By the Numbers: Single women losing ground in economy

By the Numbers: Single women losing ground in economy

A look at how surging home prices and inflation, combined with lower median pay for unpartnered women, have left many single women behind in this economy.

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#ABCNLPrime #women #single #inequality #LowerPay #HomePrices #inflation #economy


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37 thoughts on “By the Numbers: Single women losing ground in economy

  1. The patriarchy strikes again with its manipulation! 💤😴💤😴💤

  2. Yeah, as a single woman I'm feeling it. There is no way I can do these prices alone. At one point I joked that I just needed a house partner 😖

  3. This is just more lies and propaganda. Men are getting afraid of the plummeting birth rates & marriage rates so they're trying to frighten us into becoming their live-in cooks & maids. No thanks. My investment portfolio is excellent. I'm thriving.

  4. Sad fact is, its pretty obvious we are headed for hyperinflation. I think stores better have tight security because when people can't afford to feed their families, things might get ugly.

  5. The comments are totally wrong. None of them take into consideration that many single women are raising a family after divorce or never married with dead beat fathers. You cannot support a family on $40,000 a year. Get real commenters.

  6. ⭐️🇺🇸🦅TRUMP2020🦅🇺🇸⭐️

  7. Is this a joke? Single gal business owner here. I utilize my time to create positive revenue and build abundance in society.

    Never depend on others to succeed in life unless it’s your awesome family.

    The Title should be corrected: Uneducated ignorant single women

  8. I’m literally living my best life single. Bills paid. Food stocked. All non essentials I want/need I have. Mental health at a all time high. THIS STORY IS BULLSHIT. 😂

  9. Is this a joke? Single gal business owner here. I utilize my time to create positive revenue and build abundance in society.

    Never depend on others to succeed in life unless it’s your awesome family.

    The Title should be corrected: Uneducated ignorant single women

  10. Lovethouaim
    Sunday sabha
    Towards beautiful life our past civilization claimed it all started from one our modern civilization also supported it by the big bang,Now the question is,it is love or hate which propelled us to expand?How did we out number every species and for what?Could we find any real answers for serious questions by becoming eight billion or just struggling,hating thuggin looting raping controlling exploiting governing selling buying why?Can we just stop and unite with one philosophy 'lovethou'.for developing caring and sharing to provide uniform education,medication,transportation,accommodation,adoration for all so we unitedly find the purpose of life on this planet.Finding answers to our serious questions to expel all our mythology to discover new ways to live participate with us.How long we live for stories of past when we will start to make our own to happiness peace liberty.Kindly come to be welcomed by Nitesh,Brajesh,Sunil,Jyoti.

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