Buttigieg makes 1st Democratic debate spin room appearance – Car Mod Pros Portal

WATCH THE FULL DEBATE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UWVO0Trd1c

Mayor Pete Buttigieg said that he’s electable as president because he comes from outside Washington and represents a new generation.

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By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Buttigieg makes 1st Democratic debate spin room appearance”
  1. I've been under Pete's spell for a while, but my interest is fading. His greatest asset is smooth talking. Makes him a classic politician. He doesn't answer any questions directly, just slips on by. He even got a complete softball at the end asking if someone he met changed his views and he spun it as how he's changing republicans minds.

  2. If Pete Budegeig were to debate against Donald….. Donald would look like an incompetent soiled infant in a ring trying to win a fight against a UFC fighter or a boxing champ legend: lost, dizzy, beaten and knocked out.

    He couldn’t follow a word into the intro of Pete’s intelligent, rapid knowledge sentences with the language, vocabulary and knowledge Pete has in his eyelash.
    It would be O-V-E-R and night-night for that babbling buffoon.

    The ONLY ….ONLY reason Butegeig wouldn’t even be considered is because America would rather have a misogynistic philandering rapist and a moron who is the most UN American person possible and also a criminal traitor – all that is ok but gasp Omg we cant allow a gay man be a leader?!

    Pete would leas us into respectability which we have nine around the planet, and rebirth after this constitutional massacre done by Donald
    Not to mention: lead he would with a still, stable mind and also not ignorant about the existential and ecological crisis we are in

    Pete is brilliant – intellectually and really, in every way.

  3. He seems smart and speaks eloquently. However if he cant fix the issues in his own city for the time he has been there why would i think he can fix the even more complex issues of the US. I think he needs more experience and i also dont see him as a true leader or an outside the box problem solver. Lets see what happens as the election draws closer

  4. The Issue Pete faces, is that his message is already running as a nominee. He wants to unite the country not just the Democrats. While some churches will never vote for him because he's a gay man, others would vote for him because he has shown faith in its best aspects. He is too reasonable in his aspirations, Democrats want healthcare for all, so he came up with a path to get us there. He doesn't promise an extreme in hopes to meet Republicans in the middle. He is the only candidate that would take 60% or more of the national vote. Some of the others will win, but not with enough of a majority to make politicians notice.

  5. Pete is articulate and looks good BUT he is too nice. He wouldn’t last in a debate against Trump. He would look like his son or sum

  6. Very gracious and classy candidates for President, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
    Mayor Pete for being 37 years old, is intellectual, war veteran who gives sensible answers in the President Debate. What a great role model for young and older voters.
    Voters of all ages, nationalities, democrats, independent & republicans should give him a chance

  7. I don't know what's more crazy that the 37 year old is the adult in the room or that the media seems insistent on ignoring it.
    The questions about SBPD are garbage. Pete has lead the reform of the SBPD and faced hell the whole way for it but has achieved dozens of reforms regardless. Bias training, civil rights training, de-escalation training, use of force database, majority minority oversight board, community policing, all of it was Pete's doing.
    Pete changed SB 180 degrees. It's america's folly to dismiss and marginalize this guy. He has the brains, the heart and the nerve.

  8. If you support Pete Buttigieg and aren't rich, you're a fucking idiot. You are supporting an empty suit who would do nothing whatsoever to improve your life.

  9. LMAO what do you people even like about your insurance? What SPECIFIC thing do you like? I've never heard what exactly these people like about their insurance all I ever hear is "I like my private insurance"

  10. Good ol' buttfunk Bootyjudge🐂💩🐂💩

  11. Honest question: who pays for Pete's campaign? Could you find out?
    Is it corporate interest?
    'cause the man is articulate, but I trust Bernie 100% to bring the real change needed.

  12. I don't agree with Pete's policies, and I prefer many of the candidates over him, but his charisma and wit is admirable.

  13. If Pete was really concerned about choice for Americans in healthcare, he’d propose a plan that follows the evidence we see across the world, which is that good multipayer systems are possible IF insurance companies are nonprofit, with drastically lower CEO pay, and significant regulation. The fact that his plan goes against that evidence shows that he’s making a strategic decision to not piss off the powerful insurance lobbyists while improving things somewhat, that’s cowardly and it’s long term dangerous because a public option is much easier politically to sabotage/cut/repeal, and that’ll set us back even more decades to actual universal affordable healthcare. His rhetoric is good but he’s really an old school establishment calculated centrist from the Clinton/third way vein, and that’s unacceptable to most democrats in 2019, thank god.

  14. When is this country going to realize it is the Liberal Democratic Party who throws the words Bigotry, Prejudice, Racism, and White Supremacy over and over ad-nauseam….Are the Republicans calling the Liberal Democrats these words??? I don't think so……My Grandmother use to say "ME THINKS THEE PROTESTS TOO MUCH"…….

  15. Pete: Speaks with intelligence and passion at a rapid-fire pace without pausing so as to say all he can in the time allotted.
    Trump: They call him boot edge edge. Boot edge edge (waits for laughter). 😑

  16. He is so smart. His intelligence reminds me of Bill Clinton; both are Mensa, as is HRC. I would love to see Pete and Warren on the same ticket.

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