Can Ukraine establish a no-fly zone against Russian planes? – Car Mod Pros Portal

Former senior CIA field operative Darrell Blocker says that a no-fly zone over Ukraine would be difficult to establish.

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By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Can Ukraine establish a no-fly zone against Russian planes?”
  1. So the guy tells her that a no fly zone is out of the question implying it would likely lead to nuclear Armageddon and her response is "wow" and not "I absolutely agree". SMH

  2. Fighter jets to Ukraine “ Not Tenable “ what the heck that means in layman terms ? Scared

  3. Putin’s love of power and attention is causing headache, not only to Ukraine, but to many nations; economy is being negatively affected worldwide because of this war; such a bully.

  4. A No-fly zone over Ukraine would cause massive disruption in commercial travel and shipping worldwide, which could negatively affect the United States economy as well as many other countries, How could Ukraine possibly enforce a no-fly zone if they are unable to even get access to their own air spaces, which the majority are under control by Russian forces right now, on top of that they don’t even have enough fighter jets to begin with, unless some country or NATO steps in to aid more military jets, or enforce the no-fly zone themselves there’s no way this is happening

  5. NATOs concern is that if it gets involved directly the rockets
    flying above Ukraine might become nuclear. And that will make the
    situation for Ukraine from catastrophic to apocalyptic. Certainly not
    just for Ukraine! One more point, Mr. Zelenskiy is trying to save his
    country , while risking the whole planet possibly being destroyed
    cmpletely!! Extremly irresponsible!!

  6. three people can stop it. Biden, Putin, Zelensky.

    I don't understand why they talk about Putin all the time, and don't turn to the other two, who have the ability to stop human casualties and destruction.

    Maybe because two other people do not have the political power to do this, because someone controls them, who benefits from this situation

  7. TO CROSS THE REDLINE AND DEMAND A NO-FLY ZONE OVER UKRAINE BY NATO OR THE U.S.: NO WAY…NO WAY! Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R) Foreign Affairs Committee – Is too young or too naive to fully understand what demanding a no-fly zone will bring onto the rest of the world. I don’t think this man truly understands the ramifications of WW III. The time to demand a no-fly zone is when Putin makes the error of crossing one inch of his way onto any of the NATO countries. To play around with the no-fly zone is not in the best interest of the rest of the world to be a topic open for discussion right now. The topic of the no-fly zone should be a no-zone topic for discussion at this point. Leave it be…until Putin screws up because it is only a matter of time when he will. Don’t give him the justification to use nuclear weapons: No Way! Second, calling Putin “Crazy” on national television by a government representative is dangerous as words matter. Canada.

  8. Yeah you expected but you told Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons in 1994 and the promise that you will protect the Ukraine same as Russia said and Britain said exactly same thing we will protect you b***** America lied again Ukraine did it's party gave up nuclear weapons and you guys ain't protecting it that's why Ukraine should have been just said f*** you were keeping our nuclear weapons cuz America was scared cuz Ukraine was the third the largest nuclear country in the world that's why they asked Ukraine to give it up and Ukraine did its part but American Britain and Russia is not holding up their end so f*** Putin f*** America f*** Britain for promising and not carrying out your promise

  9. Russian president has recognised Luhansk and Donetsk regions as independent. Can Ukraine recognize areas of Ukraine as independent and part of NATO surrounding countries to automatically become part of NATO since Putin found a loop hole in NATO treaty?

  10. Is this how Budapest memorandum works? Ukraine gave up 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world in the exchange for the security guarantees from UK and USA. NO SECURITY GUARANTEES FROM UK and USA!!!

  11. People need a mental hospital. Shoot down Russian planes. Really that’s the best we got.
    We enforce a no fly zone they shoot back we shoot back . ww3 has started. FACT. So we shoot his planes down.Then what…Putin invades NATO and or uses tactical nuclear weapons.
    We either then run away – surface our subs around the world and hang out white flags or we enter into general nuclear war….That’s intercontinental thermo nuclear war 🤔

    Unless I’m missing something? We can’t win. All the major cities in NATO become radiated wastelands. Even the best and deepest bunkers can’t survive direct hits . Nothing can.

    a four star general and former supreme commander nato allied forces Europe is openly advocating on the news in the US and U.K. shooting down the Russians knowing full well where that ends.
    Please tell me there’s an off ramp an exit post for de escalation because rt now I don’t see one. I live on the U.K. crammed in like sardines in a can. 70 million WILL be toast in a few minutes if we listen to this wise old man.
    Any ideas anyone other than general nuclear war ? Playing nuclear chicken with a madman gangster in the Kremlin seems like insanity

  12. شابة بزاااف المذيعة

  13. If you provide Ukraine with enough planes they can create their own no fly zone.Don't understand what the big deal is about giving them some planes.

  14. The guy does not know what he is talking about. Abstaining is a nice way to say I support you but I don't need to let the world know since you have the power to veto it anyway. China has put the blame on the West. That should not delude anyone about their position. Or this CIA man thinks China is forgetful of Western position on Taiwan?

  15. Even if a "No Fly" is established over Ukraine, Is there anyone in this world that believes it will work??
    It will be a foolish mistake to do so. Puty has already broken International Laws, concerning War Crimes. He will never, honor a "No Fly Zone"… In his mind, AND the minds of his Russian Parliament, Humanity, Diplomacy and Law, serve No Purpose, during times of war. (This is exactly why PUTY HAS ALREADY LOST THIS WAR. As with most dictatorships, they cannot see past the numbers of their own financial endeavors. Let alone the numbers due to Casualties. 🎯

  16. NY TIMES:

    Ukraine Gave Up a Giant Nuclear Arsenal 30 Years Ago. Today There Are Regrets.

    When the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine turned over thousands of atomic weapons in exchange for security guarantees from Russia, the United States and other countries.

  17. Too bad Zelenskyy and Putin couldn't be locked in a Room together for 5 minutes or so. Give Putin a glimpse into how a MAN takes care of business.

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