Candle factory CEO on rescue effort after tornado hit with over 100 inside | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dozens of people are feared dead after a twister flattened the Mayfield Consumer Products plant in Mayfield, Kentucky, on Friday night while an estimated 100 employees worked inside.

#ABCNews #Mayfield #CEO #MayfieldConsumerProducts #Tornado #CandleFactory


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Candle factory CEO on rescue effort after tornado hit with over 100 inside | ABC News”
  1. Big money comes to a small town, starts a candle factory, locks it's employees in the factory with three and a half hours notice the killer tornado was coming; What a heartless son of a bitch.

  2. Asking for donations. Pay the employees yourself greedy ass. Sweat shop owner. You’re responsible for deaths and injuries.

  3. lol he should be sued for his terrible leadership and not doing anything at the beginning for not letting his workers leave early before the tornado with him denying the allegations makes him a coward

  4. Throw him in prison. Throw every manager that helped him enforce these policies in prison. This is ENOUGH. America has had enough of these pieces of human garbage getting away with this and then being rewarded financially and with positive media attention. It's time to riot.

  5. Does he realize there will be lawsuits because the factory workers were threatened to be fired if they wanted to leave to get their families to safety but was told they couldn’t leave

  6. On the news, the other day a reporter said that a lady came up to him and said that she was in the Candle factory when the Tornado hit. She said that she had to crawl over dead bodies until she found an opening to crawl through to get out of the rubble.

  7. Troy Propes: “Dah. Der Dieb. Brid. Perf Trump2024 KAGA. Dah Deb Perfend”.

    Translation: I’m a Jackass Wannabe Executive who underpays my Wage Workers,treats them like garbage and could care less if they die in this Tornado. After all, I threatened to fire them if they didn’t show up for work despite the PDS Tornado Watch that was up. Money and Trump is all I care about. Trump2024 KAGA!

  8. This CEO has the face of an azz hole. On the inside he's laughing his azz off that those employees are gone and he doesn't have to pay wages for all of them and the Insurance company will cover the costs of the ruin. He's trying to speak in a soft, caring voice but his eyes and face speak volumes.

  9. If there are casualties ( I’m sure there are ) the families need to lawyer up. Everything the news has reported about this disaster, the employees should had protected themselves some how. One supervisor threatened to write up an employee if they left. That dumb a** supervisor needs to be taken out back and given an good old fashion Twaiwan CANING!!! 😡

  10. These people were forced to stay at qork during a tornado, while this guy sat in his cushy home safe and sound. He's evil.

  11. Dudes a clown. His staff was threatening to fire anyone who left due to the “weather” glad your dumb candles were more important than these peoples lives.. this dudes a jackass he should have been the one held up in the building

  12. I have read that these factory workers were threatened will be fire from their jobs if they go home to save their lives! And you call USA a free country?!

  13. I hope they get to the bottom of this, and find out what happened. I remember in late August or early September I was working and received a dozen or more tornado alerts. So I decided to stay away from the windows I thought the best thing to do was get to the interior of the building. I only got concerned after about 5 or 6 alerts. I mentioned to a co-worker that I was concerned. I will never forget the attitude I got. I am not talking about one alert, it was multiple alerts over the course of a few hours. And tornadoes did touch down in about ten areas.

  14. "Sociopath CEO acting like he cares a shred about the workers he pays $8 an hour and didn't allow to leave when a deadly tornado was coming" is a better title.

  15. US Media having the CEO of a company that wouldn't let employees leave on air, ignoring that it is his fault, and his company valued profits over human life. This is how disgusting the US media now is, having him on, instead of doing journalism, and being critical, trying to prevent this from happening again.

  16. Softball reporting. It's been said the company threatened their employees with termination if they left (while working on their day off for MANDATORY overtime). This onair talent should have eviscerated the CEO. But instead, who owns the news? Large corporate interests. They all play ball. If that pretty face who was hired to tell convincing lies went offscript and held the CEO accountable, the interview would be cut at the station and summarily buried. Just like her career.

  17. Did you see the way he looked down and stepped backwards when asked "Just out of curiosity what have you been hearing from the employees who were inside" He obviously knows that when his employees start talking it's not going be good for him or his minions in management who were told the workers that they would face disciplinary action if they leave. You need to worry less about rebuilding the factory and more about building your legal defense team once the civil suits start coming your way.

  18. If supervisors really told workers they'd be fired if they left, then that should be the END of this company.

    On the other hands, disgruntled workers are likely to say ANYTHING to get back at their supervisors…

    So who do you believe?

  19. He’s already thinking about rebuilding? You going to put them back to work after all this? This guy is a piece of work. I feel so sorry for the employees…

  20. What do you expect from a goodole boy from a right to work scab state.. what great christian ethics and morals they have!!😂😂🖕😂😂😂

  21. He should be completely ashamed telling people they would be fired if they left early! Shame on him and this co talk about employee abuse! I hope the victims families sue!

  22. I was going to make a donation to the Red Cross but they said they would spend the money helping DemoKKKrats and I do not waste my money on trash like that…

  23. The CANDLE factory has become the focal point of this tragedy. This is significant showing to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear how far we are into bible prophesy. The following verse is about the fall of "Babylon the Great"

    "And the light of a CANDLE shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." Rev 18:23

    Luke 21:28 – And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

    Trust in Jesus

  24. Next time you decide to light your Bath& Bodyworks candle think about all the people that died because of Corporate greed. Factory workers denied the opportunity to flee for their lives after the second tornado alarm went off! Every time you light that candle you’re honoring Evil just remember that!

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