Martha Raddatz interviews 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on “This Week.”
Buybacks ‘the biggest tool in your toolbox’ on gun control: Gillibrand

Were not giving you a fucking thing come take them
come and take them bitch
Treason is punishable by what again?
Sorry mine aren't for sale!
I cant believe the amount of people who actually support this confiscation. You people are nuts. First, it is our right to own these weapons. Second, if they were eliminated, nothing would change. Violence would still happen. The crazies that want to hurt people will still hurt people. It is not a gun problem, it's a people problem but attacking the innocent and their guns is the easy way.
She is the fakest human being and flip flops based on oppurtunity. Disgusting. She can't even be considered for president. It'd be a disgrace to this country.
What a skank!
You can buy BACK something you didnt sell me. I didnt get my gun from you and I'm not selling it to you.
Another joke talking I guess she has hope to be president but we all know the truth TRUMP 2020
Nah B
Gun Buy backs are a JOKE! Because people only give up Junk Guns during buybacks. No one in their right mind will give up a $800-$5000 Assault rifle for $100 buy back! Even if the Government offered full retail most gun owners would never voluntarily give up their firearms. And, even if all the gun control laws were actually passed local police and military will never enforce such laws because it would mean possibly using lethal force against the the public.
So democrats will give us free education, free health care, buy back all guns in America and open the borders to all the world. I get thats what they want to do but how will they pay for all that? What are their proposed tax increases? Give us the details not just a wish list.
So, you’re gonna buy back, & give me over 5K in cash for the money, & upgrades spent on my SP5K? You don’t have the cash to even buy back $19.99 (As Seen on TV) Hi Point’s. Good luck with that, Gillibrand……The imbecile’s, imbecile.
$98K- $24K std deduction- $4K (15% SS exemption) = $70K, 4 Kids= $8K child tax credit, =$0 tax
That's Trump
$4K in Tax to pay for Medicare for All, I have health care paid by a former employer
That's the Dems
I like not paying Taxes,
3:10 believe in first amendment 4:10 get rid of second amendment 😂😂😂what a joke , let’s just pick a choose though the bill of rights, I wonder if she be ok with getting rid of 19th amendment
They can buy any gun they want if the public wants to sell it. If they force folks to do it, they are going to get a lot of great people killed.
Approximately 29 Americans are murdered everyday by Drunk Drivers. Buyback all alcohol. Idiot..
The government did not sell me my guns, therefore they can't "buy" them back.
She dodged the real question. WHAT IF THEY DON'T COMPLY. obviously they will come kill you. You people really think we will just turn them in.
I can build guns for $50 a unit.
I may be able to do it at $25 a unit or less.
Technology surpassed your victim disarming "gun control" in 1751 and bypassed it in 1941 & 1942.
Gillibrand needs some spanking.
There’s so many gun laws that don’t work. Criminals don’t care about laws. So who are you lying to when you say finger printing will prevent gun violence. People are crazy period. Protect your family with a gun period.
# stupid bottom feeder liberal
There should be consideration for a requirement that all firearm owners have completed a training course about handling a gun properly, ensuring the person is well informed in owning a firearm. At the same time, there should be a certification issued along with the permit to own a gun as well as a background check. I think it is common sense to know how to handle a firearm before owning one; that would cut down on misuse, misidentification, and uncertainty about who is carrying one. It would reduce confusion and still keep the constitution in check–which is critical!!
The only people who would participate are Leftists who feel guilty or scared.
My guns are not for sale!
Do these dumbfucks not realize that school shootings are a small number of people that end up dying not taking away from how sad and messed up it is and there all worried about banning guns but if they were to come to take them there would literally be a civil war lmao
cant buy back what you never owned.
When do we officially find out that she is not one of the clowns at the September debate? Not soon enough….
I truly love how you refer to the 1st Amendment over and over again. When it benefits you. Yet when you were on the Bill Maher show. You cheered that Alex Jones was banned off Twitter Facebook and said how great that was. HYPOCRITE!!!!!! How are you gonna buy something back that you never owned in the 1st place? Assault weapons AKA machines guns have been banned since 1986. Because assault rifles you filp a switch and it goes fully automatic. There has been a tax on machine guns since 1934. If you want to own a machine gun you must pay a federal tax, go through local background check, a federal background check, fingerprinted kept on file, and your Country Sheriff must sign off on your paperwork saying you're in good standing with the community. Not to mention there has never been a legally registered machine gun ever used to commit a crime. Sporting rifles such as the AR15 Look like rifles used by our military but they are incapable of going fully automatic. The same way a V6 Mustang is not a 1000 horse power Cobra Mustang. The Cobra Mustang can go to 200 mph the V6 Mustang can't even come close.
She should set an example by being the first in the door to the first house to ask for the rifles back
Ma’am, with all due respect, you’re a hypocritical, double speaking idiot.
honest question, after rifles are banned will you be appeased and stop there or will you then want to restrict handguns? by anti gun logic you'd have to ban handguns too, considering they are actually used in the vast majority of mass shootings and overall gun homicide.
she is a 2 faced liar. just a week ago she said there would be no grandfather clause that lets you register and keep your rifle. she said "if you're caught owning an assault weapon, its a felony charge"
dont let them lie to you. they want to outright ban semi auto rifles and put you in prison if you dont give it up. even .22 rifles would be banned. handguns would be next, you're a fool if you think they'd leave them legal
A gun buyback would cripple our economy. There’s hundreds of millions of guns in circulation in the US, most of them are $500< and people actually think it’s a good idea. I’m not a big gun person but the moron that thought this would be a good idea should retire.
It's crazy that all this talk about gun bans pushes gun sales. That tells you what the people really want.
Mandatory buyback and she supports this. Well I guess I'm voting for trump. It's almost like the dems dont want to win the next election
Circumvent Democrat gun control/gun buyback by having and carrying a Jo staff as a weapon.
Kirsty, "mandatory buybacks" are confiscation. If you feel this strongly about your fascist wet dream of making peaceful gun owners felons overnight, I suggest you have the courage of your convictions and be first through the door.
Ummm good luck.
How does one buy back something that never belonged to them in the first place?
Forced gun buy backs are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Gun bans are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. In fact 99% of the gun control Dems want is UNCONSTITUTIONAL
how will blcoking trade do anything. people are SOOO FUCKING STUPID THEY WONT HURT THE PEOPLE IN POWER IDIOTS
The libs are merely Penn and Teller acts of misdirection while the real trick is taking away all weapons. They do not care about the loss of life, nly guns, then the Constitution which they are already working on with stupidity like "red flag" issues. All they have to do is red flag you and then it is up to you to prove them wrong. Does this sound like justice to you? We have 70,000 overdoses, 600,000 abortions, 23,000 suicides, 50,000 beatings, stabbings, 17,000 shootings, unresearched number of adults killing children, raping women but they are not doing anything about this, only guns. There are already laws on the book they do not enforce starting with the illegals. If the authorities are not going to enforce the laws equally, why should the people follow them? Buyback is stupid and just a dramatic play for votes but has no value. Are the criminals going to turn in their illegal, stolen, black market weapons? I don't think so. The purpose is to disarm the good because they are the many which they fear. How can we trust the government to protect us when they do not want to protect this country?
This chick is miss informed. Most people are killed on by pistols either in gang related crimes or suicides
Something these simple minded politicians don't seem to understand is America is different. The right to bear arms is in our constitution. It shall not be infringed. It is a God given right the government cannot take away. It is the reason we have more freedom than any country on earth. Britain tried to ban guns in America just before the Revolutionary war. The 2nd ammendment is ingrained into our country, society and beliefs. People will not just give their human rights away for a few dollars. You will ignite a powder keg.