CDC director testifies on delay of coronavirus test kits as concerns grow | Nightline

CDC director testifies on delay of coronavirus test kits as concerns grow | Nightline

Robert Redfield answered questions from Congress about why it’s taking so long to get COVID-19 test kits to health care providers and condemned people who refer to it as the “China virus.”



#Nightline #CoronaVirus #COVID19 #Quarantine #WHO #Health


35 thoughts on “CDC director testifies on delay of coronavirus test kits as concerns grow | Nightline

  1. I’m going to make sure this guy goes to hell

  2. A government that spends trillions and gives you nothing is not going to save you regardless of which political party is in control. The CDC gets almost $8 billion every year and has been around since 1946 and not one single director has put in place a protocol/plan to protect the American people from an epidemic much less a pandemic. In 74 years, not one plan for a strategic reserve for medical supplies such as disinfectant, medical masks, medical equipments for CIU such as ventilators, and testing facilities to handle the loads when an epidemic strikes at nation of 320 million people. They are as useless as the W.H.O. and +300.000 Americans are dead because of them..

  3. We are not buying it all the fake news. These tests are worthless they’re not accurate. I would go into a long story but I’ll save you the boring details I just know from experience. Fear equals economic failure equals mentally disturbed children because of this communistic Marxist agenda 21 that they’re trying to propagate and all the big news is owned by these type of people

  4. The WHO are a workforce from satan! They lie for a few dollars more! They must be investigated and brought to trial! The most beautiful thing in life is righteousness but it must be for everyone! The test kits are faulty and the supply must be from non Chinese companies! Even empty tests are send in and comes back positive which brings me to another problem! Did the testing infect the person? If I be tested and be infected I will open a case of Attempted Murder and sue the living crap out of them and if I do not survive murder!

  5. The head of the CDC like all Politicians are liars. They can easily rationalize and try to convince the masses that their ill-fated decisions was based on the information on hand. A clear cop-out

  6. Who didn't raise their hand and say "Gee, you know, Mr President, this test we created and wasted all this time on, really isn't going to work for large numbers?" Your hubris cost us many lives and our economy. People seem to ignore this, but the testing problem is all yours

  7. CDC was sitting on the toilet without pooping while other able labs weren't allowed to do CCP Virus test. Causing at least 30 days delay in detecting the CCP Virus. Failure of a nation caused by the failure of Trump administration.

  8. Testing should been done in NJ where it inventor came up concept early warning cancer or any virus. Johnson and JOHNSON
    that my solution August 2019 because love
    ONES we recently lost. Do we need it scientist to take on this journey cuz we get tired of people leaving this Earth with illness of something that we do not have an early warning by we can give an early warning by a checking account but we can't give away early warning about cancer that's where I got the notion from truly

  9. The White House could have gotten the WHO's testing kits as a back up since it didn't have any. Yes, it's true it's normal to produce your own, but the government didn't ensure there was a back-up, and it also sent tons of its own medical equipment to China to the tune of tons, and now we have a massive shortage.

  10. The quality of this news piece is disappointing. Where it suppose to sting, not being mentioned. I almost thought I am hearing CDC spokesman's news. Is this lobbied or what. Geez. At least add some summary of what the senates questioned and pointed out. Also, the fail of making test kit and not going for alternative ways to be in time for citizen's need. Government waiting and waiting for CDC or US to make. Also, restricting the use of kit heavily from the start. This is water gate level of corruption in sectors I think for citizens. The best ways that can be done, was not done and delayed with intentions of money and the reputation I believe. Also, the global trend of not testing to keep the number down.

  11. Why is it so extremely difficult for people who are exposed to get tested when you are a health care providers … if you are a provider and a carrier do you know how many people you can infect within one single hour?

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