By the Numbers: Republican election wins – Car Mod Pros Portal

Democrats won the White House, but Republicans made significant gains in Congress and in statehouses across the country.

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By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “By the Numbers: Republican election wins”
  1. I want to share my testimony on how i get cure of my HIV diseases with the help of Doctor Iyere, i have being suffering for this disease for a very long time now.i have try several means to get rid of of my HIV disease for the last three years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came in search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr.OSABA and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr.OSABA telling him about my HIV Virus he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over my body as the Doctor assured me that i am cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was true, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr.OSABA on [] sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends and to share this to every one that have any of this sickness you can call his whatssAp mobile via +2348132322488 or email

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  4. Get rid of more republicans we might get back a normal country to be proud of.Arizona keeps crooks in Gov on republican side

  5. Nixon, Bush, Trump, what a great collection of portraits in their “Hall of Infame”….

  6. Fake news right here

    Kemp and Raffensberger received kickbacks to institute the Dominion system. CIA used this system to throw votes in other countries.

    Hammer and scorecard


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    Likely both parties have used it in the past

  7. Why do American's believe Trump's Fake news and don't believe 261,790+ US Covid deaths?

    If Trump said he had an itchy ass, would itchy ass be the new US term?

    I live in New Zealand where we had 25 Covid deaths and are Covid free.

    We call fake news lies, road rage bad manners and dumb asses, dumb asses!

  8. Desperate Don is upset that Twitter, Facebook and Fox TV no longer want to publish his rants and lies.

    Don looks like a pinky who has dunked his face in a bowl of butter chicken curry.

    Don and his administration should all get jail time for spreading conspiracies causing 261,790+ needless deaths!

    Their fellow inmates can then ensure they are indoctrinated into the Every-night bitches fraternity!

  9. Has he media…. Has he? Our roaring 20's will be that of the great tribulation…."These things I have spoken unto you, that in me, ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
    Repent, turn from your wicked ways, the Kingdom of God is near. Jesus is getting ready to gather his elect & everything will be changed in the twinkling of an eye; you don't want to be left behind. God loves you & so do I.

  10. Rundown these numbers Fake-News ABC – the (PCR Test Numbers) Hospitals are not filling up with CV19 patients, and the PCR Test Numbers are FAKE (Proof) Over 20 cycles give false positives (the CDC says over 33 cycles are useless, and Dr. Fauci says over 34 is useless) > The PCR Tests in the United States are set at 37-45 cycles "mostly 40-45 cycles" – meaning (All Cases based on this test are meaningless and useless) 100% FRAUD ~Yet, Fauci has not said a word about the FAKE PCR Tests driving the Numbers. Proof Links available for anyone interested, including Video of Fauci saying over 34 are meaningless. BONUS – Video of Global Court Case by Lawyer Reiner Füllmich > over the FAKE PCR Test

  11. Pro quo Joe has not won this election yet! All votes not counted! God help us if Dementia Joe wins….tryouts to steal this election. Joe is owned by China and other Countries…Ukraine for example! Joe is a thief!

  12. Some thoughts and talking points on preparedness and patriotism in these uncertain times: The overarching issue of our time is the decline of the US as a prosperous, free, peaceful world power, and the rise of despotic China bent upon global domination. The US is currently under relentless siege by China that asserts economic and other warfare on US and our allies just up to, but not crossing, a kinetic war that would require a military response. Subversive elements within the US such as the biased news media monopolies and astro turf insurgency movements such as BLM and Antifa are essentially forward deployed fifth column traitors, sabotuers and enemy agitators. US leftist subversives are operating for, by, and with, China to weaken, destroy, and destabilize US militarily and economically. Antifa and BLM purport to be marxists seeking to tear down and reset US in their systemically racist image via a corrupt Biden regime. From my perspective BLM and Antifa represent the militant brown shirt styled collaborator thugs of the corrupt dysfunctional deep state establishment that is actively colluding with China to destroy US.

    US patriots are now faced with the clear and present danger of domestic enemies gradually destroying US economy, society, government, and culture. The ultimate goal of that insurgency will be to weaken US so badly that China, , etc .. may destroy, defeat, invade, and pillage US while slaughtering and displacing much or most of the US population. The rampant 2020 election fraud is a major development in this war upon US. Manipulations of fraudulent votes and voting machines are a major component of this attack on US democracy, freedoms and disruption of competent governance. Covid 19 may be characterized as a significant new medical condition, exceeding the Flu, hysterically exaggerated for 2020 election fraud, and to sabotage the US economy. The fact that Covid 19 was cultivated in a Chinese bio-weapons lab is an alarming escalation of the ongoing and perpetual attacks on US by China. More alarming is that China actively concealed the existance and release of Covid 19, for months, while China selectively spread the pandemic to US and globally. The magnitude of the Covid 19 attack on US is eclipsed only by the pro-Chinese anti-US news media propaganda traitors who ignore and obfuscate this fact, along with the obvious Chinese kickbacks and other corruption between Biden and China.

    Reasonable intelligent US patriots should be concerned about the next steps the anti-US leftist subversion movements may take. We should take a close look at subversion movements from a global and historic perspective. Virtually all communist styled revolutions are characterized by massive widespread attacks and genocide against those portrayed as enemies of the revolution. Patriots, Preppers, Christians and the like should expect to be the targets of escalating attacks by the current domestic enemy insurgency antifa goon squads endorsed by Biden.

    The question now is what should patriots and preppers do? … now is not the time for Patriots to act prematurely or irrationally. We should up the game of preparedness. This may include a review of gear and supplies and filling in gaps. This may include greater efforts to create and expand MAGs and networking between MAGs. Greater care to mitigate the inevitable enemy infiltrators, agitators and controlled opposition efforts. In this day of high tech spy gadgets, sensitive discussions could be restricted to hot tub sessions, LOL. YouTube and Patreon groups should provide greater directions to find links to places where intel, communications, bulletin boards, etc. exist. Efforts should be made to aid the vast majority of unattached patriots and preppers to seek out intel, local groups and activities. US Patriots should reject the efforts of the enemy anti-US fake news media to portray Militia groups as crackpots and extremists. We should instead accept the harsh reality that their time has come to emerge into the leadership roles they have long sacrificed and prepared for.

    Patriots should not seek out and engage in violent protests at this time, but do engage in peaceful protests, gatherings, and meet ups as a means to network with Patriots and MAGs. We may view peaceful rallies as a sort of roll call assembly and a venue to network. Large and small family style picnics at parks is a good way to engage and network, while social distancing for Covid 19. Motorcades are a fun, quick, and easy way to show support and comradery in a pandemic safe manner. IMHO it is better to frame events in a positive, rather than negative, perspective. E.g. instead of protesting election fraud, have a downtown or mainstreet motorcade to support free and fair elections followed by a number of small picnic gatherings at dispersed parks. Motorcades are a fun, quick, and easy way to show support and comradery. It is better to frame events in a positive, rather than negative, perspective. E.g. instead of protesting election fraud, have a downtown or mainstreet motorcade to support free and fair elections followed by a number of small picnic gatherings at dispersed parks.

    Close order drill basic training has proven effective at cultivating discipline and precision for centuries. Von Stuben is credited for turning the defeated valley forge rag tag into a dominant military force largely thru drills and better food. An army does literally march on it's stomach, and in an era of mercenaries it was often the deciding factor. Eat well in this time of plenty, as Biden's promise of a dark winter may last much much longer. Small group activities could include regular 'range day' events for gun use and safety training, and a small fee for experts that organize the training would be appropriate. Same thing for first aid, food storage and the many other aspects of preparedness and self reliance. Well organized prepper, patriot, or Militia groups should engage in outreach and training to help develop loosely affiliated MAGs for the majority of unaffiliated preppers and patriots out there.

    Our future may rapidly take a very terrible and horrible turn and the tranquil silence we are now experiencing may just be the calm before the storm. We are now given this little time to take the last minute preparations that may well mean life or death for US and our families if and when that storm breaks down our doors. US patriots may be soon viewed as a free US resistance movement opposing the illegitimate authoritarian globalist regime. We may look to history on how successful resistance movements operated. Generally they are organized in small teams or squads with elected leaders and rank based upon expertise, training, and experience. Leaders coordinated with other groups, and small scale operations were often planned outside the immediate proximity of the group. The WW2 French Resistance is the classic example of occupation by an enemy power.

    The current US trend toward a corrupt illegitimate leftist globalist authoritarian regime is similar to the 1920s era IRA. Pre-independence Ireland was generally ruled by ambivalent Irish Loyalists. The Irish Republican Army [IRA] fought for a independent democratic Republic free from long established colonial rule and affiliation. US patriots generally support a strong independent democratic US Republic and oppose the leftist trend toward pro-China subservient globalization, open borders, etc. Hence US patriots, militias, etc may be characterized as an American Republican Army [ARA]. A main difference between the IRA and US Patriots is that the IRA had a clear hard target enemy in the British Army, while US patriots tend to mirror popular support of US troops, veterans, etc. This will make targeting different, and more difficult, for a US resistance to a hypothetical illegitimate authoritarian leftist regime.

    Most 1920s era IRA activity was non military persuasion and pilfering of enemy resources. Virtually all IRA military actions were small team guerilla ambush, sniping, cut and run. A typical IRA operation would be a small disbursed team walking days across the countryside, avoiding roads, retrieving a cache of arms, ambushing a high value target coordinated by another team. There were few large IRA engagements, all were military defeats and propaganda victories that advanced popular support for the IRA. The 1916 Easter uprising of about 2500 IRA, including large numbers of women, vs. 16,000 British regulars was the largest IRA engagement and one sided defeat.

    We could envision a scenario where loosely affiliated ARA teams would begin recovering leftist urban areas in the central US homeland and then expanding operations outward lastly toward the large leftist urban strongholds such as NYC, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, etc, etc. Area access and resource denial would likely be central to mitigating the leftist urban strongholds. A Robin Hood styled resistance may emerge to the leftist regime oppression and taxing rural poor while rewarding and funding urban leftist subversives and collaborators. [Which is arguably already happening.]

    The time may be coming soon when patriots may be forced to defend their lives, liberty and property from an illegitimate authoritarian corrupt treasonous leftist regime. That regime will use subversives such as Antifa and BLM to covertly hunt down and kill enemies of their revolution. We should all be prepared for this increasingly likely event.

  13. the far right natzis (republicans) want to turn this into Germany 90 years ago. All of Germany can see it & they think we are blind to it.

  14. Politics, prevents real progress. It's a shame that all elected officials do not work for the good and advancement of the people. When we go we take nothing with us. In this we are all equal.

  15. I’m so glad this “reporter” knows that Joe Biden won the presidency. NOT!! Apparently she believes it’s only the big bad Republicans who will resort to gerrymandering. Talk about a slanted report.

  16. Just to be clear, this segment is not saying that Republican Victories are a bad thing. They’re just pointing out the results. That’s it.

  17. Republicans always tryna change the district’s to their favor, pretty soon you’ll see cities cut up into 100 small pieces just to get the electoral.

  18. You start off, first words out of your mouth are a LIE. This is a treasonous thing the news is doing. Lying in Mass first to sway an election, then LYING about it. ONLY YOU called the election. It is far from over. You LIE to your viewers, like they have no brain, by telling them, oh ,this is so bad I can't show you" or I can't let you hear this" . YOU are censoring your viewers from using their OWN brain. Here is what was said, and it will be proven:
    Learn what fauci and bill gates have to gain from this virus, why they did it:

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