on they're not going to make enough money and how is that possible when everyone breathes recycled air on the plane and pumping billions of taxpayers stimulus money into a industry that may go belly up while the government foot drags on purpose and by design by purposely withholding stimulus and here we go again from the people that need it

  19. With how things are going right now I can see a possible revolt or revolution happening as discontent and resentment grows against those that are pulling the strings and their empty promises

  20. If the coronavirus is so bad like they say it is then how is it that all the entrepreneurial businesses and the mom-and-pop stores have to close while these so-called too big to fail companies stay open such as Walmart home Depot and Lowe's and other big corporate businesses why you say because they're making this crap up if you people out there can't see that the media is not for the people 100% and that the United States should be called the United States of Soviet America or the u.s.s.a simply because everything America is gone by instilling psychological fear brainwashing an submission into the people and getting the global humanity including the united states to take those laced vaccines 🤔

  21. The death rate has not increased, but the case numbers have. That's because they are counting cases on the number of times a single person get's tested positive. That is to say, if you test 5x this week, that's 5 cases added to the total count. The case numbers doesn't reflect the number of people testing positive, but the number of positive results being reported. This is simply dishonest and misleading. Ultimately, these lock downs have nothing to do with covid or your safety.


  23. worried about covid is like wearing a condom all the time on your head, while begging for air 90.1% percent of your life

    im worried about getting a lisp before covid!
    get out of freedom corporations and government,

  24. Let me get this straight. The CDC doesn’t want families visiting for thanksgiving because of Covid? How can you explain schools full of classrooms coming in from dozens of families everyday? That’s not bothering any of you!!!!! News flash!!! NO ONE SITS SIX FEET APART EITHER!!!!

  25. I would literally be having thanksgiving alone if i didn't go to my parents house.. Yeah i'm still going. yes i believe in the virus but i believe the media is over-dramatizing everything to scare everyone. I will be spending the holidays with my family. nothing you can do about it. For all I know it could be the last time I ever see them, you will not take that away from me

  26. God sees the scattering of His flock and the confusion. We are being tested and we are failing. The lack of consideration for others I see in the face of coronavirus makes our return to places of worship slower and more delayed. The dismissal of priests makes the problem even worse. To the accusers "make peace' for I tell you God is about to speak to those who continue to scatter his flock and cause strife, dividing and confusing His people. The wolf is at the door and no one seems to pay attention and continue about their business and their own agenda: when the answer for protection is peace, prayer, and communion for defense. The world seems to have a disease and that disease is the illusion that God is not watching. As for me, I will keep the lantern burning, contemplate in prayer, stay home, and be ready when the Master returns.

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