CDC recommends vaccinating anyone 65 and older and those with preexisting conditions

CDC recommends vaccinating anyone 65 and older and those with preexisting conditions

Dr. Todd Ellerin discusses what is needed to close the gap between the number of vaccines distributed versus doses administered, and how more mass vaccination sites in the U.S. will help.

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26 thoughts on “CDC recommends vaccinating anyone 65 and older and those with preexisting conditions

  1. 🚫💉💦
    Fake pandemic 🐂💩

  2. There is no hope. In Califonria the system is so convoluted and impossible to understand. For people like myself around here the nearest vaccine place is 90 miles away and I'm sure we'd be rejected evern though we are all in our late 60s Also you just can't show up and get a shot – you have to have an appointment in CA – good luck finding out where and how to do that.. We've basically been in a 12 month lockdown, wearing masks, social distancing and after all that we are just barely better than Arizona where ieverything has remained open and no one is required to wear masks. My new slogan to all is "Don't lock yourselves in, Don't wear masks and don't socially distance – these efforts don't seem to have an effect."

  3. US Warp speed distribution is slower than the 1947 US Small Pox vaccinations.

    China and India are sending rockets to the moon and Mars while US hip hop is tired after 40 years.

    Is this proof of US devolution or is the US education system a failure?

  4. US Population = 326 million. Available vaccines = 20 million (2 doses for 10 million people).

    Pence who said it was all a hoax, jumped the queue of 316 million who have to wait till late 2021.

    Germans are still teased about Nazis today, 75 years later.

    Americans not just MAGATs will be teased for being simple-minded in 2095 !

  5. TRUMP'S HERD IMMUNITY is responsible for the US 391,915 Covid death rate.

    Don't let Trump and his MAGATs get away with it.

    Take Trump out! Bang bang simple m*f*ckers!

    Taiwan 7 and New Zealand 25 followed the WHO simple 3 point plan and have not had a fatality in 5 months!

  6. US has 307,000 more Covid deaths than the UK. TRUMP IS A MURDERER!

    UK = 84,767 China = 4,634 (x18) II US 391,915 China 4,634 (x84).

    NO VACCINE & NO COVID = Taiwan 7 and New Zealand 25.

    Vaccines from Belgium, China, Russia, UK and India. US Warp speed?

  7. Doctors and pharma are busy doling out BS. We know the medical field of USA is full of lobbyists BS gets doled out its all vultures waiting to snap a pound of you. I am intrigued by the role of media fear mongering a variety entertainment is in play. Long term conspiracy

  8. Stop panicking sheeple! The vaccine is not your saviour! We hear so much about Covid-19, but nothing about influenza? Where is the push to get flu vaccines?
    It goes on and on. Any how, this vaccine may not even stop you from being a vector yourself. There is a chance of sterility that may occur as a result of these vaccinations and which researchers are struggling to answer. Why then are we running to this vaccine?

  9. The traitor Republicans are chanting stop the steal now the new chant is kill the elderly with the vaccine. First the virus eliminated them now the infected vaccine will do the same! Please stop vaccinating our elderly!! In Jesus name do NOT GET VACCINATED!!

  10. We seniors already know were vulnerable, were the ones staying home. Vaccinate the young that are out and about and working
    The front lines 🙏

  11. …Trump and the rest of his braindead supporters are a complete bunch of Tossers… How anyone in their right mind can vote for this idiot is beyond comprehension… L O S E R S…

  12. "CDC recommends vaccinating anyone 65 and older and those with preexisting conditions" thereby motivating us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica (per #LincolnProject) even for the worse-case scenario of the #UKvariant strain(s) mutations and others like the South African & #Cluster5Mink mutations rendering current vaccines no longer effective.

  13. That vaccine will kill more then it helps. I will not be taking it. We have relatives who have gotten Covid, one who is 78 and she was sick in bed reading a book for 3 days, she said "i do not know what the hype is about, i have had a liver transplant and i was fine, been sicker with the influenza virus and flu" she as many who have gotten it said this is just media hype. Its why they do not tell us the recovered which the rate is 99.99%. stop drinking the media cool-aid people.

  14. The important statistic is really the number of RECOVERED which is 98%. The vaccines are meant to be given in 2 doses. As FDA drags their feet Moderna and Pfizer flaunt the Anti Trust laws. Under 5 million people of the 331 million is pathetic. Another money scam. They release the virus then sell the cure. Sounds about Nazi enough to be true …. People would skin them alive if caught hoarding.

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