California experiences logjam of coronavirus test results

California experiences logjam of coronavirus test results

The state says more than 13,000 people are still awaiting their test results.


47 thoughts on “California experiences logjam of coronavirus test results

  1. Use your normal voice Willll!!!!
    It is bringing my laughter in these tough time!!! 😂😡

  2. 💓💞💕💖Amazon can't buy any masks now. If you have demand, you can go down this link to buy it. Their delivery is still very fast!💗💗💗💗 I really hope to help those in need. There is no malice.💗💗💞💓💓

  3. Yup, “anyone who wants a test can have a test” Trump. Just another lie. The only way to be positive that it’s safe to go back to work is to test everyone, so we aren’t going back to work anytime soon. Enjoy your summer😎

  4. 45 says we have enough tests and the tests are perfect and his whole bases believes it🤦‍♂️

  5. Hey Grover Norquist!!! How's that theory of yours working out? Remember?……"Shrink government small enough to drown it in a bathtub? Yeah! a real winner and no chicken dinner!
    ⸸rump is the anti-virus, King Cyrus-45. He'll fix it….once everyone is dead from his SUPER GENIUS level of incompetence! Let's hear it one more time……………

  6. Do you use a cell phone?Then you can check your own health. You can do your own corona virus test, check your temperature,  call you doctor, review your sleep and anxiety, note your blood pressure and O2 concentration and many more things. We just need the app.
    Virus detection app…DesiredCost: Less than a penny per testTime: less than 30 seconds a test Location: Can be done anywhere Conformation: Remote calibration

  7. More tests to take? Life is full of tests. 📚📝🖍️

  8. muy desagradable esto que nos pasa¡¡¡!!! pero sin duda vamos a superarlo les mando un beso 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

  9. Friends, please join this world event that has the power to change everything about the spread of the virus: It’s every Sunday, regardless of faith, race, beliefs, and where you are. It may sound like a cliché but we're all children of God, in this together. For our survival, the planet, and our children, here's the 5-minute video that sheds light on how we can turn the tide against this unprecedented trial, and pass it on: (It’s the summary of a longer 1.5 hour version.)

    A side note: The pinnacle of human wisdom is found in the Prophets and Messengers of God down the ages. It behooves us to listen to them closely at such a time, including those who are here in the same dimension as us. The Prophets represent the pinnacle of human and divine wisdom, but their words are often twisted by the prism of our mind and time, hence the confusion and conflicts about a lot of things. However, a time of cataclysm is also a time of opportunity where our senses are sharpened so we may hear the great ones directly with our heart, soul, and innate wisdom, and really understand them. If it were easy to make the connection between our past collective actions and the consequences thereof, we wouldn't be in this plight in the first place. Alas, the time delay of the retributions and our mind-ego-emotion complex get in the way. Yet, everything happens for good, as they say, but it's now or never if we want to be around to witness that good. The key point here is if you take away the packaging that comes with the culture, language, and individual expression of the Prophets, their core messages are the same, and they all say that disasters are the result of cumulative collective wrongs, such as violence, fear, and greed – because of the negative energy that builds up, though invisible. Only another more powerful energy can overcome it, though equally invisible, which is love. That's why collective positive thoughts and actions work – as suggested in the video. (The mind may say it’s not scientific – but one can easily point at Buddha or Jesus and say "prove your divine-nature-within talk," – it’s a higher science that’s beyond the mind – can only be proven by a higher faculty, called enlightened consciousness)

    A personal plea: I wrote a message of a similar nature on another site the other day and there was a negative response… I felt rather bad, like I had done him/her wrong. This is why: The law of cause and effect is in every major scripture, and there is grave repercussions in speaking against a true Master. Note that the founders of these religions were not understood or treated nicely. Why? Because the majority of the people in their times may have been good people, but had certain faiths and beliefs that they adhered to fervently. The prophet may have come with the same core message, but were invariably persecuted because they do not hold a candle to the glorified Masters of old in the minds of people. Since the highest purpose of human being is self-knowledge, it follows that those who harm these Masters or spoke against them face pretty serious consequences by hindering others from learning from these high-level beings through their words or actions. Remember, looks can be deceiving. Unless one has attained to full knowledge and is capable of infallible judgement of who the real Master is, it is better to refrain from saying anything based on the mind or on impulse. It’s just not worth it. If one has already done so without full-knowledge or thorough research (which shouldn’t be too hard in this day and age), the only salvation is to repent and do much good. Have no preconceptions – check it out…

  10. I got a log jam for ya! 🤣🤣🤣

  11. horrible lo que ocurre¡¡¡!!! pero pienso vamos a mejorar les mando un beso 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  12. if you can’t get tested and feel like you have the virus STAY HOME!!! please you will make such a difference. quarantine yourself from everyone you know it will save lives

  13. Don’t S Korea and Taiwan already have contract tracing? U.S is so behind on this.

  14. This Virus Is A Biological Weapon That Was Released By Red China 🇨🇳 And Now It Is Traveling All Through Out The World 🌎!!! Check It Out! Facts!!! I don’t know why but the News Media isn’t telling us the truth yet. I suppose they are trying to avoid panic, but it’s a little too late.

  15. Are you stuck inside all day and having back pain? You can buy a posture corrector at @t for 19.99 and use discount code Preventinjuries for 10% off or use discount Stayhealthy for buy one get second one for 20% off!

  16. There is no way I would put that on a phone app.
    Perfect excuse for more invasion of privacy and health privacy as well – opening you up for discrimination.

  17. Who cares about the flu?

  18. Why aren't a news agency reporting their real news That there's a severe dysfunction and lack of testing…. They are sending people who had not been tested back into the workplace after the 14 day marker and getting everybody sick.. refused give them another test make sure they are clean before they contaminate everybody else…. Were they had keep having waves and waves of outbreaks…. Besides there's 3 different types of CCP-19 Spreading around the same time…

  19. I can't believe news is actually reporting this this is going on everywhere they are turning people away refusing to test them even though they are sick.. Look at Florida

  20. We’re all gonna die

  21. Call Korea. Can’t we use there testing system? What’s the problem?

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