Cases in coronavirus pandemic surge in US – Car Mod Pros Portal

The number of cases in the U.S. soared to more than 24,000 while New York now has more than 11,000 cases.




#WorldNewsTonight #Coronavirus #PandemicUS #CasesSurge


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Cases in coronavirus pandemic surge in US”
  1. "FALSE EFFICIENCY. For example, in order to detect 3174 cases of covid in 24 hours, the efficient officials of the laboratories should do some 300,000 tests and qualify them in one day, which is impossible. Do they think that we are all equally stupid and deceive so much easily to people?
    It is the total lack of critical spirit in the world press.
    His sobalevism, pan-urguismo and obsequiousness put world journalism to shame.
    Or journalism is complicit.369

  2. The World Health Organization (WHO) sent an expert to Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, where the group infection was first reported earlier this year, saying it would find the origin of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), but it has yet to release a basic report. In the midst of this, the virus tracking results showed that Corona 19 appeared in Wuhan around November 2019 and spread in the community for about two months until December 31 of the same year, the day the Chinese government reported its first patient to the WHO. According to an analysis by the U.S. research team, these researchers even expressed skepticism about China's earlier claim that Corona 19 spread in other regions besides China around November.

    A team of researchers at the University of California, San Diego, medical professor Joel Bertheim, and the University of Arizona's Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology released a report in early to mid-November.

    The research team noted that a local newspaper reported that a patient with Covid-19 symptoms in Hubei Province appeared on November 17. If the patient was confirmed in November, it is evidence that the virus has already spread when the patient is confirmed at the end of December and Chinese authorities take control measures.

    The research team used molecular clock analysis to find out when the coronavirus began to spread. Molecular clocks are a technology that uses the speed at which genetic mutations occur when mutations occur in viruses and divide them into different categories to infer when common ancestors occur. It is not possible to confirm when the first patient occurred, but it is possible to estimate when the infectious virus began to spread.

    "The first real case of Covid-19 may have occurred several months before the common ancestor. The key to the investigation is to determine how long the virus mutates," Warrowby said.

    Based on the Molecular Clock Act, it is estimated that the common ancestor of the coronavirus 583 confirmed in China from December 2019 to April last year occurred in mid-November. The research team predicted that the number of Korona19 infections in China will be less than one by November 4. It is estimated that the number of people increased to four on November 17, 13 days later, and to nine on December 1. In Wuhan, a patient with Covid-19 symptoms was hospitalized for the first time in mid-December.

    The virus is believed to have become the current Covid-19 virus, which has strong propagation power after a mutation. The research team conducted a simulation based on the information of the virus and the environment in Wuhan at that time, and found that 29.7% of the chance of spreading the virus infection could occur. The remaining 70.3 percent died within eight days after the virus failed to spread.

    Professor Bertheim said, "If we try again the time back to November 2019, two out of three times would have disappeared by itself without the outbreak of Covid-19." The spread of the virus in Wuhan, a large city with a population of 11 million, also affected the outbreak of Corona19. Simulations in less dense environments such as rural areas showed that infectious diseases disappear without spreading to a 94.5 to 99.6% chance.

    The research team pointed out that the fact that there were not many infected people until December even though the Korona19 started in China during the fall is evidence against China's claim that the Korona19 occurred simultaneously in Europe and the U.S. at this time. If the spread to other continents is enough, many patients should be confirmed in December, but it was not. Professor Bertheim said, "I am quite skeptical about the claim that Covid-19 was popular outside of China at that time."

    As the findings show that the origin of Corona 19 is likely to be China, the results of the Corona 19 origin report being prepared by the WHO are also drawing keen attention. In January, the WHO sent a team of virus experts to Wuhan, China, for two weeks to investigate the origin of the virus. However, he said that he would release a report containing the results of the investigation in mid-February and will publish it with the final report on May 15, and has been criticized for reversing the report without explanation.

  3. \\ A new Study SUMMARY: ONLY 100% CLOSED ALL BORDERS and ALL INT'L AIRPORTS, CAN SAVE THE WORLD FROM CORONA-EPIDEMIC //// Plus following SINGAPORE's Regime-Culture & REAL, proven-VACCINATIONS. Nations encountering less recent corona control are indicated by [*] \\ E.G. % Fatalities of those diagnosed before US election v. same on Jan 27, 2021 //// >Sngp 0.05-0.05 >Curac 0.10-0.44* >Iclnd 0.30-0.48** >Dubai 0.30-0.28 >CayIlnd 0.40-0.52** >Bhrn 0.40-0.37 >Mnc 0.60-0.71** >Isrl 0.80-0.73 \\ Data are reported from indicated nations to JHU, WHO, partly reflect claimed combinations of CLOSED BORDERS/INT'L-AIRPORTS, a Geo-Pninsla/Ilnd, High Nursing HOMES STANDARDS-CARE, Low Sugar DIET, Less DRUG-FOOD by BIG-CO-domn. \\ I recuse myself, as scientist and Editor, from debating Politics, REGIMES, or ONE-LINERS WHO CAN'T WRITE MORE THAN ONE LINE, NOR READ A FEW, WHILE TAINTING THIS CIVILIZATION & risking a return to a past 1000 yrs RETARDED SCIENCE-MEDICINE since Hypatia murder //// CF. my 'in', U-Tube, 10M PLUS CITATIONS at google, DATA on nations in the %-Fatalities RANGE 1.0 t0 9.0.

  4. I have just finished a fourth investigation with an e-meter, a biofeedback device. I needed to do several tests with days of separation to be more sure, and I also needed to have a better perception of what this disease really is. The information that I have obtained is very strange, but I trust it quiet a bit because our bodies know everything, and I have been using this machine for a long time, so I have a lot of practice with it. And I am tired of hearing so many lies and so much doubt.
    I have found this bug is not a virus, but a bacteria, a SALMONELLA, a pleomorfic bacteria that has become super resistant because of antibiotics that are given to people and to farm animals since way too long a time. These bacteria have strains that have become highly virulent, and they are infectious through plasmids, which are capsules that contain DNA, specifically, the information that makes them ever more virulent and which transfers the resistance acquired by salmonellas outside of body to salmonellas WE ALREADY HAVE IN THE BODY, and these plasmids are not destroyed by cooking heat, and they are very difficult to detect by normal laboratories, since they are very small particles of the size of a virus, but they are not contagious through the respiratory tract, which is consistent with the fact that covid19 causes interstitial pneumonia.
    Also, if they don´t look for plasmids, they won´t find them, That is, if they look for a virus, they are not going to know what this disease is all about because salmonellas are all carriers of coronavirus.
    I do not ask that you believe me, only that we keep investigating to see if we can confirm the information in other ways.
    Big hugs to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

  5. I'm so excited to share this amazing testimony on how I got my  husband Back…….. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after two (2) years of our marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and my son to suffer. one day when I was reading through the web, I saw a post on how this spell caster (Dr. WISE), has helped a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me  to get my husband back in 74 hours that i will have my husband back. I believed him and today I am glad to let you all know that this spell caster has the power to bring lovers back, Help in your business, promotion, goodluck etc. because I am now happy with my husband. Thanks to Dr. WISE , once again for helping me in my marriage, kindly contact him via, +2349063191711 he might also be your helper.Do you want to know what he does hereVoodoo SpellsMoney SpellPower SpellSuccess SpellSickness SpellPregnancy SpellMarriage SpellJob SpellProtection SpellLottery SpellHIV curerenovation spellEtc… He will help you in what you need thanksJust send a message across to him via phone +2349063191711 he might also be your helper., call/whatsapp him via.. +2349063191711

  6. To all infected , sickness, or viruses there is always a herbal treatment for it , I'm still wondering why you think you can't get rid of an illness you where not created with.
    For cure, if you are diagnosed with the following illness ! HPV, HSV CANCER, CANCER, DIABETES, GENITAL HERPES. ETC..Kindly contact Dr mercy for cure via email. or whatsapp +2348141659546 ..because he actually help my mum to cure 4years of cancer

  7. Americans! It is the Native American and Syrians you are most sorry for!The harm you have done to the Native American and the Syrians must be paid back sooner or later!

  8. People have to understand that this is a new virus, that the due diligence science is working on is not complete and that this investigatory effort could last years perhaps even decades. Nobody was born knowing everything about a virus that is not even a year old yet. And, lately some studies are suggesting its possible that there is permanent internal damage even for those who survive the sickness. Best advise is don't trust a politician's advice in this circumstance unless it's backed up by multiple scientific studies.

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  10. The number of cases in the U.S is still increasing. When will the virus be controlled? Who can predict it? What I can do now is to protect myself and my families. I will insist on wearing a face mask where I bought some online at when there is possible to contact with others.

  11. I know America is a big country, but today America has 25% of worldwide corona infections, That is just ridiculous, even when America is a big country, this is unacceptable.

  12. 你们资本主义基督逼是真的蠢

  13. All those are False News… the real cause of this crazy covid. Is that :

    1. The Blood line family mafia of the Vatican
    2. The blood line family mafia of the Order old the Jesuits,
    2. The blood line family mafia of the Owners of the International Banks

    Menciones above are the owners of the World Economy…they dated from the time of Rome Empire..
    The thing is that they are tired Lending billions of Dollars not only to USA but to all presidents of the world.. and politician are grabbing the big portions and to the citizens only pint..Chile, Russia is.. Germany.. Africans.. Asians.. all… and the nations supposed to pay back and Interest too.. and they are not doing that .. so they created this caos…
    The solution is wait peacefully since this is a marked sign of the end… whoever is not looking for Jehovah now, will be wipe out .. the Bible had been is existence for 4000 years!!

  14. China is full plane to become a number in worlds .

    China now's it's only a vireas that kill USA in silance
    Worlds come together an paniesh to China .

  15. The most powerful country of the world America 😲😲 unnecessarily invading other countries for their own personal gain!! It's shows how helpless human beings can be in front of Almighty 😑 .may GOD protect us all !! Mother nature taking it's revenge and a break from us Human 😒

  16. The most powerful nation on earth 🌍 has instead became the most embarrassing nation on earth 🌍 just totally unprepared and incompetent 🤣🤣😂😂☠️☠️☠️🦇🦇🦇

  17. We must declare war on China. And deliver a devastating nuclear strike. In the US, thousands have already died at the hands of China. When will we take revenge on China?

  18. God bless USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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