By the Numbers: Biden’s $15 per hour minimum wage plan – Car Mod Pros Portal

What President-elect Joe Biden’s minimum wage hike proposal could mean for low-wage workers and the U.S. economy.

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By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “By the Numbers: Biden’s $15 per hour minimum wage plan”
  1. Cost of living will sky 🚀 and kill the middle class 🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. People need to understand what is really going on. These companies are not concerned about not making profit and they aren’t going to fire a bunch of people because they can’t sell their goods if they do so. As for automation, that’s been going on since the industrial revolution, so minimum wage staying the same wouldn’t stop that at all. It’s already happening. Companies are concerned ONLY with not making the amount of profit that they got used to during the last decade of taking advantage of the low cost of employment all while still hiking their prices steadily every two years, using every news headline as an excuse to charge more for products regardless if they were actually affected or not. It is a scam and any business still paying $7.50 to date is one that isn’t to be trusted. It is only moral to makes sure that your employees are not starving while working to death for you, and many just do not care!

    The cost of basic consumer goods have nearly tripled since 2013. The last minimum wage increase was in 2009. So companies have been making serious bank over the last decade while allowing their employees to scrape at the bottom of barrels. Minimum wage jobs also don’t offer health insurance and haven’t for the majority of the decade since the last wage increase. So now take the blindfold off and see it the way you should have without the smoke and mirrors these companies are putting up. These companies have gotten so filthy rich over the last decade because they have been so cheap on their workers. Now they are being called out for it, and they’re responding by raising the prices on customers so that hopefully there will be push back from increasing employees wages.

    Any company that engages in price gouging while increasing minimum wage, especially a huge chain like Dick’s, should be boycotted because they are essentially punishing everyone for their profit margin dropping just a little. They often work minimum wage employees very hard all while treating them as expendable and reminding them how replaceable they are. It’s time that these companies value other people’s time and the energy they put into giving consumers quality service. Every good experience you have with a company is because those low-level frontline workers. It isn’t the management or the owners that are assisting you or helping you, it’s the people who need a wage increase just to survive in our modern economy. So think hard about whose side you’re on. When people become desperate, they become miserable, so don’t expect them to wait on you hand and foot with a smile. That’s asinine.

    These workers also have to resort to government programs which utilize your tax dollars, so don’t forget you are bearing the brunt of burden since these big companies enjoy all the big tax breaks. They aren’t the ones covering Medicaid, SNAP, etc… and finally, when enough people become desperate, the crime rate will go up essentially everywhere and it will inevitably bleed over to where you live. There’s nothing worth taking in the ghetto, so if you think it will be an isolated problem, you’re incredibly naive. It’s time to stop these big companies from all their whining and taking advantage of workers. They are well overdue to take care of their workers and end the slavery that is the current minimum wage.

    Anyway, how is a single parent supposed to house and feed their kid if they make only $7.50/hr. You can’t even buy a meal for $7.50 anymore.

  3. Why everyone saying they would go to McDonald’s there are other fast food restaurants u can go to t ya know

  4. Worst idea ever, now prices will go up in the stores. Plus i work with people that has been on their jobs for 5 years that are making 14.50 a hour, and they will be training a new hire for 15.00 a hour good luck. Plus the illegal aliens that biden wants to make legal good luck there. Every democrats wants to screw up so bad, and i don't know why? Just wait for the price's to go up at the minimum wage area's 10.00 for a Cheeseburger. Reallyl helping who?

  5. Went to my local McDonalds and ordered a 10pc chicken nugget. Got it home to find there were only 8pc. in the box. Have to ask why they think they deserve a $15.00 minimum wage when they can't count to ten. Again went to Big Lots and bought an item for 5.74 gave the cashier a ten dollar bill and had to watch her try to figure the right change even though the register was telling her what to give back. Lastly, went to KFC and ordered dinner for my family. had to stand there while the people behind the counter argued about who was going to bagged the order.These people with their poor customer service really think they deserve more money?

  6. I can not and will not pay $15 for a hamburger. $15 an hour is too much for kids in high school. Fast food restaurants will become a thing of the past as they are already damaged by Covid 19. Some unskilled labor jobs are for kids and they are not designed to support families, they are designed to teach kids while earning a little money. Our economy could never support paying them $15 an hour as food prices would be too expensive. It would be cheaper for me to go to the grocery store and buy a steak for lunch than the purchase a hamburger from a fast food chain. I am in full support of responsible adults raising a family making $15 an hour, not unskilled fast food workers. When I was a kid I worked after school taking tickets at the door at a movie theater and I earned $1.40 per hour. Could you imagine how much it would have cost to watch a movie if they had to pay me $15 an hour? All of these types of jobs would simply go away and our teenagers would not be able to find any kind of job at all. Anyone that does not understand this, go back and finish high school it's not too late.

  7. Raising the minimum wage will primarily hurt minority and young workers, and will reduce jobs. It can also make it impossible for the most vulnerable at the margins to survive (i.e., no family to move in with, very low skills, other psychological problems, etc.) That group may just move to the streets. (As LA and San Francisco proved.) The evidence is absolutely overwhelming that the minimum wage kills jobs, and the evidence spans decades. This is a literature review of all the data and studies done on the minimum wage, produced by the venerable National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER):

    Big business is lobbying to raise the minimum wage (and, indeed, both Walmart and Amazon have been in the news lately pushing for it!) The reason is simple: It's a way of crowding out small business competition by large companies whose cost per unit of production (due to a much larger market share) is much lower than that of small businesses. In short, it costs the huge corporations less to pay $15. It's just that simple. It is far less costly to just lobby government for a minimum wage hike, than for big businesses to earn their way honestly, by out-competing smaller companies on the basis of quality, prices, convenience, etc. This is NOT a minor issue, as around 60% of workers work for small businesses, according to the Chamber of Commerce.

    This issue is one of the worst examples of the Democrat Party being anti-science, supporting institutional racism, stacking the odds against poor people, and doing the bidding of Big Business. (The right has similarly idiotic beliefs, corruption, and anti-intellectualism, just a different set.)

  8. I work in an automotive industry here in Michigan if Democrats pass the 15 dls an hour i will quit my job and go flip burgers in McDonalds in the AC😡

  9. The democrats need this 15$ minimum wage for federal workers because they have to buy loyalty before they begin their deconstruction of our nations foundation….or continue to…

  10. * Congress Goes without pay the rest of the year* We can afford this. WE NEED THIS on the next Ballot. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  11. Question. 15 dollars an hour coming from this stimulus plan. Isn’t it the businesses that have to pay this out. So is the government trying to tell me a a lie. Like they are footing the bill on this.

  12. Minimum wage is for a high school kid get off your ass and get a real job not working at fucking McDonald’s

  13. I live in the Midwest and work for 18.00 and that’s good money. If you think I’m going to weld for that when some kid is making 15.00 at McDonald’s you’re out of your fucking mind. We don’t all live in New York or Cali where rent is 1200 for a Studio.

  14. It isn't bidens plan its the troublemakers idea! All it is doing is eliminating jobs and pissing people off that busted ass to climb the ladder to and make just above the $15 an hour! All it does is take the sense of accomplishment and pride away from someone that earned it and some lazy fk that has been a freeloader their whole life can sit on his ass and make damn near what you do!

  15. What’s magic about $15/hr.!? A good starting point but for real change for me and my people there should be no ceiling. Perhaps $5 per year increases? To keep up with inflations ? My people are dying and starving on minimum wage . BLM ✊🏿!!!!

  16. $15 an hour wage is an illusion. The Democrats are going to raise taxes on everything at the federal level and the Democratic states will follow. These poor people and their buying power will be net zero.

  17. Anyone who supports AOC, Bernie etc. should be shipped to Venezuela. Maduro increased Venezuela's minimum wage by about 500X and made poor people millionaires so he's a great leader by their logic.

  18. I understand a 20% in one year if the economy is doing well not 107% in one go in a recession thats suicide it has to fail unless it s effect range is less than 25% in wage ripple terms as a lot of goods and services will cost more you should put money into roads bridges and transport canals instead of making efforts to bankrupt small business.

  19. Allow Workers to retire with fuk benefits at 55, get the old folks out of the work force so the young kids can build their lives. biden the china puppet lied his fucking ass off the scum bag loser. WE WANT TRUMP!!!!!

  20. You know who’s the largest welfare recipient? USA government. They call it taxes. If you don’t want socialism start with them.

  21. Love all the 🤪 in the comments. Mc D takes in Billions in profit but somehow if they paid $15 an hour to its employees the prices will go up. Well yes greed has no end. Cost of living has been going up for the last 30 years but wages have been stagnant.I CANT WAIT TILL THE WORLD DROPS THE USA PETRO DOLLAR. By the way to Republicans destroy the working & middle class. Nixon & Reagan. Clinton gave the Banks power over USA Economy. USA not a country it’s a business. Health care, prison, schools. You get it.

  22. He's already started his job loss program by ending the pipeline, what's another 3 million jobs loss. This administration will lose more jobs than they'll ever create.

  23. BIDEN 15 BUCKS= 11 MILLION Mexicans now legal can chain migrate ALL OF THEIR FAMILIES (15 dollars is over the poverty index)WHICH MEANS GUESS WHAT….EVERY WHITE AND BLACK BLUE COLLAR WORKER WILL NOW HAVE TO COMPETE…with "victims" sending money home which turns into 50 bucks an hour…stop believing the BS that every Mexican moving here wants to be part of the "American Dream" and be accepted into the suburbs .The truth is Mexico has fed our Meth,Crack,Heroin,and gang problem.Biden doesnt care he wants easy votes.GREED TAKES MANY FORMS!

  24. Say hello to higher unemployment —especially in low income areas. Moron lawyers in government are clueless.

  25. What don't these people understand that they will have the "minimum" still… Meaning the cost of living goes up that much. You then move the middle glass and the ones making more than the minimum that much closer to poverty.

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