Candidates debate the wealth gap between black and white voters | ABC News

Candidates debate the wealth gap between black and white voters | ABC News

We are in the midst of the greatest economic transformation in the history of our country, and its going to hit black people the hardest,” Andrew Yang said.

Democratic Debate in New Hampshire l ABC News l February 7, 2020

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28 thoughts on “Candidates debate the wealth gap between black and white voters | ABC News

  1. This system this process is ILLEGITIMATE..!!!! None are saying anything tangible and none will DO anything tangible, why?? Because the system not only won't let them but more specifically THEY THEMSELVES have no real desire to see the Black Race WIN and that's EXACTLY what'll happen if this system stops hindering, stifling, sabotaging, MURDERING Blacks.

  2. Lower IQ's is not an excuse it's a fact so Bernie is right.
    The one percent taken out of the average ruins his statement.
    It's also not how much they make it's how much they make that they don't spend. That is what creates wealth honestly.
    Stop trying to punish responsible working class whites to pay for the crimes of the wealthy that make these numbers exist!
    Stop making everything about race we know it's a class problem and you all are on the opposite side compared to the voters.

  3. ROFL Bernie. No excuse for people who reject education to not have as much money as those that do? You could also argue theres no excuse for white people being worse off on a percentage basis than Asians, but there is an excuse, that excuse is complacent ignorance, ignoring advancement forward, and a focus on drugs, gang violence and a near 80% fatherless rate. We all know what happened when Obama put in multi million dollar inner city schools all across the nation. Go look into Ballou Highschool. 100% graduation rate based on lies and only 3% of the graduating class has taken advantage of the FREE grant given to them for the local community College. Kids missed more days than they attended, they didn't care about their privileged education. Thats not being held back, thats refusing to move forward.

    You cant force people to better themselves Democrats, your approach and understanding of the issues is misguided and you know it thats why things like a near 200 point bonus is given to Blacks in the ACT and SAT. That wouldnt be necessary among a group of people that actually cared to learn.

  4. Democrats always focus on race rather than character of people. Why don't they talk about the lowest unemployment rates of black American ?? Because it's inconvenient fact !! Trump did for black Americans more than any previous president except president Lincoln.

  5. These Democrats don't give a damn of black people.  Only out to get some votes.  Malcolm X used to say long ago, BEWARE OF THE WHITE LIBERAL so true today.

  6. African Americans are a distinct group with a unique experience in this country. Please stop including us with “people of color”. We are not all the same.

  7. I'm here for the 1 minute Yang spoke which was 1/8 of his speaking time on the entire 3 hour debate and he still said more intelligent, reasonable, and realistically possible solutions for our today's issues and preparing us for our issues of tomorrow. I am hoping the United States can move forward with Andrew Yang. It is looking like a real life version of the movie Idiocracy.
    Humanity First. Not Left, Not Right, but Forward.

  8. BLACKS FOR YANG!!! Andrew should change his speech into "I'm getting screwed by the media and the establishment to make sure my name isn't a household name."

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