By the Numbers: Airline to pay passengers coronavirus expenses

By the Numbers: Airline to pay passengers coronavirus expenses

Emirates said it will pay medical expenses and quarantine costs if passengers catch COVID-19 on its flights, as airlines struggle amid the pandemic.

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27 thoughts on “By the Numbers: Airline to pay passengers coronavirus expenses

  1. In regards to the plane, and them saying if you get it on the actual trip, how many people go more than 14 days on a trip? After 2 weeks, you realize that you have coronavirus, and I don't think many people stay OVER 2 weeks on a trip. So, their scam is worthless. Than, you also have to prove that you got the virus while on the trip instead of before the trip.

  2. WHAT AFTER THEY DIE!!!!!!! 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

  3. Meanwhile in actual news, Portland mayor gets booed, gassed, and objects thrown at him by "peaceful protestors" and St Louis prosecutor who charged a white couple for defending their home from BLM thugs get caught tampering with evidence.

    Seriously, where's that news??

    Enemy of the people

  4. That's funny, if you are in the hospital for (30) days your medical and hospital expenses will be easily $500,000 …..There was a guy released here in Arizona who was in the hospital (61 days) and (30 of those in ICU)…… His medical and hospital bills total $1.8 million dollars …….

  5. But what if you die? Also are they paying for emotional stress and suffering ? What about wages lost? What about therapy for the family if their loved one dies and funeral expenses? This airline can go to hell!

  6. Well you have to have international health insurance to enter dubai along with a negative covid test ,,, well try and find a travel insurance company that will cover covid 🤔 good luck on that !

  7. Viruses, microbes and bаcteria live cоnstantly in the human body. Including Koch's bacilli, influenza, pneumococci, in general, almost the entire set that exists in nature. In small doses that enter us through the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. If humanity is not yet extinct, what does this mean, our immunity is successfully fighting and fighting them.

    If you cоnstantly wear a mediсal mаsk after оne and a half to two hours, the concentration of all microorganisms on its surface and a humid and warm environment is constantly increasing. Masks are an incubator for their reproduction, the cоncentration of microorganisms becomes so high that you have no chance of staying healthy, regardless of whether how strong your immunity is, it simply does not persist. You inhale the сoncentrate of viruses and bacteria thаt has accumulated and multiplied on your mask. With each exhale, there are more and more of them.

    Here is no second wave of соronavirus in Belarus. In Sweden there is no second wave of coronavirus.

    In countries where there was no quarantine, the epidemic is over.

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