Calls for Virginia governor to resign amid blackface scandal – Car Mod Pros Portal

Democrat Ralph Northam said in a statement that he was in a yearbook photograph showing two individuals dressed in blackface and a Ku Klux Klan robe.


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Calls for Virginia governor to resign amid blackface scandal”
  1. Can people finally realise that the "Democrat v Republican" thing isnt simply a "progressive vs racist" war.
    Sorry folks but nothing is black and white, cool people on either side, horrible people on either side

  2. It's not a suprise that right wingers have pounced on the Dems for their own shameful racists members. And I don't have a problem with that, as I truly understand it. Bigotry and racism knows no party affiliation or geography. However, what I do find enlightening is that in their rush to condemn the Dems, they NEVER denounce the behavior or acts of racism themselves, just the individuals or the Democratic party. It's a phony outrage. Again, I have never heard them deny that fascism or bigotry is a good thing, just that other parties are part of this behavior also. It's almost like they don't want others to take away their monopoly of hate. If you are legitimate, condemn this behavior regardless of who indulges in it.

  3. May I ask all those who would be civil rights advocates.
    Wich is more important, a black faced racist picture of 34 years ago. Or killing your nearly newborn / newborn (alive) infants. Which may pose an inconvenience to the birth mother?
    Those among you without sin cast the first stone!

  4. Accusers are usually the biggest offenders of what they accuse. Kinda like the biggest homophobic guy always being gay, and democrats crying racism every chance they get.

  5. This form of liberalism needs to be stopped he needs to go. I don't Advocate people losing their jobs but someone that advocates murder it shows how low the left are willing to go.
    God save us from progressives.

  6. So there is outrage over allegations that he might be in a photo that could be construed as racist and so he should resign office.
    Yet he proudly signed a bill and made a statement, yes I heard him speak, that babies even after birth & breathing may be killed if mom and a doctor(?) decided the child needs to die. And no outrage about this?!! What people have we come to? Do we have no sense of right and wrong, no morality?

  7. The photo is not the issue, obviously. This is a political ploy to remove the guy from office for other reasons and is using an ancient yearbook picture as a short cut. So what's next? Destroying those old Stepin Fetchit movies with him tap dancing up and down the stairs because it is disrespectful of the race?

  8. …These photos don't define or confirm "Racism" ..nor can you judge any real intent! On the other it's easy to confirm from the Overwhelming Evidence the Felonious,Murderous and Treasonous Intent of George Bush Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld (and other high placed individuals in the US Govt ) for Instigating and Perpetrating the so called ""911 Terrorist Attacks" ! The Sheeple want to Lynch the Governor of Virginia over an old school photo but Traitors and Mass Murderers like Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld are completely dismissed and allowed to walk away Scott Free !
    These are your "Real Values" America !!!

  9. These are the people in government making valued decisions on your life …… He took a can of brown shoe polish and smeared it all over his face ….. BUT doesn’t remember doing it …. Hahaha, just throw this Ass-Clown out on his racist ass already. He doesn’t have to resign, just throw him out.

  10. The Ku Klux Klan (/ˈkuː ˈklʌks ˈklæn, ˈkjuː/),[a]commonly called the KKK or the Klan and commonly misspelled as the Klu Klux Klan, is an American hate group. The Klan has existed in three distinct eras at different points in time during the history of the United States. Each has advocated extremist reactionary positions such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration and—especially in later iterations—Nordicism[8][9] and anti-Catholicism. Historically, the KKK used terrorism—both physical assault and murder—against groups or individuals whom they opposed.[10] All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society and all are considered right-wing extremistorganizations.[11][12][13][14] In each era, membership was secret and estimates of the total were highly exaggerated by both friends and enemies.

    Blacks you go we could be the next race if kkk comes let's stand together
    People of color #America

  11. No color should kill your babies, Democrats want you too, they want them baby makers to be their money makers, for those high dollar stem cells, chord blood from fully developed babies, high dollar fully developed baby organs, they can take cells from a baby and keep them alive in solutions, they want you to go on and keep breeding and abortin'

  12. He only cares about the money for full developed organs, you are killing your babies for the rich people to make money on your babies. They even keep your chord blood at the hospitals full term babies, there is money to be made

  13. If you all republicans are saying here what Northam did was wrong, then I see some positive changes and I'll get hope high. I thought you would say you don't see what is wrong with blackface. i thought that was what you were talking for decades. maybe I was wrong. now I know republicans are against blackface.

  14. This will never stop because racism is inherent. The reason why white people continue to do this despite the scandals, despite the publicity, despite the possibility of losing their careers and livelihoods, is because racism is innate. Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year in any part of the world in which white people dominate, there will be other blackface occurrences because the need and desire to do this is far greater than the consequences. So my fellow black people, do not expect these people to ever stop doing this. They would froth at the mouth and drop dead rather than stop doing this.

  15. Im sure there are plenty of racist stuff black actors and leaders have done in the past. Especially some of the crap chris rock has said in the past .. they get free pass

  16. This is friggin ridiculous. He is getting attacked for some damn picture he took as a kid 40 years ago??? I'm conservative but think this libtard governor getting treated unfairly

  17. Black folks, please understand that guy went to the racist VMI, the training camp for bigots. Remember too, that VA, was the capitol of the confederacy and he looks like exactly what he is……

  18. Fact: Nearly every United States Supreme Court Justice (Hugo Black, for example), president (Woodrow Wilson, for example), and senator (Robert Byrd, for example), who has been a member or supporter of the Ku Klux Klan has been a Democrat. This photo reveals nothing new.

  19. The 2008 Movie Tropic Thunder starred Robert Downey in blackface and the race-baiting, Communist ass-licking media scum and Hollywood criminal elite nominated Downey for his blackface role.
    The mainstream media approves of Democrats drugging, raping and sodomizing children, which is nothing new, but murdering infants by starvation and neglect in state supported facilities that pay medical staff to do nothing, has somehow become popular, while I wasn't paying attention.

    This Governor is on the hotseat for a 35 year old picture, but not for advocating starvation murder of a baby?

    You Democrat Socialists are disgusting, unprincipled thieves, murderers and child molesters.

  20. No problem with the late-term abortion comments (and don't see why the government should even be legislating it). But the photo is AWFUL – I don't care if it's 30+ years old – I just can't imagine ANYONE at any age dressing up like that and thinking it's funny or entertaining.

  21. It’s Virginia what do you expect and you idiots run to go vote what for this shit well this is what you voted for good look and he’s a pediatrician he DON’T CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE OR BLACK CHILDREN …..oh yea he’s a democratic remember democrats “call you the “N” word behind your back republicans call you the “N” word to your face” ( Professor BlackTruth ain’t never lied bout this )

  22. Jesus Christ…I cant stand the democratic philosophy, nor most Democrats, but if that is a Halloween costume and the pic is from a Halloween party , then it is just bad taste and this asswipe shouldn't be hung for it. Yes I used the word hung. However, his views on late term abortion are deplorable.

  23. So what? MLK messed everything up! Socialist movement. Northams problem I a the high taxes in Virginia, sanctuary cities, illegzls taking jobs, 2nd amendment, hey let's u as be Patriots!

  24. If people are not allowed to make mistakes, how are they expected to grow and learn from them. To me this is not a Democrat or a Republican thing, it's about being allowed the basic right as a human being to learn from your bad choices. How are people going to do that if they keep losing their livelihood because of it.



    1830’s-1840’s-1850’s – Democratic Party fights to keep and spread Slavery in the United States

    January 1812 – Andrew Jackson (Democrat) arrives in Nashville from Natchez with 26 slaves.

    March 27, 1814 – Andrew Jackson (Democrat) slaughters Native Indians and confiscates 23 million acres of Indian land.

    December 24, 1865 – Confederate (Democrat) Soldiers form the KKK

    January 2019 – Ralph Northam (Democrat)  KKK / BLACKFACE

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