California fires burn, Hurricane Sally makes landfall; World in Photos, Sept. 15 – Car Mod Pros Portal

A look at the top photos from around the globe.


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “California fires burn, Hurricane Sally makes landfall; World in Photos, Sept. 15”
  1. UK. Fires in US. Its about time that the USA woke up. They killed and tortured the Native Americans. They had slave camps. The Employers employed thugs to beat up or shoot workers who complained about starvation wages whilst employers had incones of up to 15 million dollars a year.We in UK were attacked by US security firms working for UK Govt. They threatened to kill us. The firms are the very ones that killed US workers. The names are Pinkerton and Burns. Crime reports we gave to UK Police were wiped from the computers. Other threats were made to us by US Embassy.It was the native americans that forcast that the white man would ruin that country. The US is full of corruption and clueless religions who hoodwink themselves and the clueless public. When I asked our advisors about all the abuse we vwere enduring they said this- "The more they do it the worse it is for them and-

  2. Joe Biden who has Dementia and Kamala Harris who is proven to be a Flip don't want him for President and Vice President. Do believe a word they say!! VOTE FOR #Trump2020😁😁😁👍👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 and save this Country from Crazy Democrats 👎👎👎👎 who lie, cheat and steal from Americans.

  3. I have read articles that are not being reported about people purposely starting these fires. Arrests have been made apparently. But, I hope it's not true. Hope everybody stays safe & sound!

    Do you think you are born again just because you go to a church? Not all churches declare the Truth. On the contrary, your church could be a completely worldly church. For your own soul, you must come out of the churches that use the Bible but do not declare the Truth and speak lies differing from the bible. Hear what the Spirit of Truth says to the churches and receive the eternal gospel!!

  5. We don't have any forest fires in Switzerland because we citizens go into the woods every Saturday and clear them of the leaves. And we wash the explosive trees that are lying around with us with water so that they don't explode. It's best if Donald Trump goes into the forest to pick up leaves and wet the exploding trees with water. 🙂 The stupidest president ever !!!

  6. Everyone these staged Fires are going as PLANNED: Agenda 21 ,Everyone this is Simulated Reserve and Corridor System to Protect Biodiversity Agenda look up Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 !!! One of the methods the elites used is they will set the forest near to these homes on fire then have law enforcement tell you you have to evacuate then have their special freemason firefighters go to the abandoned homes and set them on fire, agenda 21 is fully in motion !!!

  7. I know one thing, is that if you understand science behind natural occurrence you can have so what knowledge in starting process of creating these natural occurrence so call

  8. Only because these fires are near highly populated with TV coverage areas is this in the news, The worse fires, in term environmental damage are occurring in Siberia, and with very few people and no fire fighting resources.

  9. Contrary to what Trump said, FOREST MANAGEMENT DID NOT CAUSE THE INTENSIFYING DROUGHTS AND CAUSE TREES TO DIE. Forest fires unprecedented in size and intensity are just one manifestation of rising Green
    Houses. The air is not even breathable in large cities like San Francisco, Portland and Seattle. Oceans becoming acidified and killing coral reefs, crucial to fish and causing fisheries crashing. Mercury (from burning) coal
    level making fish dangerous for children and pregnant women. Climate change resulting in species extinction, crop failures from droughts, water supplies frying up. Crop seeds not adapted to climate. Coastal flooding from rising sea levels Flooding and destruction from more severe storms. Increasing wild life (including hunting species) diseases. Starvation of people in third world countries.

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  12. The process of repenting in today's times, is made LESS 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😏😥😬🤐🤫🤭🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😒😒😒🙄 THANKS to, and I mean this, thanks to ;
    the fellow street skating, localised men and women, childs, who I see, applying their own sporting and mobility talent !
    Who skate ! 🧤🛴
    It makes the process of repenting, more tolerable.
    It makes those wearing the T.Shirt with the printed strike through circle over the skater graphic, on the front of the T.Shirt . . . A humourous response, as opposed to an antagonist response.
    So, my gratitude, lies with our skating club, for aiding my own repenting, yet completely UNaware, that they do.
    Perhaps it is the solace and comfort got, from the sense of : belonging.
    So, in relation to this, I am reminded that ; any conflicts of interest, is not mind.
    That's just lawyer talk, to justify professional ENVY; because they can't do it, skaters, and therefore, although demands of PROVING something that I don't know about, innocent of, socially manipulated or, carrot dangled at me or those in the skate wheels world, is not going to be a problem for me.
    No it is not readers.
    It's not my problem to prove something that I know nothing ABOUT, other than spotting another trap, and avoiding it.
    For the conflict of interest, was never mine.
    The conflict, is avoidable.
    And the interest, is too.
    Especially for a street skater who can merely roll off from the antagonists.
    So, I won't be proving anything. Because it's already been proved to me, what I need to understand that :
    1) The localised community are not my friends, nor my own community base.
    2) That I'm not going to be forced into the enemies style of sports and entertainment.
    3) I don't actually CARE anyway, what the Warrnambool FAKE MARRIAGES persons think to prove or disprove anything, as again , it's the FREEMASONS GAMES, to make anyone think, that something is worth expelling energy pursuing in order to find the treasure,
    when, my fine and balanced skating colleagues, when ;
    I already know, there is no treasure.
    There is no treasure to find, amongst these enemies of mine.
    There's no love LOST, because there's not love to start with amongst it.
    So again, my enemies are simply bored, and angered by our own INDEPENDENCE, aren't they ?
    As the street skater, doesn't need the nasty football and mixed martial arts fraternities nor how they themselves impose,
    these levels of FREEMASONRY.
    So basically, all this is to me, is a clear cut case of :
    Oh the Australian veterans affairs, pissed me off alright.
    And I'm perfectly okay with that.
    And the feral football fraternities, pissed me off alright.
    And I'm perfectly okay with it.
    And my own family, pissed me off, alright.
    And, I'm STILL okay with it.
    Because the treasure, has never been there, for me to PROVE, it exists.
    So again, I'm not part of this "community".
    And won't be FORCED to prove anything to them.
    Because it means nothing, to me to chase after stranger dangers.
    Those nasty netball/football meddling mother's and Father's, and membership, means NOTHING to me, to warrant PROVING something to them, other than steering the wheel controls AWAY from their own kinds.
    Which I will continue to do.
    Bunch of nasty embroiling old bags they are.😤😔💜
    I want to extend my deepest and 💓 felt gratitude to those, especially, who work in the retail sector who have put the brakes on, the whole "swap meet" FEEL going on, in the shopping arcades where the silly desperate and dateless all sit around the coffee tables and chairs everywhere, blocking the flow and glow channels, with the horrible John Williamson/Slim Dusty "TRUE BLUE" musician categories amplified playing all the drone drone drone insolent noise, being able to TAKE OVER, the consumer's affairs and trade skill.
    Thanks again for your courage, to be independent of the FREEMASONRY love bombing campaign.

  13. Please also have an intern look at the overdosing of patients at the failed WHO and Oxford hydroxychloroquine trials.
    Only need to look up lethal dose (around 4 g, 50 mg/kg) and dosage regimen (2.0 g on 1st day, 0.8 g each day thereafter). After how many days would the lethal dose be reached for a 5 ft female? and a 6.5 ft male?

  14. I expected to see a story on the fires or hurricanes not a few photos . and who cares about a porcupine in El Salvador , fake news cover the real news for a change

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