Updated mask guidance from the CDC is expected to come as early as next week, officials told ABC News. This comes as other countries are scaling back their precautions.
#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #CDC #MaskGuidance
After seeing this pandemic – I take advice from the CDC as much as I do Mickey Mouse.
I haven't had a cold since wearing one, so I will keep wearing mine in indoor places, also it hides my old hillbilly face.
How insane do you have to be to still have an OUTDOOR mask mandate
Wow, who knew midterms would be more effective than a vaccine???
Center for Democrap Control(CDC), approval ratings in the crapper, time to follow the “political scienceâ€ÂÂ.
🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡
"Science" = Midterms.
Indiana hasn't worn masks for almost a year. Our hospitals are fine.
"No magic number" huh? That goal post keeps moving. The pandemic will be indefinite.
I'm sure infections will go UP & UP & UP once masks come off.. just a guess based on the last 2 years experience…
I'm sure infections willgo UP & UP & UP once masks come off…
Yeah this is a joke. Were watching a protest in Canada where thousands of people without masks are all in close proximity of each other for 3 weeks straight but no covid.
Nevada is one of the states struggling for ICU beds, but they lifted all the mask regulations last week. When the receptionists at doctors offices, pharmacy workers, etc. stop wearing masks then I will consider it.
Educated people will still be wearing masks.
Hopefully the ones responsible for doing this to we the people are held accountable & punished for their actions. POS
Let's not confuse common colds and flu with deadly viruses. P.S
Corruption seems to be the issue at hand. Remember there is an after life and judgement will be made. Hope I squeak by??
The virus is weakening. As Fauci said, as long as we don't get hit with another variant, this thing is over. Hundreds of millions of Americans now have immunity, natural or artificial. It's time to return to normal life. Frankly, as a triple-vaxxed healthy young adult, I'm sick of wearing a mask indoors. I think it's time to say goodbye to COVID-19, and I sincerely empathize with all the families who didn't make it through without suffering a devastating loss. Now let's hope World War III isn't just around the corner.
When will they learn that when you "give people a mask break" they refuse to put them back on when needed. Let's keep wearing them until this is done
"We want to give people a break" hahaha I bet that's following the SCIENCE!!!! Such BS from start to finish
Boycott ABC…vote against every liberal democrat on the ballot…stop the liberal supremacy being promoted by bias ABC..Biden’s communist propaganda
If the elites that went to the Super Bowl don't need them, the peasants don't either.
Just in time for the midterm elections