By the Numbers: Gender identity on passports

By the Numbers: Gender identity on passports

The U.S. State Department is rolling out passports that will allow Americans to identify themselves with the gender “X” beginning on April 11.


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23 thoughts on “By the Numbers: Gender identity on passports

  1. Fast forward to 5 years "state department is taking measures to include humans who feel like a horse and a gold fish to be identified on their passports…. don't surprise if the statement above happens because that is where society is headed!

  2. I identify as a potato and have gone through several treatments to complete the look including removal of ears, nose, and a shaved head.

  3. So if a man identifies as a woman and goes get surgery to make himself a woman as well as take hormone pills, doesn't that prove that he is naturally a guy who can't be a woman without giving himself chemicals.

  4. This is exciting because so many other countries don't allow this so now the "Neo-Karens" will be in an uproar for attention and then ABC will have more new stories.. 🤣

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