Car blows past school bus stop sign, nearly hitting child

Car blows past school bus stop sign, nearly hitting child

One survey reported that six children were killed getting on or off the bus over the course of a school year.


30 thoughts on “Car blows past school bus stop sign, nearly hitting child

  1. Like they’re gonna listen to the news?! THEY DONT CARE! These are the type of people that don’t care about anything in life😠

  2. Besties, it only takes like 5 seconds to stop for a child 🙄

  3. It’s fucking stupid! Seriously.. These car drivers who did not stop needs a serious ass whopping!

  4. Man this is why I drive my child to and fro. If my only child was killed, I would go into a depression so deep that I would just starve to death. I can’t lose my only child I just can’t.

  5. Do you record your daughter getting off the bus every day I mean I’m glad you were this day but maybe you should keep doing that from now on

  6. Shame on each and every one of you dingbats for not stopping for a school bus with little kids trying to get home or go to school. I pray that none of you are blessed with kids of your own, because you don't deserve them. I shuddered every time a car just flew by!
    Really? Your response is, they behave if they see a marked patrol car?? Umm, have you ever heard of "unmarked patrol cars?"
    Can't imagine the terror these parents must go through each day to see their kids come back home in one piece.
    Parent's please teach your kids to look both ways before crossing and be the adults here since the adults are behaving like toddlers. Well, I think the toddlers have more sense.

  7. You don’t blur out licenses plate in a video like this.

  8. I read that as cow blows past stop sign.

    In all seriousness my dad had to grab my brother to prevent him from getting hit.

    Also my neighbor hit my bus because he goes full throttle everything and it was dark and the bus went over a hill.

  9. I don’t understand why we can’t change the rules to where the bus driver blocks as many lanes as possible when loading or off loading. It should be part of training and allowed by law.

  10. People do it because they get away with it, there needs to be consequences for their actions police need to check out the license plates and hand out big fines and hand out jail times for nearly taking an innocent life.

  11. When your trying to get hit so you don’t have to go to school

  12. Some of those streets are way too high-traffic and dangerous to have 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd- , 4th-graders crossing by themselves. That school bus stop sign arm does not bring all traffic to a halt with 100% success.

  13. Can’t read and respond to text messages if they have to watch for kids crossing the road!

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