CDC investigating heart inflammation among young vaccinated people l GMA

CDC investigating heart inflammation among young vaccinated people l GMA

As the Delta variant grows in the U.S., the CDC is looking into more than 300 people under 30 who have experienced myocarditis after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

#ABCNews #COVID #DeltaVariant #Vaccines


25 thoughts on “CDC investigating heart inflammation among young vaccinated people l GMA

  1. What’s next the Karen variant

  2. Why can’t anybody seem to answer my question with legit facts or without insulting me.. if I’m vaccinated does it matter if I catch covid from an unvaccinated person compared to a vaccinated person ??

  3. Funny how they down play this . But if you don’t wear a mask you could infect someone .

  4. 300 is just what you know about, don’t kid yourselves.

  5. I'm sure this will save a life by sharing this information and introduce to you DR AZAKA CURE REMEDIES on YouTube who cured my disease which I'll rather be private about, I was cured from HPV with his herbal medicine, I wasn't really expecting a herbal medicine to be as effective as I experienced, my test results proves that I've been cured from HPV , and you can as well Contact him and be free from any kind of infections or diseases , I'm pretty much certain you'll all thank me later 😍

  6. Life is always beautiful when you have good health, for almost 4 years I was diagnosed with, genital herpes and I was really sad about it , buy luckily for me I was addressed to a kind and great herbal doctor who helped me to restore my health back to me, he sent me the herbs that cured my hsv2 completely and the test results proves I'm now negative of the virus , all thanks to you Dr Azaka for restoring my health, I will always be greatful to you for your kind gestures

  7. I'm sure this will save a life by sharing this information and introduce to you DR AZAKA CURE REMEDIES on YouTube who cured my disease which I'll rather be private about, I was cured from genital herpes with his herbal medicine, I wasn't really expecting a herbal medicine to be as effective as I experienced, my test results proves that I've been cured from Hsv 2 , and you can as well Contact him and be free from any kind of infections or diseases , I'm pretty much certain you'll all thank me later 😍

  8. Since the start of 2021, China has sent vaccines to over 100 countries.

    Six months into 2021, the US is only now sending expiring J&J vaccines that Americans refused; to Mexico.

    "Thank you to all the Antivaxxers in America. The people of the world would not have these vaccines if it wasn't

    for your commitment to believing what the dumbest guy in medical school had written on Facebook." – T.Noah.

  9. New Zealand followed the WHO simple 3 point plan resulting in 26 Covid deaths; the last in August 2020.

    US mocked the WHO simple 3 point plan resulting in 617,354 Covid deaths with 400 more each day.

    The WHO confirmed to the world that Covid was NOT made in a lab. STOP BLAMING CHINA.

  10. Unprecedented times. The scientist who invented MRNA has said it’s not medicine. This is a genetic CODE. Your body is given a code. Your body is told to attack anything ‘representative’ of this code.
    When bill g a t e s. Of Hell releases the promised ‘variant’- YOUR BODY will attack itself until you are dead.
    That’s how the CODE works.

  11. Peasants know this but the “experts” don’t.

  12. "Safe and effective" vaccines! Repeat after me "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" Get your "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" Vaccines today! Hurry up and you could win a million dollars! Or get a free donut! "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!" If i say it over and over again you might beLIEve it! SMDH This is why I dont trust the "EXPERTS"! They make you the LAB RAT but say its "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" They know they will not be held accountable for lying to the masses. AND GUESS WHAT SHEEP…. THE LONG TERM SIDE EFFECTS HAVEN'T EVEN COME UP YET!

  13. More than 300 people but of course they're not actually checking people except the ones that have to go to the hospital……….So in reality that 300 could easily be 30,000.

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